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View Full Version : Exclusive Uploads

04-24-2008, 07:02 AM
Does anyone else find this practice repugnant? Someone reproduces and distributes someone else's product against their (and the laws) explicit wishes, then feels entitled to turn around and demand no one else on the site do the same. This is the definition of hypocrisy, not to mention a slap in the face of the entire idea behind filesharing.

And to everyone whose response will be "So what, get over it.", your cognitive surrender has been noted and filed.

04-24-2008, 07:10 AM
yeah.... dont steal my stolen shit....


04-24-2008, 07:23 AM
In most cases, I find it to be very hypocritical and unfair, particularly on the 0-days with the scene torrents. It doesn't even make sense as to why it should be exclusive.. apparently the trackers feel threatened by the other 0-days. :unsure:

However, on a tracker like Pedro's where it is required that the user rips their own CDs/vinyl properly, and include extras such scanned in album sleeves, and that sort of thing that takes a lot of time/effort, I do think it's fair that they have rules for other people not to upload it somewhere else and take credit - or at least get permission from the person who did all the hard work. I do believe all the files should be spread where ever possible to reach many users across numerous trackers, but I think that it would be nice if people could at least have the decency to ask to upload the files elsewhere.

That's pretty much my only exception though.

04-24-2008, 07:28 AM
I don't find it repugnant, but I do laugh when an uploader or a site gets seriously upset and starts to throw their teddies out of the pram for doing what you suggest.

Just gotta love double standards donchya? :D

I don't find it repugnant, but I do laugh when an uploader or a site gets seriously upset and starts to throw their teddies out of the pram for doing what you suggest.

Just gotta love double standards donchya? :D

04-24-2008, 12:10 PM
Does anyone else find this practice repugnant? Someone reproduces and distributes someone else's product against their (and the laws) explicit wishes, then feels entitled to turn around and demand no one else on the site do the same. This is the definition of hypocrisy, not to mention a slap in the face of the entire idea behind filesharing.

And to everyone whose response will be "So what, get over it.", your cognitive surrender has been noted and filed.

this is what you get for being a member in a private tracker...

if you do not like this elitist and PRIVATE attidute just use only thepiratebay... you will have no problems there... and nobody will blame you if you will reupload their torrents on other places!!!

different sites, different rules... if you do not like the rules.. just change site... there are plenty of them :w00t:

In most cases, I find it to be very hypocritical and unfair, particularly on the 0-days with the scene torrents. It doesn't even make sense as to why it should be exclusive.. apparently the trackers feel threatened by the other 0-days. :unsure:
because a tracker is better then another based on the uploads he have... if most of the uploads just comes directly from another site (like what happens on TL?... ) you are just running a normal tracker that have 0 exclusive things ... all the others can survive without you... but you cannot survive without the others trackers supplies....

However, on a tracker like Pedro's where it is required that the user rips their own CDs/vinyl properly, and include extras such scanned in album sleeves, and that sort of thing that takes a lot of time/effort, I do think it's fair that they have rules for other people not to upload it somewhere else and take credit - or at least get permission from the person who did all the hard work. I do believe all the files should be spread where ever possible to reach many users across numerous trackers, but I think that it would be nice if people could at least have the decency to ask to upload the files elsewhere.do you really think it takes more time to do a rip for pedro then in having REAL SCENE AXX as some uploaders have?? not to mention all the risks (a part the legal things... they risk in being scenebanned and the like...)

04-24-2008, 02:16 PM
0-day stuff are everywhere...and u can "steal" 'em from one tracker and upload it to another without being noticed. However, overdoing it is lame. I have noticed some folks upload 0-days stuff in tracker A but their source of upload is tracker B. In other word, they upload "stolen" stuff from tracker B to tracker A. By doing so they might be enriching content of tracker A but at the meantime they are also making tracker A dependent on tracker B. Moreover, if somehow someone notices "stolen" stuff, it gives bad rep to tracker A as a whole. So, i think it's better not to over steal from another tracker, instead steal from scene...get axx ;) (although i think scene doesn't like stuff being "stolen" :rolleyes:)

