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View Full Version : yo Stoi, I can't access the BCG forums

05-15-2008, 08:29 PM
I'm a SPU with a ratio in the double digits with well over 1tb Upped and like 1 or 2 hnr's out of 50 torrents. Am I not qualified enough to view the forums or something?

05-15-2008, 08:36 PM
sign out and sign back in, i've had that problem before as well

05-15-2008, 08:38 PM
Yeah as T.S.O.L said, sign out, clear cookies, and sign back in and hopefully it should work :)
If your unlucky and your ISP is meddling with shit, then you totally wont be able to access the forums, but I doubt that will happen anywhere outside where I live :P

05-15-2008, 08:48 PM
sign out and sign back in, i've had that problem before as well

I've had the same problem ones, and this should work for you

05-15-2008, 09:09 PM

case closed

05-15-2008, 09:13 PM
well done :)

04-24-2011, 05:02 PM
Hello, i know this post is old but it seems appropriate to write here.

I can't login on BCG (same nick as here). I wasn't active couple of months i believe (personal issues) and now i can't log in. Is my acount disabled and if so can it be reeanbled.

04-24-2011, 05:30 PM
AFAIK, as long as your account hasn't been deleted, it can be re-enabled. Go to their IRC, and ask about it there. :)



I am not sure, if this information is correct, though.

04-24-2011, 05:36 PM
Sorry its gone, pruned.

04-24-2011, 05:44 PM
Is it possible to get it back stoi?
I would greatly appreciate it.

I wasn't on computer in general for long time.

04-24-2011, 05:55 PM
sorry no, once its been pruned its gone from the database, forever, no way to get it back.

04-24-2011, 05:56 PM
Is it possible to get it back stoi?

Nope. Once an account is deleted, it's gone forever.

What you can do is creating another one next time they open, and logging in more frequently...

04-24-2011, 06:04 PM
Ok, thanks anyway.

I was active a lot on BCG.

I had specific situation so i wasn't using internet in general.

Well, tough luck for me.

Thanks again for prompt reply!

04-24-2011, 06:12 PM
Do keep checking back, they frequently open signups.

04-24-2011, 06:13 PM
I had specific situation so i wasn't using internet in general.

If that ever happens again, you can discuss it with their staff prior to losing Internet access.

04-24-2011, 06:19 PM
I had specific situation so i wasn't using internet in general.

If that ever happens again, you can discuss it with their staff prior to losing Internet access.

Believe me i would if i knew it was 60 days of innactivity.
I believed it was 90 or so or that it prolongues if you are member for a long time and had many snatches with no penalties.
I don't know why i thought that.
Anyway, i admit it was solely my mistake because of, like i mentioned, specific situation.

04-24-2011, 08:09 PM
If that ever happens again, you can discuss it with their staff prior to losing Internet access.

Believe me i would if i knew it was 60 days of innactivity.
I believed it was 90 or so or that it prolongues if you are member for a long time and had many snatches with no penalties.
I don't know why i thought that.
Anyway, i admit it was solely my mistake because of, like i mentioned, specific situation.

well, just wait for the next open signup period. :)

04-24-2011, 09:49 PM
Ok, thanks.

04-25-2011, 02:02 PM
Btw stoi I have a question , is the ban on Romania over ? cause I caught the free sign up on your tracker recently and I managed to make an account :D
Right now I've allready uploaded like 22gb :X

04-25-2011, 04:49 PM
1: according to the tracker, your ip is from the USA, so something has gone wrong there somewhere lol but thats how you got in by the looks of it, you just got lucky.

2: and you have 22gig as you uploaded a game, nothing wrong with that, but that is the best way to get a good upload when you start (even though you dont need a good ratio on BCG) but the more games/uploaders the better for me.

04-25-2011, 04:51 PM
Btw stoi I have a question , is the ban on Romania over ? cause I caught the free sign up on your tracker recently and I managed to make an account :D
Right now I've allready uploaded like 22gb :X

That was dumb posting that, now they got their eye on you, and going to be under extra scrutiny....and you better not invite anyone....

04-25-2011, 04:52 PM
well his name is the same as on here, we are giving him a chance (well i am) and already put it in his modcomments, just not sure why the tracker is saying a USA IP when it is a Romainian IP, well according to http://www.ip-adress.com/ it is Romanian anyway.

04-25-2011, 05:16 PM
That was dumb posting that, now they got their eye on you, and going to be under extra scrutiny....and you better not invite anyone....

So what?
Cirno already mentioned in BCG IRC that you're XxRaVeNxX and your account still exists as well. Don't think that you need to be scared.

04-25-2011, 05:21 PM
Scared of what? Stoi saw my name the minute I tried I entered the site. 'Saying he doesn't remember the original members, but he'll never forget me.'

If I was trying to hide, I'd use a different handle on BCG, than my original handle, douche.

04-25-2011, 05:29 PM
Then I simply don't understand what you were tying to imply before.
Thanks anyway for calling me a douche

04-25-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm implying that people whose English isn't their first language, should stop with assumptions.

