View Full Version : This Is A Headache For Me... I Would Be

08-11-2003, 07:43 PM
Hi there, i have the .bin files for splinter cell cd 1 and 2 and 3. Instead of burning them to cd i used daemon tools to emulate them...

when i installed, i got a few errors so i fixed them (by rebuilding the sectors) with cdmage but when i installed i still had some errors.

After installing the game fully, i tried to load splinter cell, it said please insert the cd....

I tried locating to the virtual drive from daemon tools but that didnt work... then i got a no cd crack and when i tried to load the game, nothing happened. Yes thats right, i double clicked on the exe file for splinter cell and nothing happened! It just stayed on the desktop....

I restarted the computer but it was still the same!!!
Please help me on how to load the game....

Also, did any of you that downloaded this game have similiar errors???

08-11-2003, 07:51 PM
on one of the cds there should be a folder named razor, deviance etc..(just the name of the people that ripped the cds)in that folder there should be a file called Splinter Cell.exe or something like that just copy that file and paste in the folder where you installed the game there should already be a file with the same name so it will ask you if you want to replace it ...say yes and there you go it works fine

3rd gen noob
08-11-2003, 07:52 PM
move the exe from the no cd crack to the directory the exe from the install of the game is in
then just run the cracked exe

problem solved :D

edit: a little slow :(
i'll blame it on the weather...:P

08-11-2003, 07:57 PM
but that is what i did, i removed the exe file and replaced it with the cracked file from cd 3..... then i tried to load the game and nothing happens.... yeah.... nothing happens....

by the way.... the cd 1 and 3 did have a few errors.... but i couldnt redownload cause i have 56k.....

so what now please????

08-12-2003, 01:16 AM
I does not tell you that there are error for fun. write down the files that it has errors on, and use direct connect to download those files. It would help for you to tell us what files were corrupt.

08-12-2003, 08:16 AM
... well. u see, i used the crack provided in cd3 of splinter cell and when i loaded the game, the splash screen came up and suddenly this error popped up....

the error message box said this:


General protection fault!

History: ULinkerLoad<<FName <- (LinkerLoad Transient.LinkerLoad93 10113975)) <- FObjectImport<< <-
LoadImportMap <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport
<- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <-
UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Core.Class EchelonCharacter.ESam NULL) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <-
(EchelonGameInfo menu.EchelonGameInfo0, Function Echelon.EchelonGameInfo.Login) <-
ULevel::SpawnPlayActor <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


please, do u know what this error means and how i can overcome it so that i can play the game????

also, can u please tell me how to direct download because i dont have a clue on how to do it...

08-12-2003, 05:30 PM
What I said was to write down the files that you got errors installing, and download them using direct connect. (which is a program) Then put them into the correct directory. If that does not work, or for any reason you do not want to do that, or I mis understood. Then i dont know, it can not be that much now to buy.