View Full Version : Interesting Limp Bizkit Read

08-06-2003, 07:03 PM
Metalica’s ‘Summer Sanitarium’ tour made their stop in Chicago, IL along with Mudvayne, Deftones, Linkin Park, and Limp Bizkit. But a special welcome wagon was at hand to give Limp Bizkit a trashy hello. As reported in the Chicago Sun Times, “The 
metaphorical fireworks started much earlier, however, when heckling fans induced a profane tantrum from Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst and the band quit playing after just 20 minutes. It was easy to predict a rough reception for the rap-rock has-beens when a significant segment of the crowd booed a mention of the band by previous openers Linkin Park. When Limp Bizkit actually appeared around 7 o'clock, the boos intensified, and some fans pelted the stage with garbage.“ Chicago-based and nationally syndicated “shock jock” Mancow Muller spoke and took calls during his Monday airing of the “Morning Madhouse” of the incident, which gave more detail about the trash being thrown on stage.” He reports that Limp Bizkit guitarist Mike Smith took a bottle, intended for Durst, to the hand and suffered injuries. While the hated hater himself, Fred Durst, should have been wearing a cup because he was pegged in the family jewels with a lemon. Although, the lemon was intended for Durst’s head, it still managed to hit him…on the head. Going back to when Limp Bizkit was on stage, the Sun Times reports, “The famously brainless Durst only fanned the flames, first encouraging the catcalls and flying trash, then swerving into a bizarre tirade against the crowd and city. Ranting that he'd fight anyone in earshot and spluttering explicit sexual putdowns, uncreative curses and ludicrous homophobic slurs, Durst simply self-destructed.” Limp Bizkit played on for a few more songs, “But then the band left the stage and Durst resumed his vulgar invective from the wings until, mercifully, he was relieved of the microphone.” Due to Limp Bizkit’s short set, the crowd was forced to wait an hour and a half for Metallica to come on. Fortunately, the crowd kept things in control and avoided any possible violent activity.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

08-06-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by BigBank_Hank@6 August 2003 - 20:03

Metalica’s ‘Summer Sanitarium’ tour made their stop in Chicago, IL along with Mudvayne, Deftones, Linkin Park, and Limp Bizkit. But a special welcome wagon was at hand to give Limp Bizkit a trashy hello. As reported in the Chicago Sun Times, “The
metaphorical fireworks started much earlier, however, when heckling fans induced a profane tantrum from Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst and the band quit playing after just 20 minutes. It was easy to predict a rough reception for the rap-rock has-beens when a significant segment of the crowd booed a mention of the band by previous openers Linkin Park. When Limp Bizkit actually appeared around 7 o'clock, the boos intensified, and some fans pelted the stage with garbage.“ Chicago-based and nationally syndicated “shock jock” Mancow Muller spoke and took calls during his Monday airing of the “Morning Madhouse” of the incident, which gave more detail about the trash being thrown on stage.” He reports that Limp Bizkit guitarist Mike Smith took a bottle, intended for Durst, to the hand and suffered injuries. While the hated hater himself, Fred Durst, should have been wearing a cup because he was pegged in the family jewels with a lemon. Although, the lemon was intended for Durst’s head, it still managed to hit him…on the head. Going back to when Limp Bizkit was on stage, the Sun Times reports, “The famously brainless Durst only fanned the flames, first encouraging the catcalls and flying trash, then swerving into a bizarre tirade against the crowd and city. Ranting that he'd fight anyone in earshot and spluttering explicit sexual putdowns, uncreative curses and ludicrous homophobic slurs, Durst simply self-destructed.” Limp Bizkit played on for a few more songs, “But then the band left the stage and Durst resumed his vulgar invective from the wings until, mercifully, he was relieved of the microphone.” Due to Limp Bizkit’s short set, the crowd was forced to wait an hour and a half for Metallica to come on. Fortunately, the crowd kept things in control and avoided any possible violent activity.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.
:D haha thats great

08-06-2003, 11:34 PM
*sighs*...fred durst look at you now...but this is old news <_<

08-07-2003, 12:42 AM
i love hateing fred durst. limp bizkit the band is good but fred is the moldy spot on that chart. thats why the original guitarist (which was baddass) left in the first place. i love the sound and the riffs but the lyrics and the lyricist itself sucks more ass then lyposuctionist or what not. :blink:

08-07-2003, 02:37 AM
everyone knows I hate fred Durst with passion

08-07-2003, 02:44 AM
Yo, Yo biotches fred iz da shiznit, i gots his name tatt&#39;d across my gut&#33;

08-07-2003, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by HeavyMetalParkingLot@7 August 2003 - 02:44
Yo, Yo biotches fred iz da shiznit, i gots his name tatt&#39;d across my gut&#33;
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there ;)

08-07-2003, 03:04 AM
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm there&nbsp;

I thought he was serious plus he aint lieing its true ;)

08-07-2003, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by Hogster@7 August 2003 - 03:04
I thought he was serious plus he aint lieing its true ;)
Ok if its true then post it here (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/bb/index.php?showtopic=59962)

08-07-2003, 05:48 AM
I just found out this from a news source about Mr Durst:

Durst: Brtiney broke my heart

Rocker Fred Durst admits he was devastated when pop babe Britney Spears split with him -and hints her ex-beau Justin Timberlake played a part in their break up. The Limp Bizkit front man claims the &#39;N SYNC star was "freaked out" upon learning of their romance and reacted to the news by making frantic phone calls to his former lover. He says, "I was pretty upset when me and ended. Was my heart broken? Yes. Things were getting out of control and Justin was calling her and freaking out. He had never seen her with another guy before. I have run into him a couple of times since then but nothing was said about Britney." He continues, "My whole time with Britney was really good for me. For two weeks, we were hanging out all the time. I fell for her, what can I say."

But the rocker is angry Britney has since rubbished reports of their fling, adding, "She took advice from somebody and started lying about us. It really annoyed me. I have spoken to her a couple of times and she apologised about the way things happened. She feels really bad."

In other news, Christina has hit out at "scumbag" Fred for announcing he only duetted with her in the hope of scoring some "nookie". Durst performed with the feisty pop babe at the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards, but later told his fans he only agreed to the collaboration to further his chances of having sex with the star. Christina rants, "To me, he was always saying, &#39;Christina, you&#39;re so talented,&#39; feeding me all this stuff. But he couldn&#39;t tell his fans that so he took the little man&#39;s route. "I&#39;m not the kind of girl who&#39;s gonna say, &#39;Tee-hee,&#39; and laugh it off. Hell no, you didn&#39;t get no nookie&#33; Screw you&#33;" She adds, "He made such an ass out of himself and looks like a scumbag to everyone. End of story." (wenn)

taken from Here (http://www.soundbuzz.com/partners/ninemsn/MusicNews.asp#1)