04-25-2011, 07:48 PM
well his name is the same as on here, we are giving him a chance (well i am) and already put it in his modcomments, just not sure why the tracker is saying a USA IP when it is a Romainian IP, well according to http://www.ip-adress.com/ it is Romanian anyway.

:lol: Lol guess I'm lucky to be able to get in . Thanks for giving me a chance :d . I'm gonna try to upload more torrents with the seedbox ( I love uploading :lol: )

04-26-2011, 02:27 PM
well his name is the same as on here, we are giving him a chance (well i am) and already put it in his modcomments, just not sure why the tracker is saying a USA IP when it is a Romainian IP, well according to http://www.ip-adress.com/ it is Romanian anyway.

Always try to check IP with geotool, or intigrate with tracker. And sadly all the time they may not right either. For example, some of my ips in my isp's dynamic ip range is treated as australian IP, some of them as china IP, and a few of them as indian IP, and surprisingly the last one is correct. :/

Its due to nat, which some isp always frequently.

04-26-2011, 02:37 PM
this is what we use http://ipinfodb.com/ip_database.php its usually accurate, but obvioulsy nothing can be 100% accurate, not really that bothered tbh, as long as its only 1 or 2 getting in and not 1000`s.

04-26-2011, 06:47 PM
stoi: this (http://network-tools.com/) tool (choose "lookup" in the menu) is the most accurate one I've ever tried.

04-27-2011, 12:17 AM
I really miss BCG, i must say. I have other means of downloading games but when you get used to something it is like withdrawl crisis. :)

stoi, are those open signup periods frequent or they occur once a month or so? :)

04-27-2011, 01:25 AM
stoi: this (http://network-tools.com/) tool (choose "lookup" in the menu) is the most accurate one I've ever tried.

yes, +1

04-27-2011, 10:51 AM
Hello Stoi, Just a word of warning. I tried to log into my BCG account this morning and it was disabled. I racked my brains trying to think what i might have done wrong. So in the end I decided to go on IRC (first time i'd ever used any irc) and Weaponx responded and here's what was said...

Session Start: Wed Apr 27 09:47:57 2011
Session Ident: #help
03[09:47] * Now talking in #help
03[09:47] * Topic is '4Click "recover account" on the login page to change your password if you have forgotten it. Use the e-mail you used to sign up with on BCG. 8Please don't idle in this channel. 6Do not PM staff. 8poolshark: giving hope since 2011'
03[09:47] * Set by poolshark on Wed Mar 02 14:53:20
01[09:49] <Dragonsfire> ello, I went to log into my account this morning but it says it's been disabled. could someone look into it for me please? thanks
02[09:56] * &WeaponX ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
Session Close: Wed Apr 27 10:09:26 2011

Session Start: Wed Apr 27 10:09:26 2011
Session Ident: #help
02[10:09] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Apr 27 10:09:26 2011

