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04-04-2008, 03:19 PM

I just wondering does overall upload and download are counted in data traffic or it's only upload ? I just rented the SB with 500GB data traffic volume and I don't want to exceed it.
I saw upload / download chart (Monthly datagraph) in my account. How should I measure data traffic ? upload+download=500GB (should not be exceeded) ?
Thanks guys. :)

04-04-2008, 03:29 PM
I'm 99% sure it is download + upload combined

Careful not to go over, they gouge on overage. Not to mention its been rumored that their bandwidth counting is off sometimes.

04-04-2008, 04:42 PM
Yup its total bw in and out.

04-04-2008, 09:12 PM
Leaseweb never charged me when I went over my bandwidth quota.
A couple of times I went 200GB+ over but still no charge.

04-04-2008, 09:31 PM
thanks guys for your answers :D

04-04-2008, 09:53 PM
Leaseweb never charged me when I went over my bandwidth quota.
A couple of times I went 200GB+ over but still no charge.

lucky you!

04-05-2008, 12:19 AM
is it worth it to go with the unmetered leaseweb box ?? from what i read its unmetered 10mbit async so 10 up 10 down ...

04-05-2008, 12:25 AM
is it worth it to go with the unmetered leaseweb box ?? from what i read its unmetered 10mbit async so 10 up 10 down ...

It's always worth it if you think it is worth it.

For me there is much better options than a LW unlimited speed capped box.

If you are seeding and need to FTP back home at the same time, it can be excruciatingly slow, which does not suit me.

I would take a ie.hosting box over a speed capped box each & every time.

04-05-2008, 06:52 AM
is it worth it to go with the unmetered leaseweb box ?? from what i read its unmetered 10mbit async so 10 up 10 down ...

It's always worth it if you think it is worth it.

For me there is much better options than a LW unlimited speed capped box.

If you are seeding and need to FTP back home at the same time, it can be excruciatingly slow, which does not suit me.

I would take a ie.hosting box over a speed capped box each & every time.
agreed on LW...there are definitely some better options for 100mbit/unmetered than them for a fraction of the price. Personally i'm paying $30 for 100mbit/unmetered but there was even one for $20/mo. I'd disagree with you on hosting.ie though...i've never tried them but have heard plenty of horror stories.

04-05-2008, 10:00 PM
It's always worth it if you think it is worth it.

For me there is much better options than a LW unlimited speed capped box.

If you are seeding and need to FTP back home at the same time, it can be excruciatingly slow, which does not suit me.

I would take a ie.hosting box over a speed capped box each & every time.
agreed on LW...there are definitely some better options for 100mbit/unmetered than them for a fraction of the price. Personally i'm paying $30 for 100mbit/unmetered but there was even one for $20/mo. I'd disagree with you on hosting.ie though...i've never tried them but have heard plenty of horror stories.

could you name the company name ? does it located in europe ?

04-06-2008, 03:12 AM
Leaseweb never charged me when I went over my bandwidth quota.
A couple of times I went 200GB+ over but still no charge.

How much did you go over by?

04-06-2008, 03:17 AM
Leaseweb never charged me when I went over my bandwidth quota.
A couple of times I went 200GB+ over but still no charge.

How much did you go over by?

"I went 200GB+ over" :frusty:

04-06-2008, 04:09 AM
How much did you go over by?

"I went 200GB+ over" :frusty:

Is that more than 100GB but less than 300GB?

04-06-2008, 04:18 AM
"I went 200GB+ over" :frusty:

Is that more than 100GB but less than 300GB?

Heh! Sgt, you're on hosting still, right?

04-06-2008, 04:26 AM
Is that more than 100GB but less than 300GB?

Heh! Sgt, you're on hosting still, right?

Yeh, but my little freebie kimi pisses all over it, and everybody has got freebies with ie and I got fuck all, some got more RAM, some got hard disks, some got extra 100 mbit port, and I got totally zero the miserable bastards.

Me is off to an OVH windows box when my quarterly is up next month :)

04-06-2008, 04:43 AM
Nice. I'll be joining you at ovh soon hopefully. I have to go through some connections to get the box as I don't live in the required countries. SgtMajor, is there a way I can get a hold of you on some chat?

04-10-2008, 10:36 PM
Yeh, but my little freebie kimi pisses all over it, and everybody has got freebies with ie and I got fuck all, some got more RAM, some got hard disks, some got extra 100 mbit port, and I got totally zero the miserable bastards.

ya know i thought you were bullshitting about this Sgt .... regarding the 'freebies'

cause i recently signed up with hosting-ie and i noticed today on a logwatch report ::

/dev/sda1 145G 30G 108G 22% /
/dev/sdb1 145G 188M 144G 1% /disc2

i was like ... there's a disk 2 ?? i am paying for a 581 which only comes with one harddrive but it seems they've given me a nice extra and i've got double the storage ! !! woot