BTW, instead of trying to justify it as "is it right?" or "is it wrong?" i think we should be looking from tracker's perspective of what is allowed and what is not allowed. Some tracker, don't prefer their stuff to be "stolen", then don't do it, it's that simple. Some tracker prefer their 0-day up not to be uploaded elsewhere for next 24 hrs, don't do that either. If someone HAS to steal and upload it somewhere, play with the rules, there are trackers which actually allow it :whistling

And, pack stealing is pretty lame (unless tracker rule and/or uploader allows it). Its disrespect to the tracker + the uploader. Moreover, stealing it in site that give "exclusive" stuff is the lamest. There are tracker with group buy torrents (theplace, bitspyder, bitseduce etc), tracker where uploader put hell of effort per torrent (like pedros and E)....those stuff shouldn't be uploaded elsewhere!

Something Else
04-24-2008, 02:21 PM
/uploads squirr3l to the pirate bay. :eyebrows:

04-24-2008, 02:35 PM
well everyone knows what i think of this "rule".

fucking stupid and we have even got a rule that says its ok to do it.

totally fucking hypocritical if you ask me.

Sory i had just woke up and read this post, but my point still stands, imo we are private because we do not like hit and runners, cheaters etc, not because the uploads are anyway exclusive.

^^and we want a community.

04-24-2008, 03:16 PM
i agree with the exclusivity only when it comes to packs and such. it's the packs and requests that give each tracker it's unique content, and i agree that if these are put on that tracker, often for that specific purpose, just leave them on that tracker. 0-day rips, though, by definition, do not start on that site, thus any type of reaction to that is outrageous.

04-24-2008, 03:24 PM
I agree with what most guys have already said! Blaming someone for stealing typical 0-day stuff is ridiculous! But I have to agree that packs and user-upload based trackers, like pedro's and what and waffles (ok, the biggest part of their uploads) have unique content that no one should steal and upload elsewhere!

04-24-2008, 05:13 PM
0-day is always stolen so this is a pointless discussion.

04-24-2008, 07:50 PM
If it is a collection of scene packs, sure pass it on without hesitation, but if a user has chosen to take time and put together something really nice to share with their favorite tracker, then I think you should ask. It isn't a copyright issue, but a matter of honor amongst pirates.

04-24-2008, 08:50 PM
Does anyone else find this practice repugnant? Someone reproduces and distributes someone else's product against their (and the laws) explicit wishes, then feels entitled to turn around and demand no one else on the site do the same. This is the definition of hypocrisy, not to mention a slap in the face of the entire idea behind filesharing.

And to everyone whose response will be "So what, get over it.", your cognitive surrender has been noted and filed.

Most people feel like the time they take to rip and transfer the information has intrinsic value, and should have the right to distribute their work as they please. More specifically, I would never be able to listen to vinyl records if it wasn't for people who took the time to meticulously transfer the data from the vinyl medium to digital. I guess can understand both perspectives.

04-25-2008, 01:01 AM
Most people feel like the time they take to rip and transfer the information has intrinsic value, and should have the right to distribute their work as they please. More specifically, I would never be able to listen to vinyl records if it wasn't for people who took the time to meticulously transfer the data from the vinyl medium to digital. I guess can understand both perspectives.That's just the point though, it isn't their work. Think about what you're saying. That, essentially, the artist who worked months in a recording studio or the programmer who spent hours in front of a monitor, and the companies who pay for their talent, have absolutely no say over the material they own as far as you're concerned. However, spending fifteen minutes ripping it and uploading it to a tracker ought to give you complete control over how it's distributed.

That's just selfish. Give me a good reason why trackers should cling to file exclusivity anyway. It's not a capitalistic environment as far as I know, so there's no point in monopolizing packs or movies or lossless music. I thought the idea behind all of this was free content for the masses. I stand behind the invitation system, but the sense of entitlement over someone else's work is pitiful.