Session Start: Wed Apr 27 10:10:41 2011
Session Ident: #help
03[10:10] * Now talking in #help
03[10:10] * Topic is '4Click "recover account" on the login page to change your password if you have forgotten it. Use the e-mail you used to sign up with on BCG. 8Please don't idle in this channel. 6Do not PM staff. 8poolshark: giving hope since 2011'
03[10:10] * Set by poolshark on Wed Mar 02 14:53:20
01[10:10] <Dragonsfire> hello...
[10:10] <snarfer> hello Dragonsfire
01[10:12] <Dragonsfire> Hi, I went to log into my account today and it said it was disabled, could someone look into it for me please? thanks
03[10:12] * WeaponX ([email protected]) has joined #help
03[10:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao WeaponX WeaponX
[10:15] <&WeaponX> 4Dragonsfire: you need help?
[10:16] <&WeaponX> why are you trying to dcc chat me?
01[10:17] <Dragonsfire> yeah, I went to log this morning and and it said my account was disabled, could you tell me why please? and sorry this is first time i've ever used irc
[10:18] <&WeaponX> snarf rulescount Dragonsfire
[10:18] <snarf> 9,1Dragonsfire7 has visited the site rules9 67 times, snarf.
[10:18] <&WeaponX> snarf faqcount Dragonsfire
[10:18] <snarf> 9,1Dragonsfire7 has visited the site FAQ9 187 times, snarf.
[10:19] <&WeaponX> read them enough times...you should know why
01[10:19] <Dragonsfire> well i don't
[10:20] <&WeaponX> remember what it says about using 2 clients on one torrent?
[10:20] <&WeaponX> guess you dont..since you are banned
01[10:21] <Dragonsfire> no? and why are you so rude!! I didn't even load a torrent in 2 clients!!!
[10:21] <&WeaponX> umm..yes you did
[10:21] <&WeaponX> i'm looking at it right now
[10:22] <&WeaponX> or you have one crappy client setup
01[10:22] <Dragonsfire> well it's wrong. i read the rules alot to try not to make mistakes
01[10:23] <Dragonsfire> i downloaded the latest utorrent and it said i couldn't use it so i went back to 2.2.0
[10:23] <&WeaponX> really? you were not using utorrent on this torrent
01[10:24] <Dragonsfire> was it vuze? i might have tried that
[10:24] <&WeaponX> nope
01[10:25] <Dragonsfire> sometimes people make genuine mistakes ya know
[10:25] <&WeaponX> then tell me what you did
[10:25] <&WeaponX> on [REQ:29319] Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII PAL Scrubbed
01[10:26] <Dragonsfire> if i knew then i wouldn't have done it that's what i'm trying to work out
01[10:26] <Dragonsfire> yeah that's my upload
[10:27] <&WeaponX> yup
01[10:28] <Dragonsfire> is it because i created the torrent file in a different utorrent then installed a different one?
[10:28] <&WeaponX> you were not even using utorrent on this torrent
01[10:29] <Dragonsfire> i uploaded it from my seedbox which i told you about
[10:31] <&WeaponX> and i'm seeing two bittornado clients being used to seed it
01[10:31] <Dragonsfire> yeah that's my seedbox....
[10:32] <&WeaponX> and using two bittornado clients?
02[10:33] * %Merl ([email protected]) Quit (Insert Coin(s))
01[10:34] <Dragonsfire> no it gives me the choice to create a torrent with bittornado or mainline. my seedbox provider might have upgraded my torrentflux that's the only way it would be different. nothing i did i can garuntee it
[10:35] <&WeaponX> ive never seen any seedbox do this themselves
01[10:36] <Dragonsfire> well i only have the choice to use one bittornado so i don't know how it could have happened. to ban me for something thats not my fault is very unfair
[10:38] <&WeaponX> maybe you should make sure you setup is setup correctly
01[10:38] <Dragonsfire> well that's why i payed for a seedbox so they could do it for me....
[10:38] <&WeaponX> if you cant take the time to make sure everything is working properly...then you dont need to be here
[10:39] <&WeaponX> i'll give you one last chance
[10:39] <&WeaponX> anything like this again...and its banned
[10:40] <&WeaponX> you can log back in now
01[10:40] <Dragonsfire> nah f**k it, don't want one last chance when i havent done nothing wrong in the first place and i don't want to be part of a community with rude people like you!
[10:40] <&WeaponX> works for me
[10:40] <&WeaponX> have a nice day
Session Close: Wed Apr 27 10:41:02 2011

This is totally unacceptable. Some mods are getting far too big for their boots, the powers gone to their little heads. I NEVER used 2 clients to seed. I was trying to be helpfull by uploading some of the requests and this is what happens. The only thing I can think of is when i logged into my seedbox yesterday was that the torrent in question was saying 500% shared one minute then 200% the next and it was only happening on that torrent. So it must be a bug... also i noticed that my provider is using a beta torrentflux version so that could explain a bug maybe. Sorry to broadcast this but I'm so annoyed and won't be spoken to like that by anyone especially him and I have also seen him being a bit hostile to people in the forums. you can have my login details for my seedbox if you want and have a look. I've got nothing to hide. Saying that I don't want my account back because I know I'm probably wasting my time as you'll just take his side coz he's a so called mod.

04-27-2011, 02:18 PM
Own goal?
You are right that WeaponX is quite a d*ckhead but this doesn't look like him being almighty.
I mean, he even wanted to reenable you if it really were a bug and you deny it. How does that look?

04-27-2011, 03:35 PM
Own goal?
You are right that WeaponX is quite a d*ckhead but this doesn't look like him being almighty.
I mean, he even wanted to reenable you if it really were a bug and you deny it. How does that look?

yeah i understand what your saying, but he pi**ed me off so much i can't be bothered with it all. I tried really hard to be a good and polite member there like uploading requested torrents, seeded back a lot more than i've taken and posted in the forums a bit. I really enjoyed being there it's a great site and i was only talking to stoi himself a couple of days ago on the chat.

I just wanted to say my bit, I'm not interested in having an account there anymore.

04-27-2011, 03:41 PM
Dragonsfire: with the amount of people that appear to have a "weird client setup" but are actually up to something, you can't blame the Mod for being scrutinizing.

04-27-2011, 04:01 PM
I havent got a problem with being suspected that's life but I have got a problem with his attitude and the way he spoke to me about it and the fact he gets away with it.

nevermind I'll just leave it be now and move on.

04-27-2011, 04:21 PM
I'm on Dragonsfire side. Even if one was suspected of murder/cheating/stealing torrents (:O) I don't think it's cause to throw civility out the window. What.CD's mods handle hundreds of times more complaints, and yet I have never seen them act hostile unless the situation actually called for it.

What happened up there is a mod made up his mind to treat everyone that walks into the help channel as a cheater, before the "trial" starts. Many a mod use the "You know what you did, so maybe if you come out and say it and don't do it again you'll be reactivated," but the tone being used by WeaponX wasn't very inviting, to say the least.

04-27-2011, 04:30 PM
how do you know how many we handle, as the help channel is for staff and the member in question only, so you have no idea what goes on in there im afraid. (we do get shit loads btw)

I was going to look into this, but by the sounds of it i dont need to bother, he doesnt want his account back, took a hissy fit, when it was going to be re-enabled, so bye bye, not my problem.

