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View Full Version : Any possible way to get Waffles invite

03-29-2008, 04:21 PM
Hi, I was wondering if theres any ways I can get a free waffles invite. Been trying to get in for a while now but having a horrible time. Please if theres anyone out there willing to provide an invite can you send me a tell. thanks in advance really do appreciate it. I use to be a power user in oink so its really frustrating to have that great site taken away. No other place to really find the music i'm looking for.

03-29-2008, 04:58 PM
Waffles invites are closed right now but when they're open I'll invite ya.

03-30-2008, 08:28 PM
thanks =)

04-26-2008, 07:35 AM
curious if waffles was open for invites yet?