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View Full Version : If You Change An Avi's Extension To An Image File,

08-05-2003, 08:45 PM
That probably didn't make much sense and it's kind of a silly question... :">

I know that an iso or bin can be in the 800mb range and still be burned to a 700mb cd-r. So, if you take an 800mb or so video file and change its extension to .bin or.iso, .nrg, etc, can you then fit that onto a 700 cd?

Failing that, is there any way to compress the 800 mb down to 700 or anything at all possible you can do to fit that much data onto a 700mb cd-r?

08-05-2003, 09:19 PM
You cannot change a filenames extension like even if u do chances are it might not work but a video most of the times is a .bin file so if u have a large video file it will still fit as long as its not over 800 mb.

08-05-2003, 09:20 PM
Not sure that just changing the extension will do, but if it's already in bin format try using Blindwrite. It was recommended here before by a member and I was able to get a 808MB bin file on a 700MB cd.

I'll move this over to Softwareworld, perhaps others can reply there.

08-05-2003, 09:24 PM
If you burn in mode2 you can fit 800 mb on a 700 mb cdr no problem. The only thing is that if the cdr becomes damaged in any way you will quickly loose your files as mode 2 leaves out error checking. Mode2 is most commonly used on video cds. If your files are very important or you want to store them for a long time, I would not recomend using mode2.

08-05-2003, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the feedback. ;)

-No, they're not in bin format -- it's actually 2 avi's that I've edited down with VirtualDub: one is 371mb, the other 447mb, totalling 819mb. However, in regards to the necessity for blindwrite, I'm in the process of downloading a pair of 800mb .bin's on the Donkey, and the releaser informed me that I won't have to do anything special to burn them to 700mb cd-r's using Nero.

-Do you mind explaining how to "burn in mode2"?

08-05-2003, 09:57 PM
You cannot change a filenames extension yes you can ;)

08-05-2003, 10:11 PM
Burning in mode 2 can be a little tricky. Nero is sneaky when it comes to burning mode2. If you set nero to burn mode 2 it will not allow you to burn files other than videocd mpegs because it is "protecting" your files. When I tried this I had to download a special burning prog (don't remember what it was called sorry) to do it.

As for the files you are downloading, they are possibly video cd .bins. If they are you may be able to play them in a standalone dvd player when you burn them. Also if the avi's you have are less then 80 min you could convert them yourself to the video cd format and then make similar bin files. But if you have the bandwidth though I would go ahead with downloading because converting a movie to mpeg can become a long time consuming task. If you are looking for quality though I would simply burn your avis to 2 cds and live with wasting a little space on the cds, since video cd mpegs arent the best quality-Esp when displayed on a computer.

08-06-2003, 05:33 AM
When I tried this I had to download a special burning prog (don't remember what it was called sorry) to do it.

What would I call such a prog in a google search?

08-07-2003, 08:56 AM
If you really wanna use mode 2 Look this over, it may be what you're looking for (http://webs.ono.com/usr016/de_xt/mcf.html)

08-07-2003, 11:16 AM
I'll look into it...
Do you know if the limit is 800mb on the dot, or if I can squeeze around 820mb or so in there?