PS: its not 2 different clients, but it is 2 different ports (so must have been the same client used twice by the looks of it) and it does look like cheating to the staff, hard to explain it here but.

43161 - BitTornado/T-0.3.18 6.77 GB 6.77 GB 20.46 MB/s 011-04-26 07:23:35 5:39
47621 - BitTornado/T-0.3.18 16.00 kB -7,102,019.14 kB -4,857.74 kB/s 2011-04-26 07:47:57 24:22

and it keeps going on like that for a lot of announces.

04-27-2011, 04:35 PM
Agree with Dragon and Darth, typical BCG mod behavior,.....'police brutaliaty!'

04-27-2011, 04:40 PM
@EyeCandy: I vote for more of such police brutaliaty if it's against you. Doesn't amaze me now why people talk bad about you after what I have seen from your posts on BCG

04-27-2011, 04:42 PM
hows it a hissy fit I've got good reason to be pissed off! you don't know me so don't judge me. with a response like that it just makes you & your site look bad. you just keep ya shitty mods & bad attitude

04-27-2011, 04:45 PM
@Dickface aka Markociv1

I don't know even know why you hijack someone's thread to bash me. Bash me on BCG? That's cute you guys talk about me in IRC, when I'm barely active in that community, what 20 posts in the forums, 10 torrent comments, and none of it is flame material.....Get a life, and stop worrying about mine....douche

Edit: After looking at your post history, you've been stalking my threads for a while, please get off my nuts....

04-27-2011, 04:48 PM
hmm you are the one that brought it into the open and complained, and didnt want your account back, so how am i being nasty or bad. confused.

btw a question (yes i am looking into this, even if you dont want your account back)

is it a shared seedbox, and could whoever you share it with, have jumped on the torrent to help you seed it?

the "2nd client" started

47621 Start BitTornado/T-0.3.18 2011-04-25 21:17:39

04-27-2011, 04:55 PM
only because you said i was having a hissy fit (i'm not) I'm just the sort of person who speaks out when I feel i've been treated like a bit of shit. I would do it to anybody in person or on any site which acted the same it's nothing personal.

No it's not a shared seedbox unless it's been breached which i don't think it has. I won't be using that provider again that's for sure.

04-27-2011, 04:57 PM
But it is flame material mostly. You can't deny that

04-27-2011, 05:04 PM
1. NONE OF MY POSTS ON BLACKCATS-GAMES.NET IS FLAME BAIT. That's why even Stoi has ignored you, cause it's false.

2. Get off my dick, no one cares.

3. You have a variance of the stockholm syndrome

Under the thread, Worst Staff on Bittorrent World

Don't forget Cirno of BCG.

But then you're having tea with him....

Cirno already mentioned in BCG IRC.

You're a joke....

04-27-2011, 05:06 PM
but you have to understand, its a classic cheat, and we have had cheaters on their own uploads before, 1 was a great uploader a few years back, well the staff never thought to check (who would cheat on his own uploads ffs) but when we did we seen that 99% of his uploads he cheated on, so now we are more cautious.

The other thing is, it was going really slow, then the other client jumped on and it was going at 20MBs, but that is just because the announce was 5 minutes, and you were doing 2-3 gig in that time, like i said its really hard to explain on a forum, but 1 client will announce, then the other 25 minutes later, 1 client will look like its going really fast, while the other looks like its going backwards, its just the way XBTT handles it, and not sure if ocelot will be any different tbh (even though we havnt actually tried that yet).

and we get a lot of cheaters to handle as well, especially as we just opened up for 500+ members on Saturday.

04-27-2011, 05:24 PM
yeah I tottally agree it looks like a cheat but I just don't understand how it happened and like I said earlier I've only got a problem with the way he was talking to me not the site itself or most of the people on it.

04-27-2011, 05:24 PM
No drama like BT drama.

Your daily BT-novela is brought to you by FST.

04-27-2011, 05:31 PM
How does that possibly mean that I have tea with him?
Yeah, I don't like him that much, but it makes my life easier if he talks about you that much :-D

04-27-2011, 05:36 PM
No activity on this topic for more than a year, i post my problem, suddenly it is conversation about everything.

04-27-2011, 05:39 PM
First of all, there's an obvious language barrier. Let me bluntly say, that you are a pussy/girl/person with a lot of estrogen in their system/sugar in their tank....take your pick

There's is no reason, why I would to associate with someone who I do not like, but I guess that's easy for pushovers such as yourself, and I don't associate with push overs/door mats, so stop talking to me, and trying to get my attention, since it is obvious you are attention deprived, having conversations with people you don't even like in the first place.

And if my post count is any indication about how active I am in the IRC chat room, it boils to about once a month if that, but if you guys feel compelled to speak of me, when I'm obviously not in the room, it only further substantiates what I've said of the staff there since day one...

