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View Full Version : hardcore and Jungle records back catalog torrents

03-19-2008, 10:17 PM
Been scouring google and all sorts of torrent search engines for a while now with no luck, decided to give it a shot here.

Im looking for some places that do high quality vinyl rips of various hardcore label back catalogs like Traxtorm Records, Ruffneck Records, Neophyte. Also a few reliable sites for some old Jungle label back cats like RAM if possible. Nothing too underground right now. all ive found till now, the tracks have half of them cut off, the quality is rubbish and sometimes theyre not even the right tracks.

I know a group that did a load of decent rips called onereal or something. I have a few, havnt managed to find the rest of their rips since theyre all hidden in the trashy ones.

Thanks in advance if you can help.

damn. sorry about that, i clicked the wrong section by accident and cant delete, my bad.

03-22-2008, 07:07 PM
deepbassnine is pretty good for stuff like that... don't have any invites though I'm afraid.
If you can get one it's well worth it though, for the Jungle definitely. Wouldn't really know about the hardcore as it ain't my thing.

Something Else
03-22-2008, 09:05 PM
Soulseek is good for that stuff. :smilie4:

04-18-2008, 05:43 PM
sorry its been a while without connection for me, thanks for replying.

ttr738, thanks for the suggestion, how hard would you say it is to get hold of one of these invites to deepbassnine? cant really say i have a lot to offer.

benchez, thanks, yeah ive been on soulseek for a long time, its alright, but hard to find good quality rips on. plus its lacking a few EPs and singles i like that noone else seems to have heard of, as awesome as they were..

thanks for the dnbcafe link, never seen that one before, just looking through now.

04-18-2008, 10:19 PM
Theres an irc channel on rizon called dnb they host some old ram stuff, most the older older stuff u want wont be there but peeps there will prolly no where to go ;)