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View Full Version : BitMeTV

The Flying Cow
04-26-2008, 04:39 PM
I posted already in about 20 GA threads for an invite to this tracker.

I was almost being given one invite at one point but then I ended up being ignored by the guy doing the away.

Reasons for getting access to this tracker?

I have plenty.

1) I don't like the way TVTorrents is layed out. It doesn't make surfing the available torrents any easier than the normal layout on private trackers.

2) I don't consider thebox.bz to have as much content that I seek, especially the older, no longer airing, shows.

3) I am a TV-show aficionado, it being the "opiate of the masses". In my view there's a lot of good shows out there, currently airing and no longer airing as well. Stuff that I like to watch on "the box" :lol:: Life, Entourage, Prison Break (not so psyched on the new seasons though, I think the first was the only really good one), Life on Mars, Spooks, Hustle, Cold Cases, Lovespring, How I Met Your Mother, The Office (UK and US), Dexter, Family Guy, The Simpsons (a classic), American Dad, Pushing Daisies, Little Britain,(I could go on).

But this is not enough. I'm sure, anyone with a keen eye and a decent taste in good entertainment could find these materials on the net (maybe not the BBC shows, which are rarer). But BitMeTV has even rarer things. Shows that no longer air. Things from the past, that are true gems. These things are what I seek. Shows like Coupling, The X Files, The Waltons, The Muppet Show (from the 70's?), and so forth.

4) Why consider me as a candidate? I don't cheat, trade, hack, collect, or do anything otherwise considered immature and harmful to the bt scene. On every tracker were I work I am active, and leeching/seeding away like a proper pirate. :cheers:

This is why I seek access to BitMeTV. Please, oh nice people, heed my cry. :geptard:

TheShaman (healer) :stuart:

If any kind soul wishes to stretch a helping hand out to a poor beggar, I can PM you with all the ratio proofs in the world, and speedtests from Istanbul to Constantinople. :clown:

04-26-2008, 05:32 PM
lol, good luck, i dont see many ppl getting any invites to here though, but u sure sound like a enthuisiast. (duno how to spell that)unlucky aobut ur previous 'win'

04-26-2008, 05:42 PM
didnt see that you also made a request,sorry for the answer to your pm then...i just got in BitMeTV but i think i'm gonna have 65 gb in one onth...i already have almost five :) so when i have i might send you a pm if you are stll active in this section...i'm gonna giveaway all of y BitMeTV's invites cause i know what's trying to get in there and not be able to do so :(:(:(

04-26-2008, 06:02 PM
Good luck for you.

I have account in BitMeTV but it has only two weeks and its very hard to seed in BitMeTV...at least with my upload speed.

04-26-2008, 06:04 PM
Good luck my friend you deserve this invite..

04-26-2008, 11:12 PM
you can try BITT.tv, they have open signups

`Dr. Nick Riviera`
04-27-2008, 01:25 AM
Have you tried tv.torrents.ro?

The Flying Cow
04-27-2008, 08:30 PM
Thanks to the kind guy who helped me with this.

You are the witch doctor.

'nuff said.