(Especially Cirno, if he is the one speaking of members, publicly in a negative light, whom have no influence on the site, he's representing the site, pushing 30 years old, and instigates like a teenager)

04-27-2011, 05:50 PM
I do hope that a female person has lots of estrogen. Thanks for pointing that out.
So, you don't like their staff because they talk about you AFTER you provoke people with your posts? Did I understand this correctly or is this language barrier still up here somewhere?

04-27-2011, 05:56 PM
Yea, feel free to link to the post that I am provoking members on Blackcats-games.net

If you are not able to find this, I'm calling for this thread to be closed, and banning you for provoking(flaming) other members with no just cause, and trolling.

And the reason I have an issue with certain staff, dates back before you even knew what torrents were, child, back when their logo was more or less this, probably even before then....


Go back to trolling, troll....

04-27-2011, 06:27 PM
but eyecandy/raven the staff member that you had issues with years ago, i bet he isnt still a staff member (cant remember who it was) but we chop and change staff pretty regular.

and you did, delete all your uploaded torrents, reason we dont allow uploaders to delete their torrents anymore.

you also told paypal we were a games tracker when you done a charge back (the charge back i couldnt give a shit about, it was grassing up that pissed me off)

and you have done nothing but troll me and my site since you made the new eyecandy account on here.

have i banned you from BCG again, NO, for me its all over, whats done is done, and it was years ago, its you that has a bee in his bonnnet for something that happened years ago, why i dont have a clue, as like i said, that staff member is probably long gone, and i dont even know what the disagreement was about.

04-27-2011, 06:32 PM
Language Barriers...I hate them....

You are missing the obvious, Stoi, what was this topic about, it's about Markovic, saying that your staff is currently talking negatively publicly about your members, without even being provoked, because they are bored, or still pissed off about a divorce...Tell Cirno to act 30 and not 13

And speaking of the past, you damn right I was pissed, one of your staff members, has that Cirno mentality, that you can just search FST and see the complaints. And, me constantly donating to the site, financially, and time, and I was one of the top uploaders at the time, and they wanted to act like a douche. Having civility is something that is still lacking by the staff it seems...

04-27-2011, 06:33 PM
47621 - BitTornado/T-0.3.18 16.00 kB -7,102,019.14 kB -4,857.74 kB/s 2011-04-26 07:47:57 24:22

Haha, negative speeds. I recall seeing the same on ScL's peerlist some time ago.

No activity on this topic for more than a year, i post my problem, suddenly it is conversation about everything.

That's how it is around here. At least the posts are still related to BCG. :happy:

04-27-2011, 06:36 PM
Language Barriers...I hate them....

You are missing the obvious, what was this topic about, it's about Markovic, saying that your staff is currently talking negatively publicly about your members, because they are bored, or still pissed off about a divorce...Tell Cirno to act 30 and not 13

actually they only talk negatively about you, but thats because of past run ins, like i said for me, personally, its over, whats done is done, its you that has been trolling me and my site since you made the eyecandy name, and you have got an XXXravenXXX username on here as well, but obviously, hide away and just troll, instead of being open about it.

04-27-2011, 06:43 PM
No one is hiding, I don't have an xxravenxx on this site....and if it's for past run ins, something that happend over five years ago, it's obvious you don't chop up staff that much, for them to remember it

Yea, feel free to link to the account that is mine on this site under the name xxravenxx...what it doesn't exist?

Dont be a troll stoi, you are better than that.

04-27-2011, 06:47 PM
So you changed the name to eyecandy then, 110% sure i have seen a post on here under xxxravenxxx and you have been a member since 2007 but only noticed eyecandy posting in the last 2 months.

it doesnt really matter though, you have still been an imature troll against us for the past 2-3 months, and I still havnt banned you so meh, get the fuck on with it, i dont care anymore.

04-27-2011, 06:51 PM
Actually the staff here can attest that the name change has been closer to two years, and don't feel too proud it had nothing to do with you, just other areas of this forum, that originally attracted me to it..

And if you don't care, why waste your time and energy responding about something that happened so long?

And I only troll as much as you as much as your staff does, which you, yourself admitted they do, and members of this forum are witness to.

04-27-2011, 06:53 PM
because its YOU that has the hump ffs, if i had it you would be banned again.

just grow the fuck up. its boring now.

04-27-2011, 06:56 PM
If it is so boring, then why do you always bite....

And I only troll as much as you as much as your staff does, which you, yourself admitted they do, and members of this forum are witness to.

I only represent myself, your staff, represent you and your site....very unbecoming....

04-27-2011, 06:59 PM
because you are having a go at my site and me, and my staff, i wouldnt be much of an owner if i didnt defend our actions, or what you say against us now would i.

and when have i ever trolled, or my staff have ever trolled. confused again.

04-27-2011, 07:07 PM
Check Markociv7 posts he's publiclly stated that Cirno, staff member/sysop has spoken negatively in the IRC chat room, which I don't even frequent.

Even you said it so, yourself...

actually they only talk negatively about you, .