04-25-2008, 02:06 AM
On non-scene trackers, where it's left up to the community to share, the uploaders deserve some damn respect. They are what's bringing the whole tracker together. They are the ones providing files the scene doesn't release to fill a gap in the content, they are the ones filling requests so many other people can download.
These are the generous people who keep BT going.
So no they didn't write the music on the album, but they did something selfless for many other people, and I think if someone wants to take the files they didn't spend a while preparing and just upload it on another tracker so they can get a ratio boost, they should ask first.
Do I think the uploaders should allow it? Yes, but if someone wants to upload their rips to all Pedro's/Waffles/What themself, they should get that right - and then allow anyone else to upload to STMusic, Demonoid, etc.

If we're gonna get all technical about how people have no rights over their files since they didn't write the music, etc, then I don't think you appreciate the uploaders enough, and maybe you should just buy the album and properly rip it yourself.

People who just want to be a prick and keep their files on one tracker, and they don't even intend on uploading them anywhere else... now that's just selfish.

So I guess my full opinion on this comes down to:
It depends on the situation.

04-25-2008, 02:15 AM
Most people feel like the time they take to rip and transfer the information has intrinsic value, and should have the right to distribute their work as they please. More specifically, I would never be able to listen to vinyl records if it wasn't for people who took the time to meticulously transfer the data from the vinyl medium to digital. I guess can understand both perspectives.That's just the point though, it isn't their work. Think about what you're saying. That, essentially, the artist who worked months in a recording studio or the programmer who spent hours in front of a monitor, and the companies who pay for their talent, have absolutely no say over the material they own as far as you're concerned. However, spending fifteen minutes ripping it and uploading it to a tracker ought to give you complete control over how it's distributed.

That's just selfish. Give me a good reason why trackers should cling to file exclusivity anyway. It's not a capitalistic environment as far as I know, so there's no point in monopolizing packs or movies or lossless music. I thought the idea behind all of this was free content for the masses. I stand behind the invitation system, but the sense of entitlement over someone else's work is pitiful.

Oh don't get me wrong -- I know exactly where you're coming from, but I could see why someone would want to keep their transfers exclusive, especially since some can take up to a few hours from beginning to finish. That being said, I still understand that this doesn't come close to comparing to what the artist had done to prepare the album to begin with.

The way I see it is as such: A certain someone spends his/her own time and money on the transfer process, in a sense providing a service for those who don't have the ability to do this to the same degree. This service has value, whether or not it is founded on someone else's work, like going to Kinko's to make a perfect replica of your favorite poster or artwork. The only "payment" the person receives is the ability to choose who he/she distributes the file to, and I can't say I'm entirely opposed to this.

Slightly off-topic: I usually donate to artists whose albums I enjoy.

04-25-2008, 03:35 AM
Oh don't get me wrong -- I know exactly where you're coming from, but I could see why someone would want to keep their transfers exclusive, especially since some can take up to a few hours from beginning to finish. That being said, I still understand that this doesn't come close to comparing to what the artist had done to prepare the album to begin with.

The way I see it is as such: A certain someone spends his/her own time and money on the transfer process, in a sense providing a service for those who don't have the ability to do this to the same degree. This service has value, whether or not it is founded on someone else's work, like going to Kinko's to make a perfect replica of your favorite poster or artwork. The only "payment" the person receives is the ability to choose who he/she distributes the file to, and I can't say I'm entirely opposed to this.

Slightly off-topic: I usually donate to artists whose albums I enjoy.Is that true, though? As far as I can see, inclusion into a private tracker connects you to a community of intelligent, like-minded individuals, insulates you from the inherent dangers of a public tracker's visibility, provides much better speed, and often gives you a dedicated source for otherwise unattainable material. As far as "payment", you're paid back in ratio, that's the idea behind the system. The argument about spending one's own money on this content as an excuse to claim control over it is a little silly.

Don't me wrong, I do appreciate and respect the uploaders. I know many, and they're generally awesome people. However, we don't own the material. Despite our intentions, the moment we start seeding, we're breaking the law (if you live in the U.S., Canada, U.K., etc). Are you saying that our rights as uploaders should be protected under the same principle that we breach when we upload? If so, do you understand what a ridiculous proposition that is? I suppose the uploader could be notified, but it should end there.