View Full Version : demonoid, ratio & seedbox

04-12-2008, 09:44 PM
After reading the FAQ at Demonoid, it seems to me that traffic on my seedbox will not report to my account, since it has a very different IP from where I browse. In fact, I usually run torrents from 3 different connections, so that means 3 different IPs. It seems that there is a passkey on the Demonoid torrents, but there is no mention of that on the site.

Will using all these different connections properly report my ratio (not necessarily 100% accuracy, but at showing most of my DL/UL)? Does anyone think this is a problem? Should I configure the box to report my home address (not what I want at all)? Please advise, I'd ask at Demonoid, but the site is obviously still a skeleton.

04-12-2008, 10:04 PM
Ratio barely matters on Demonoid.
Even with a 0 ratio you wouldn't get banned.

04-12-2008, 10:23 PM
If you have a seedbox, just use it in place of your home IP, for your own security if nothing else.

You can always FTP back home, much safer than having your IP in any swarm.

04-12-2008, 10:27 PM
I don't care about keeping an acceptable ratio, I just would like my upload & download counted on my very expensive bandwith.

Sgt, I don't know what you mean? Browse through the seedbox? Because I do use the seedbox IP, but I browse the site from home and then ftp files to the watch folder on the box. Apparently, the tracker associated is associated with the browsing IP.

04-12-2008, 10:50 PM
Yeah why u don't try browsing from the seed box?
I was never on demonoid, but disappointed cuz it didn't use the passkey stuff till now