A troll is someone who posts inflammatory in an online community, such as a chat room with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

The epitome of trolling. Now Markociv7, wouldn't have came here, and following my posts, if your staff, would act like staff and not speak negatively of it's current user base, and not like prepubescent teenagers.

04-27-2011, 07:10 PM
well, today, to help dragons out, was my first time in IRC for about a year, tbh i dont have a clue what goes on in there, and i never troll anyone in the public room (staff room is different) but not in front of the other members.

so please, tell me where i troll (in public).

and maybe markociv7 is just doing the same to you as you have been doing to us, getting you to bite. which he succeeded.

anyway going to watch Real vs barca now.

04-27-2011, 07:17 PM
so please, tell me where i troll.

and maybe markociv7 is just doing the same to you as you have been doing to us, getting you to bite. which he succeeded..

Don't be naive, your staff is a direct reflection of you. The same way in the real world, employees are a direct reflection of their company. And, I seriously doubt Markociv1 is sincerly doing just to troll. He's a lurker whose been here since '09, with no history of trolling. Yet, he knew my other handle...not even you knew that, up until recently.

What's more believable, that he guessed my other handle, and secretly guessed the staff there didn't like me, and even name dropped someone whose been there since my first registration, all from someone whose first language(obviously) isn't even english?

Or that Cirno is acting like, you and I both know, that he acts like....

04-27-2011, 07:25 PM
maybe markovic1 seen us chatting in the sb that day when you first joined, see you posting here and put 2 + 2 together and came up with 4, i didnt know for sure that you were raven, but i had a gut feeling it was you from your very first post, i just didnt think anyone could keep a grugde from 4-5 years ago (even i am not that bad).

or maybe markovic1 is a staff member, so is in the know (hosestly i dont know if he is or isnt, or who the hell he is tbh) and is just posting all this to wind you up, just like you have been doing to me over the past 3 months or so.

and we are not a company, we are a gaming tracker, if you dont like us, then dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, you dont HAVE to be a member, and we sure as hell wont miss you.

04-27-2011, 07:34 PM
Let's not argue semantics. You know what I'm implying. Company, entity, website, tracker it's all synonymous with brand.

1. First theory is seriously flawed, that conversation happened in a shoutbox, over six months ago, even if he was happening to read it before the shoutbox text was gone. 'Yea, I can see Markociv1 waiting half a year to post something and then taking his time to find out who I am on FST. /sarcasm.

2. Second theory isn't even possible, since Markociv1 was banned from blackcats-games.net not too long ago, but recently re-joined. So, now he's staff?

04-27-2011, 07:36 PM
Markociv1 no such user on BCG so how am i supposed to know he was banned when he doesnt even exist.

04-27-2011, 07:45 PM
Geez, you go to watch football and this is what happens?

04-27-2011, 07:50 PM
I doubt he will state who he actually is, since according to his forum posts, he was invited by a trader in the past, and Cirno banned him.....and probably scared

04-27-2011, 07:53 PM
and dont you think that if he was a staff member, he wouldnt make some cock and bull story up to keep his cover on here?

who knows who anyone is, but i am 100% sure none of the staff would call other members in public, unless they deserved it and were there at the time.

04-27-2011, 07:54 PM
This 'cock and bull' story about him being banned, was posted in April of 09....yea, that's some deep cover to try and troll me two years later....

04-27-2011, 07:55 PM
do you think he is just here to troll you lol we had invites back then.

04-27-2011, 07:57 PM
Uhh, yea...I know, if you read his post about being banned, TWO YEARS AGO, he is referring that he was invited by a trader, hence his ban....or am I missing something...

04-27-2011, 08:00 PM
so you believe what everyone says then, you may be right and he isnt staff but i cant see cirno or another staffer saying things about anyone in the main room when that member isnt in the room, i have never noticed that ever when i have been in there.

how he found out, i dont have a clue, as he doesnt exist on BCG with the same name as he uses on here anyway.

04-27-2011, 08:07 PM
That's fine, I don't believe everything that is said to me, but I'm not one to sit blind to evidence that says otherwise.

He stated the staff spoke ill of me, you corroborated this, by saying the same thing.

He knew the staff had an issue, but he thought it was for flaming posts.

He knew my other handle.

All this points to staff speaking generally, but no specifically, there's no other explanation.

04-27-2011, 08:51 PM

Glad that the game got interesting after the 2nd red card. Nice 2 goals

04-28-2011, 01:55 PM

I appreciate you putting your handle out there, Markociv1, which proves you have nothing to hide, and are doing anything but trolling...

but i am 100% sure none of the staff would call other members in public, unless they deserved it and were there at the time.

well, today was my first time in IRC for about a year, tbh i dont have a clue what goes on in there, .

100% sure that none of the staff wouldn't call other members out in public? Your word would be a compelling arguement, except for the fact, you stated yourself you haven't been in there in over a year, and stated you have no clue what goes on in there.

Short of going in IRC under an alias, anytime there is a hierarchy, which is evident by such shows as Undercover Boss, the staff/children/employess, are going to have a more than scrupulous performance when the owner/parents/boss are in the room.

