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View Full Version : Help - How would I go about burning a downloaded XBOX 360 file?

04-12-2008, 02:21 PM
I haven't a clue how to do it.. I mean, I'm planning on buying a pre-modded XBOX 360 that will read burned DVD's, but I saw on BT trackers that all the files are like 6GB.. and DVD's are only 4GB.. So, what am I meant to do to burn the games?

Thanks :)

04-12-2008, 02:32 PM
1) You'll need to buy some Dual Layer DVDs. A DVD-/+DL discs can hold up to 8.5 GBs of data.
2) XBOX-Scene (http://xbox-scene.com/xbox360-tutorials.php) has some excellent tutorials for burning XBOX360 games.
3) Use www.ABGX.net to see if your release needs a CRC fix, if it's Stealth-patched and if it's SS-patched (Security Sector). A release (or an image) that has it all is much more safe for XBOX Live gaming, and has a better chance to work.

04-12-2008, 03:58 PM
u need to burn games only on DVD DL+ and only + will work...

when u burn the game u can burn it with Imgburn (recommended) or with Clonecd

if u burn with Clonecd u will have to burn dvd file that u will get when u extract and u will also get iso image,u dont need to burn iso only dvd file and also dvd file and iso file need to be in the same folder and that is all..

now if u burn with Imgburn u will only need to have manualy add layerbreak..just go to tools/settings/write/ and then in upper right corner u will see Layerbreak and put a dot in User Specfied and put 1913760 and press ok...and now when u done that just browse Iso file not dvd file,Iso file select it and press burn baby and that is all. i have burned so many times 360 games with imgburn and always worked perfect :D

i hope this help

04-14-2008, 03:52 PM
I would recommend Verbatim discs http://svp.co.uk/product/verbatim_printable_24x_double_layer_dvd_r_(43572)_3777_box

These are the most popular for burning 360 games as they are the most reliable and compatible!!!!!

04-21-2008, 06:44 PM
1) You'll need to buy some Dual Layer DVDs. A DVD-/+DL discs can hold up to 8.5 GBs of data.
2) XBOX-Scene (http://xbox-scene.com/xbox360-tutorials.php) has some excellent tutorials for burning XBOX360 games.
3) Use www.ABGX.net (http://www.ABGX.net) to see if your release needs a CRC fix, if it's Stealth-patched and if it's SS-patched (Security Sector). A release (or an image) that has it all is much more safe for XBOX Live gaming, and has a better chance to work.
great answern tough. i didn't know of abgx.net it is an excellent site. thanks for it...

04-21-2008, 06:57 PM
When you burn using image burn and it ask you to select the file.
Put the dvdinfo file and not the other.

Also burn at 2.4x speed.

I too recommend verbatim. I haven't got a coaster yet. They are a little expensive for a 20 pack but think of the money you save when you use them all up.

Blackcats has good tutorials on their forums. If your not a member already then you should go and sign up.

04-24-2008, 08:19 PM
1) You'll need to buy some Dual Layer DVDs. A DVD-/+DL discs can hold up to 8.5 GBs of data.
2) XBOX-Scene (http://xbox-scene.com/xbox360-tutorials.php) has some excellent tutorials for burning XBOX360 games.
3) Use www.ABGX.net (http://www.ABGX.net) to see if your release needs a CRC fix, if it's Stealth-patched and if it's SS-patched (Security Sector). A release (or an image) that has it all is much more safe for XBOX Live gaming, and has a better chance to work.

is there anything special that needs to be done if its stealth-patched or SS patched? that database on abgx had a ? under crc fix but had a Y under SS and stealth.

i burned the game using imgburn, following the instructions in this thread and my 360 says : to play this disc, put it into a 360 console...its in a 360 console.

is there a way i can get it to play without voiding my warranty?

05-09-2008, 04:08 PM
use any dvd + r dl ...supports 8.5gb
use clone cd .write speed 2 - 2.4x..... this is what i use ...good reliability .