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View Full Version : need bitme invite have invites to

05-11-2008, 04:19 PM
Need bitme invite have invites to:


pleae pm me if you can help.

05-11-2008, 04:21 PM
Just some advice. This method works for most trackers, but not bitmetv. They're baddies. That is all you need to know. If u do get an acc it would get disabled soon, and if u get 5 more they will still all get disabled cuz BITMETV IS SHIT1!!!! tv torrents FTW!!

*yea, bitme + bitmetv r basically run by the same ppl if u haven't guessed. If ur banned on one, ur banned on the other.

05-11-2008, 04:26 PM
he asks for bitme, not bitmetv

you should have not tried to trade to get it, cause many people here might have invited you for free

05-11-2008, 04:47 PM
he asks for bitme, not bitmetv

you should have not tried to trade to get it, cause many people here might have invited you for free

Umm... I have been trying for a while to get into bitmetv or bitme for that matter.. But I have been unsuccessful so far. What makes things worse is the staff over there doesn't like giving away invites..

05-11-2008, 10:13 PM
he asks for bitme, not bitmetv

you should have not tried to trade to get it, cause many people here might have invited you for free

Umm... I have been trying for a while to get into bitmetv or bitme for that matter.. But I have been unsuccessful so far. What makes things worse is the staff over there doesn't like giving away invites..
The Reason is if someone cheats the inviter lost his account or invites
I invited a cheater and lost my 8 invites, bitme never give invite again