04-28-2011, 03:16 PM
you do go on and on and on dont you zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

04-28-2011, 03:30 PM
And I wouldn't expect a response any less becoming, after what your staff has displayed. A member has legitimate concern with your staff and your response is....

you do go on and on and on dont you zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Typical(but expected) behavior ....

04-28-2011, 03:41 PM
I can't remember what the name was, but one staffer was especially rude to me a couple of years ago. Admittedly I was in the wrong and had been inactive for a while, but the staffer decided to do nothing for me. I explained that I had to deal with family dying, which took precedence, and his response was "ya right, I believe that" or something along those lines.

It wasn't very fun truly losing my temper (I didn't say a word to him, I just left the chat) because of some dolt thinking everyone is a liar and belittling my misery at the time. The last thing I needed was that injustice, really. I did eventually rejoin BCG and decided to stay as far away from staffers as possible (with the exception of Stoi who I chit-chat to here now and again), but I do mean it when I say I empathize with people who say they have been treated unfairly at BCG; and while some staffers might be doing fantastic for the job, I know first-hand some people get treated like shit when they ask for help.

04-28-2011, 05:11 PM


04-28-2011, 05:44 PM
The problem is, when we prune, thats it, your account is gone, you can do all the pleading in the world, and it wont/cant get you anywhere, and when we do prune, we seem to get rid of a lot of members, and its not like we give you 7 days (like it was years ago) it was 90 days unparked and 120 days parked, then it was 60 days unparked, 90 days parked because i wanted to trim the users down a bit. and now from today we are not pruning anymore (for the near future anyway).

But when/if i do bring pruning back, a lot of users will loose their accounts, probably 5,000 + tbh especially if i open again, so getting even 10% into our irc help channel can be a bit of a pita (in a few hours), especially repeating the same thing over and over and over again. its not an excuse, but we dont have 100`s of staff, and the ones we have probably only 5 get into IRC, and as they are from all over the world, its usually 1 in there active at a time.

04-28-2011, 06:29 PM
I appreciate you putting your handle out there, Markociv1, which proves you have nothing to hide, and are doing anything but trolling...

I sure wonder what you would have posted if I hadn't answered

04-28-2011, 07:39 PM
Well, from my inquiry this became conversation about something totally different. Anyway, thanks for opening signups again, i managet to sign in. To anyone reading: be sure to login to tracker frequently if you care about it and don't wan't to be in position i was. :D

05-02-2011, 03:02 PM
Well, my account has been disabled for inactivity recently. So I contacted stoi over here (it seemed the right thing to do as I don't use IRC, not that I haven't tried, though :P). He made me a new account and I'm back on track, well without my uber buffer, that is.

That being said, I haven't talked to any other staff at BCG at any point and I have been a member for some time. I'm sure they're sadists, though. It's because of all the games they've played, ya know. :lol:

BTW, BCG is still down, right?

05-02-2011, 03:31 PM
Well, my account has been disabled for inactivity recently. So I contacted stoi over here (it seemed the right thing to do as I don't use IRC, not that I haven't tried, though :P). He made me a new account and I'm back on track, well without my uber buffer, that is.

Then I deduce your account wasn't disabled, but rather deleted. Not trying to be an ass, just thought I'd point that out since they don't mean the same.

BTW, BCG is still down, right?

Apparently, yes...

05-02-2011, 08:18 PM
Yeah, I guess it was. As far as my POV goes they are in this case, though. :P

05-06-2011, 11:39 PM
I know first-hand some people get treated like shit when they ask for help.

Yea, there are complete dicks. Knowing better, I went in IRC to discuss my input on them being DDOS, with the culprit allegedly stating that they are DDOS the site by a game company.

<XxRaVeNxX> Someone needs to let Stoi know, there is actually a an anti-piracy corporation called Aiplex Software that does DDOS torrent sites
<wo1verine> hmm
<regs> Aiplex Software deals with movie piracy
<regs> not games
<XxRaVeNxX> Still, if aiplex exists....there is probably some company that deals with games, and they never said they wont deal with games if the money is there
<XxRaVeNxX> they are a business
<regs> so your speculating
<regs> you're speculating
<regs> *
<XxRaVeNxX> His response was 'DDos is illegal, so i very much doubt that a game company asked someone to DDOS the site.' Doesnt hold true since movie studios have people DDOS torrent sites
<WeaponX> XxRaVeNxX: stop trying to stir dren up
<regs> I have the logs
<blinky> heh logs
<XxRaVeNxX> WeaponX I'm having a legitmate conversation, and haven't disrespeted anyone.
<WeaponX> and i'm telling you
<WeaponX> be quite
<XxRaVeNxX> What rule was broken?
<WeaponX> from the rules: "Do not defy the Moderators expressed wishes!"
<WeaponX> There you go

Wow, Power Trip Much He probably gloated more, but I left the chat room after that... 6:25 PM 05/06/11

05-06-2011, 11:48 PM
On the 7th day, God created iRC, so man could waste his life there and turn into a zombie, preventing the world from overpopulation.

05-07-2011, 12:01 AM
.i knew you would come here and cry about it.

