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08-11-2003, 07:01 PM
[Some stupid ES5 promotion talk. Most of which is untrue.]

08-11-2003, 07:06 PM
So you indirectly belittle Kazaa (outside of the article) to promote another P2P program. ES5 for that matter.

Mods - Do you want to warn about what I like to do to "ES5-only" spammers before I start? <_< :devil:

Seriously though - This has been discussed before WAY (IMO) too many times. Its prime strengths and its (many) letdowns have been gone into too much detail already.

Use the Search facility for God&#39;s sake - If you can&#39;t be willing to take 20 secs to filter through to get 100 topics on the program, then you shouldn&#39;t have the effort to post.

That&#39;s all I&#39;ll say about it - Though I don&#39;t necessarily expect it, anyone else feel the same?

08-11-2003, 07:20 PM
HEY, it took me 6 weeks and 14 requests for someone to provide a reg id for ES5.

So dont give me that this is now only the future rubbish.
We all need choices but we dont need long winded statements, about who&#39;s the biggest and best. Talk about the search field, Ive had more sucess shiting directly into the hole in a French Bog.
Kazaa is a great site.
Remember the bigger you are, makes the man go after you first,
inorder to frighten all the others.

P.S. I have D/L many files which where not what they seemed, however I have now a bigger collection and a some great films eg, Orange County.

"One has never laughed so much".



08-11-2003, 07:32 PM
This was actually an article off zeropaid not a longwinded statement and i don&#39;t see anything wrong with talking about other types of filesharing programs in the "filesharing" section of this forum. Thirdly if you can&#39;t tell the ship is sinking have fun by yourself the rats are abandoning and why shouldn&#39;t they use a program with a little more security as long as you and i can get their files there?

08-11-2003, 07:35 PM
Oh and Illuminati if you took the time to see that this was only my 9th post on here you might have realized that my life doesn&#39;t revolve around this forum and that maybe i was just trying to help some people out with what i thought was a good idea.

The Knife Thrower
08-11-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by bumpydog@11 August 2003 - 19:20
Kazaa is a great site.
Do you write news stories for zeropaid? Because they always seem to refer to a p2p program as a site.

08-11-2003, 07:38 PM
My dear dear friend,

May one say that Kazaa is not a ship, but a submarine.

Our voyage is an atlantic trip, not a sunday afternoon dip the pond,

My fondest Regards


08-11-2003, 07:40 PM
sure umm one can say whatever they want isn&#39;t that the idea of a forum? sounds good.

08-11-2003, 07:45 PM
I just tried using it. I couldn&#39;t find any files and it caused my internet connection to stop working.

I&#39;m still trying to see why I would want to use this program, when I know private hubs in DC++ which can get me anything I want.

08-11-2003, 07:48 PM
ok that&#39;s fine for you but there are other people on this twirling blue spheroid we call earth. Why (or how) would it possibly make your internet connection stop working ????

08-11-2003, 07:51 PM
Don&#39;t ask me. Not my fault the damn thing doesn&#39;t work.

08-11-2003, 07:52 PM
are you sure it worked for me. Maybe it is your fault did you ever think of that?

08-11-2003, 07:56 PM
ES5 is crap. Stop advertising it :angry: