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View Full Version : Quick question regarding system w/ 2 HDs

03-20-2008, 07:27 PM
Just a simple question here. I'll be getting another hard drive soon after struggling with an 80GB since forever, and I was just wondering how I should set up the system? Should I do it with the OS on one HD, and programs and files on the other, or should I do it with OS and programs on one, and files on the other?

03-20-2008, 08:16 PM
os and programs/games on one.....files on the other. thats how i have it set up. i use the second hdd just for bittorrent

03-20-2008, 11:02 PM
Put your OS and programs on one and the page file and saved data on the other.

03-20-2008, 11:07 PM
Put your OS and programs on one and the page file and saved data on the other.

right i forgot to mention the pf

03-22-2008, 01:10 AM
I would actually go a step further and partition your original hd and put the os/programs on it then you'll have another partition + another hdd for files. This way will prevent data loss/corrupted files from a virus or what have you.

A (relatively) easy way to do this would be, when you get your new hdd, copy any video/mp3 files over to your new hdd and download and install norton ghost, make a backup of your original hdd (streamline it by deleting temp. files, removing programs you don't use and so forth) and then partition the disc. If you partition the disc to say, 40gigs each you can load the backup of your original os/programs onto it and then say use the rest of the 40 gigs for music, and use the new hdd for videos.

Set it up however you want but thats just an example to get the ideas flowing.

03-22-2008, 03:33 AM
What I do with my multiple drives is this:
I have 2x250gb drives in raid-0 for OS and apps
I have a 750gb drive for pagefile, personal folder (my docs, my music, etc), and backups
I use Acronis to schedule a regular backup to be done of my raid array and saved to my data drive.
It's nice having over 1TB of space... :)

03-22-2008, 06:20 AM
I'd install your games on the other HDD. One thing I've learned is that HDD speed really matters. You'll want all the HDDs RPMs going to your game and not being split between the game and the OS. Also, the new HDD probably has a better seek time than your 80GB.

03-25-2008, 10:15 PM
What I do with my multiple drives is this:
I have 2x250gb drives in raid-0 for OS and apps
I have a 750gb drive for pagefile, personal folder (my docs, my music, etc), and backups
I use Acronis to schedule a regular backup to be done of my raid array and saved to my data drive.
It's nice having over 1TB of space... :)

If you can afford 1TB of space, go for it... :)
If you can't and you have a RAID controller, i would by another 80GB (It's better to get the exact same type) and setup a 160GB RAID-0 configuration for the O/S, PF and Games.
Then use the new drive for storage: Video, Music, etc...

If you do have a RAID controller you should consider it since it will really boost up your system's performance and 2nd 80GB drives should be really cheap.