Sorry, I consider this place home, and going through this thread, there are quite a few reputable people who have gone through the same thing.

We know you are troll..and you only post to get shit stirred up.

Sorry, I'm not trolling, what I stated has some validity to it, if you know the history of Aiplex Software. Because my conclusions, based on the information given to me, are different than your own, is no reason to silence me.

05-07-2011, 12:13 AM
maybe thos other people should stop breaking the rules then.

And it has nothing to do with rules, but treating people with mutual respect, as Darth Rings, so simply put it.

Again...everything i see from you is troll....so deal with it.

Wow, this sounds so familiar?

So, you don't like their staff because they talk about you AFTER you provoke people with your posts? Did I understand this correctly or is this language barrier still up here somewhere?

Is this the gospel, that you spread around in the IRC Channel? Because other members know of it, must be true. Regardless, if Stoi is blindly defending you. Like I told, Markociv1, please direct me to the Blackcats-Games posts, that I have trolled. You won't find it. Which concludes to me that you are the epitome of trolling, as you are explicitly trying to evoke an emotional response from me, whether it's in the IRC channel(documented above) or in a forum post.

05-07-2011, 12:45 AM
Yeah, they could care less about stoi. I feel bad it seems that a site owner should have a little more say. These things have a way of working themselves out; I just hope it works out sooner then later.

05-07-2011, 01:32 PM
yo stoi go fuck yourself and pm him .. fucking homo

Pm who and who is a homo?

as for the ddos, i know its possible an anti-piracy group had something to do with it, probable though, doubtful, its probably just a member we banned getting pissed off.

05-07-2011, 05:37 PM
Pm who and who is a homo?

That was most likely J-Dye. The best thing you can do with that guy is waiting until staff here spot him.

05-07-2011, 05:49 PM
ah right why not just give J-Dye his account back at least that way we know who the hell he is and can put him on ignore if we want lol

05-07-2011, 06:58 PM
Thanx You Admin

05-07-2011, 11:54 PM
What a lovely evening

05-08-2011, 07:37 PM
Getting error here:
[1129] dbconn: mysql_connect: Host 'bc4' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Whats up with that?

I had a good ratio, and was even seeding....

Stoi.... Help!

05-08-2011, 07:39 PM
Getting error here:
[1129] dbconn: mysql_connect: Host 'bc4' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Whats up with that?

I had a good ratio, and was even seeding....

Stoi.... Help!

Site's down at the moment. DDoS attack. stoi posted that several times on other threads.

05-08-2011, 07:42 PM
Getting error here:
[1129] dbconn: mysql_connect: Host 'bc4' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Whats up with that?

I had a good ratio, and was even seeding....

Stoi.... Help!

Site's down at the moment. DDoS attack. stoi posted that several times on other threads.

Thanks Mate!

Just checking....
Its been a couple days.

Hope Stoi can sort stuff out with these hackers

05-09-2011, 11:47 AM
Getting error here:
[1129] dbconn: mysql_connect: Host 'bc4' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Whats up with that?

I had a good ratio, and was even seeding....

Stoi.... Help!

That messageis an indication of the fact that stupi ddos attack is still going on.

05-09-2011, 02:08 PM
It has been 15 days since the DDOS attack,
BCG site is up
but i am getting restless 'cause the BCG tracker is down and i can't download/seed anything
and i am nearing the 60 days no download limit, can my account get pruned for this?
will Parking the account help?

05-09-2011, 03:10 PM
but i am getting restless 'cause the BCG tracker is down and i can't download/seed anything
and i am nearing the 60 days no download limit, can my account get pruned for this?
will Parking the account help?

stoi posted something about that on another thread.

05-09-2011, 03:38 PM
but i am getting restless 'cause the BCG tracker is down and i can't download/seed anything
and i am nearing the 60 days no download limit, can my account get pruned for this?
will Parking the account help?

stoi posted something about that on another thread.

Yeah he basically said he's not going to be pruning accounts. And he's well aware that people can't seed and such. Once it comes back up everyone will get time to login, seed etc... There has been also a discussion of no longer having signups or invites. Look around a bit you'll see lots of discussions. You can also through this site check posts by stoi.

05-09-2011, 07:17 PM
Well we never pruned for not seeding, just for not login in, but i commented that out last week before the ddos attack, and it hasnt been 15 days has it? pretty sure its 7 max.

06-08-2019, 03:14 PM
you also told paypal we were a games tracker when you done a charge back (the charge back i couldnt give a shit about, it was grassing up that pissed me off)

Is stoi in prison? Kinda feel bad....but I dont think it had anything to do with me.

06-08-2019, 04:07 PM
Is stoi in prison?

Good question. The last thing I heard about stoi was that he'd been arrested by British police; he hasn't given any life signs online since (as far as I've seen). I believe pjcnet was also busted as part of the events leading to BCG's shutdown, but I've seen him post on Reddit recently.

06-08-2019, 09:12 PM
Its years ago BCG was taken down. But it would be nice to hear from stoi if he is still around?