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View Full Version : What happend to bitgamer?

04-23-2008, 08:47 AM
I notice bitgamer has been down for a few days is this just me or is there something up with bitgamer?:(

04-23-2008, 08:50 AM
It isn't just for you dont worry :(

Also Underground Gamer dont working but they will be back very soon !!!

But BCG is working :)

04-23-2008, 08:53 AM
What happend to bitgamer?

No Thing It Just Down And Will Be Back

04-23-2008, 09:00 AM
Good to hear it will be back :)...

And would love to get in to BCG checking for those invites to be open every time im on here! :)

04-23-2008, 03:17 PM
soon i hope it comes back~1

04-25-2008, 07:23 AM
It's back online ;)

04-25-2008, 12:25 PM
Oh goood i see wonder what happend the past couple of days..?? :(

04-25-2008, 04:44 PM
anyone got there new ip i cant connect on the previous one or on bitgamer.com

04-25-2008, 04:56 PM
bitgamer is up !

04-25-2008, 05:03 PM
I know but i still get the dns update page even after dns/flush and restart

04-25-2008, 07:40 PM
yep its work again

04-25-2008, 08:44 PM
turns out UG was hacked and BG was using their server temp. BG back and UG should be back by this weekend

04-25-2008, 08:53 PM
UG was hacked and had to move to a new server so they are still down, but promised to return soon. BG used the same DNS server and had some DNS issues so they are down getting all that corrected and have been up and down today as far as I can tell, but they are working on the issues. I read all this on the home pages and in irc. They both will be back soon :unsure:

04-26-2008, 07:19 AM
There both back, even UG ;)
Had no problems myself, but you need to recover your password on UG.