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View Full Version : BitmeTV staff sucks big time

04-29-2008, 11:36 PM
OK, they just sent a mass pm to everyone.

For those who do not read the forums enough. Here are some Account Life Saving Links that ALL should read

Faq link
Clients allowed
So a guy who has been a member for 125 weeks and PU reads the message and posts this in shoutbox.

ok i just came home drunk and i read that fkin system message i think fkin DUDES should filter it who they send it cause i see no reason why i should receive such crap so leave me alone with unnecessary msg, bug the noobs... ok its not just your fault, lot of people bugged me with crap that didnt fit on me, and i really had enough i mean i think you really have a choice to wich user classes you send your... ok im drunk... if you want to argue with me send a PM damn it, cause i wont wake up to see your useful comments on this here on the scream board okay, THX
Guess what happens next? tequilavip bans him. I dont understand why he has to act like douchebag. Is it so hard to listen to members?

04-29-2008, 11:39 PM
i guess he deserve it ;)

04-29-2008, 11:40 PM
Unfortunately we have no control over that type of stuff..

We may not agree with it but they can do as they please with their members.


04-29-2008, 11:48 PM
Wait a minute, he's moaning cos he got some info in a PM?

The guy sounds like a prick, I'm not surprised they banned him! LOL :D

..Seriously though, I guess a ban is a bit strong, the guy's just spoutin shit cos he's drunk - perhaps a public humiliation and a friendly warning would have been more appropriate.

04-29-2008, 11:53 PM
The BITMETV forums are not the right place to be if you want to express an opinion.

It's a bit like the China in that respect.

04-29-2008, 11:54 PM
I mean a ban is harsh but a shout box isn;t meant to vent anger I mean thats why there are forum topics. Then again from seeing other post BitmeTv seems to be contributing to a lot of disgruntled users. Maybe all tv all the time isn't such a good thing ;).

04-29-2008, 11:56 PM
who comes home drunk and then checks their trackers. go to bed.

04-30-2008, 12:01 AM
who comes home drunk and then checks their trackers. go to bed.
+1 :)

Anyways BitMeTV staff s*cks...

04-30-2008, 12:07 AM
There is no reason to get all mad just for a PM. He probably deserves the ban for lack of respect.

04-30-2008, 12:10 AM
wtf is wrong with you, original poster

that's some total douchebaggery going on by that idiot posting his useless, and probably offensive, opinion about receiving a FRIKKIN pm

gtfo with this thread

glad he got banned

04-30-2008, 12:15 AM
i think he deserved it

04-30-2008, 12:15 AM
Bad shit always happens to me when I get drunk and start talking shit, so I have no sympathy for him.

Is the staff there strict? Yes, maybe even too strict. But its their site! When will people learn that sometimes to be a member of a site you have to follow some fucked up rules and keep your mouth shut.

It would be nice to think that rules of common courtesy and common sense apply everywhere, but they don't. So get over it!


04-30-2008, 12:16 AM
I remember uploading something to there and I had uploaded like 300mb and it was erased by staff. that I could understand because it was already uploaded and I had not seen it but then they took away 7gigs of my ratio for it!

04-30-2008, 12:21 AM
i think he deserved it

I agree, because the lack of respect..

04-30-2008, 12:35 AM
the pm was very helpful for every member. if more people would actually read those articles and tutorials, there wouldn't be so much banned and bitching threads about bitmetv here.

bitmetv staff put a lot of time and effort in writing the best tutorials and faq that i know.

to bitch about a helpful pm on the site in a disrespectful manner with a drunk head surely deserves punishment.

the only douchebag is the op for posting another useless, anonymous bitmetv bash to get attention and the guy for logging in drunk.

04-30-2008, 12:41 AM
to bitch about a helpful pm on the site in a disrespectful manner with a drunk head surely deserves punishment.
I agree with that, but I disagree with the ban. A several-months-long warning would have been enough. Just as a last chance.
I always say, the trackers are for their users, but what would they do without users?

04-30-2008, 12:47 AM
@Olskool change u sign plz :)

04-30-2008, 01:00 AM
I'd ban him too... He sounds like a jerkoff.

04-30-2008, 01:02 AM
Don't mouth off in the shotbox...
He deserved it.

04-30-2008, 01:08 AM
The drunk guy was wrong to complain and was being a dick, but he didnt deserve being banned.

04-30-2008, 01:24 AM
The guy is just tired of the countless, needless mass pm's most sites send their users. He was drunk and overreacted. What's the big deal? They should have read that and either laughed or let it go. Banning him is not only stupid, but very childish. As for him saying it in the shoutbox....it seems like the appropriate place to do some yelling...

04-30-2008, 02:35 PM
the pm was very helpful for every member. if more people would actually read those articles and tutorials, there wouldn't be so much banned and bitching threads about bitmetv here.

bitmetv staff put a lot of time and effort in writing the best tutorials and faq that i know.

to bitch about a helpful pm on the site in a disrespectful manner with a drunk head surely deserves punishment.

the only douchebag is the op for posting another useless, anonymous bitmetv bash to get attention and the guy for logging in drunk.

i dont mind you calling me douchebag but just for your knowledge, the guy has been unbanned by Q becaus ban was harsh at first place and yes tqvip is eternal douchebag.

04-30-2008, 03:26 PM
1] may be that staff member was also drunk :wacko: :angry:

2] or, BitMeTV wants some space for new users :whistling

what say?

