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View Full Version : [REQ] hoping for TT

05-16-2008, 03:50 PM
I'm a good user here and on all my trackers. I've been so lucky to receive invites from the great users here at FST. I've gotten into some top notch trackers and plan to contribute to those communities for years to come. I've got access to great movies, packs, tv shows, etc. But I can't help it, I want to experience the best.

I'm missing something though. I've heard constantly that TranceTraffic is a head above the rest, so I really want to join the TT community. If I'm so lucky to get TT, I will have a complete set of bookmarks in my browser that I will use every day for years, until these sites close. I'm sure that TT will complete my list of favorites nicely.

So, if you happen to have an invite, please pm me. I can post ratio proofs all over the place, but I really don't think the fact that I keep 3+ ratios at most trackers despite downloading 100s of GBs has much to do with it. I'm just a nice guy who enjoys quality content and sharing it in a nice community.

05-16-2008, 03:53 PM
u could have bumped ur old request, u know.

05-16-2008, 03:57 PM
u could have bumped ur old request, u know.

People didn't appreciate the joke, I thought. So I posted this instead. But thanks for the squirr3l wisdom. ;)

05-16-2008, 04:19 PM
People didn't appreciate the joke, I thought. So I posted this instead. But thanks for the squirr3l wisdom. ;)

Nothing bothers people more than to witness the good fortune of others dunson.You've changed the thread but you still haven't clued in entirely,"a complete set of bookends".
Come on man,I've always thought you were okay but you seem determined to keep rubbing peoples noses in it.

05-16-2008, 04:24 PM
Give dunson whatever he wants. He won't do anyone wrong.

05-16-2008, 04:26 PM
People didn't appreciate the joke, I thought. So I posted this instead. But thanks for the squirr3l wisdom. ;)

Nothing bothers people more than to witness the good fortune of others dunson.You've changed the thread but you still haven't clued in entirely,"a complete set of bookends".
Come on man,I've always thought you were okay but you seem determined to keep rubbing peoples noses in it.


That's what I mean. I thought it was sorta a nice joke acknowledging how lucky I've been to be invited to some great trackers that also explains what TT means to me. I've got everything else I could possibly want, so TT would complete my favorite trackers. I've pmed many people about this, and am sure from discussing and seeing screens that I will truly love the content on TT.

I'm certainly not the type to rub anything in anyone's face. I hope other nice guys like you don't see me as coming off that way. If I say I've been invited a lot of places, it is to put it out there so I don't look ungrateful with what I have.

I have 5 sites I use every day. I got all of them through kind people on FST. So I ask here once more for another opportunity to be a member of a tracker I'd love to be a part of.

I guess I should just give up, it seems that my luck has run its course and now I'm just getting on people's nerves by requesting this.

Seriously, anyone on a tracker I'm active on can vouch for the fact that I'm a good member that downloads, uploads, comments, etc. and I'm not some collector. I apologize if I come off in a bad light. I'm sure this thread will be unsuccessful now too, with this start, which is disappointing because I like both of you guys and I didn't expect these replies. Thanks for the input though.

Edit: and thanks Kyle! You're right, I won't do anyone wrong. In fact, I really think it comes back to being grateful. I came to FST as a user of two little open signup trackers, BitSoup and TribalMixes for my electronic music. Then I found all sorts of great opportunities to join even better sites. I don't think anyone can blame a guy for wanting the best content available in a genre you love the most. I don't trade, so I help out when I can and request what I need hoping someone can do the same. Thanks for your generosity in the past and kind words now.

05-16-2008, 04:30 PM
nice speech.
i personally hope you'll get it, so good luck.

05-16-2008, 05:57 PM
Good luck my friend.You need it!

The Flying Cow
05-16-2008, 06:16 PM
Lol take it from Magnum, he's been requesting TT since before the site was open :P

Nah but dunson is good folk, I know I've written this more than once, but he's the ideal member anywhere.

I was surprised to find him at one of my communities the other day (TDC FTW!), with a shexy buffer and all. He's also activo, which is I think what it's all about.

So I would vouch for him no questions asked.

But TT is really tough man (I've been trying for it for quite a while, and I know some peeps that are on it, but so far no luck whatsoever).

05-16-2008, 06:57 PM
Glad you understood what I was trying to say dunson.I'm afraid it's not simply enough to be a good person but also there is the need to be perceived as one.
And I'll add my friend the Shaman is right as usual,you are as close to an ideal member as any tracker could hope to have.I sincerely hope that someone out there has a spare invite for you.

The very best of luck to you.

05-16-2008, 09:34 PM
Thank you guys. I'm going to be hopeful and bump this (occasionally) for as long as I can/need to. I've had some people propose sending me an invite when they get one, but I don't feel like they are obligated to do so, and I mean, nobody likes standing on line at the club.

Idol, I'm sorry if some of my posts rub you the wrong way. Shaman, hit me up at TDC pls. ;)

05-16-2008, 09:38 PM
good luck

06-25-2008, 03:51 PM
/me hopes to get in while the doors are open

Anyone who is willing to help me out would be my new favorite person on the internet.

06-25-2008, 04:01 PM
I know I posted in this before but seriously can someone help this guy? I dunno if invites are open or what but someone help him.

06-25-2008, 04:12 PM
2008-06-25 - To all TT users.

Please disregard the previous post about invites until further notice. Thank you.
All requests for invites will be ignored.

- TT Staff

Some people are just too impatient and need to learn to take things in their stride.

06-25-2008, 04:20 PM
Damn that news sucks...

06-25-2008, 04:48 PM
GL you deserve it!!

06-25-2008, 05:46 PM
good luck dunson . TT, Elek , and TR are THE top-notch sites for Trance Fanatics like us .