04-30-2008, 03:33 PM
This site have stupid staff

04-30-2008, 04:21 PM
the pm was very helpful for every member. if more people would actually read those articles and tutorials, there wouldn't be so much banned and bitching threads about bitmetv here.

bitmetv staff put a lot of time and effort in writing the best tutorials and faq that i know.

to bitch about a helpful pm on the site in a disrespectful manner with a drunk head surely deserves punishment.

the only douchebag is the op for posting another useless, anonymous bitmetv bash to get attention and the guy for logging in drunk.

the pm was not helpful for every member.. atleast not for me..
i wouldnt have punished him.. (for very obvious reasons..) i mean they are running a nice bittorrent tracker.. not a law firm..
its not fair though to say that bmtv staff sucks.. you know they have nice staff too.. staff that knows they are human and make mistakes too..

04-30-2008, 04:31 PM
i think fst staff should make a sticky about how bitmetv staff suck and merge all the previously posted threads and posts about this in that one ..


and that vip l33t deserved the ban , don't over estimate your value son .

/wisdom .

The Flying Cow
04-30-2008, 04:35 PM
Exactly sokrates.

BitMeTV is a private tracker, not a fucking Nazi regime.

But it does look and feel like the latter.

Nuff said. I'm not taking sides on this issue - frankly I think tqvip is a pompous prick, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Also, I'm not saying I'm in favour of violating private tracker rules - without rules it's a jungle. I'm also not saying BitMeTV doesn't have some really awesome aspects about it (tutorials, guides (capping, etc), no rar's which makes viewing and general access to material easier, and so forth) but it does have some staff that need to go out and see the sky a bit more, or go out to a bar and drink a few pints. They're too damn strict, and behave themselves like schoolchildren, or have some e-fetish that they're schoolmasters, and the users are their pupils.

As I said, a stronger, perhaps more active real life might help them relax a bit.

It's a frigging joke if you ask me.

Just my opinion.

04-30-2008, 04:48 PM
i think fst staff should make a sticky about how bitmetv staff suck and merge all the previously posted threads and posts about this in that one ..

Why make a sticky about a subject that everybody knows already ?

The ban is harsh but then mouthing off in that matter is always a recipe for jeopardizing any bt account. Best to keep your pie hole shut anywhere and just enjoy the perks.

04-30-2008, 04:51 PM
the pm was very helpful for every member. if more people would actually read those articles and tutorials, there wouldn't be so much banned and bitching threads about bitmetv here.

bitmetv staff put a lot of time and effort in writing the best tutorials and faq that i know.

to bitch about a helpful pm on the site in a disrespectful manner with a drunk head surely deserves punishment.

the only douchebag is the op for posting another useless, anonymous bitmetv bash to get attention and the guy for logging in drunk.

I agree with “Polarbear” the PM was helpful, I've read a couple of them now.
before I didn't read any of them I must confess.
But I found them helpful and Informative.
I've not uploaded anything personally, but you never know I guess.

04-30-2008, 05:06 PM
Probably was the wrong medium to let out his disdain for the mass pm. Better luck next time..

04-30-2008, 05:17 PM
bitmetv has sent four mass pms in six months and the guy's account is re-enabled.

peace in the middle-east - case closed.

04-30-2008, 05:45 PM
maybe he deserve a warn for a week or something like that, but not the ban
anyway Bitmetv staff are parano , and not normal
a friend of mine sudenly g

04-30-2008, 05:59 PM
If you think they are douchbags then go ahead use delacct.php and free yourself.

Then probably you will realize that there are alternatives, which can fulfill your need as good as as Bitmetv if not better.

If you want to stick with the site (because of so called "great content and speed") then well, let it pass under ur nose :P

04-30-2008, 07:20 PM
I agree that banning him was a little harsh, but I think he was offensive for no apparent reason! I mean, cmon guys! It was just a really helpful pm for older and newer members! Even if you are a member there for 200 weeks, doesn't mean that you are better, or better informed about the site! To sum up, drinking and driving...eeerrr... drinking and posting at shoutboxes shouldn't be combined :)

04-30-2008, 07:32 PM
Yeah they are a bunch of pricks

A friend of mine corrected one of the mod's in the forums, instead of the mod admitting he was wrong he banned my friend and deleted the post.

I even got banned for asking the users in the forums to vote for a rule change.

04-30-2008, 08:09 PM
why cant you talk to Q ?

tvip is just the mod right ?

04-30-2008, 08:36 PM
VillageSharman...what the hell could you know you are not in there! how could you talk about the staff and call the site a fucking nazi regime and then beg for an invite in the invite section?

if you dont like it you shouldnt want to get in.

They dont like to read an idiot telling them how to run their site...that jackass lasted longer writing that shit than deleting the pm

BitMeTV is awesome!

04-30-2008, 09:05 PM
VillageSharman have bitmetv account :happy:

04-30-2008, 09:39 PM
If he was an old time BitmeTv user then the best way to handle it would of been to make a suggestion in the forums on what kind announcements he feels he should not receive since he is a power user or above and let it be discussed.

Going on a rant on a forum or shout box when drunk is not the best idea. :P

Mister Moo
04-30-2008, 11:51 PM
I have alway tried to keep a low profile in places like OiNK and BitMeTV, some of the staff members are alright but others are complete assholes, tequilavip and dragonnn come to mind

05-01-2008, 12:11 AM
That was very bold of him. I am glad his account was reenabled afterall. Drinking + Torrenting at same time is quite risky :P

05-01-2008, 04:11 AM
The guy does sound like a douche, but I think banning him is a bit much..