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05-19-2008, 03:48 AM
"avoid private sites which deal in what could be called ‘mainstream’ material, better known as ‘scene releases’..bla bla...Put another way, you could be one of up to 20 million that use the PirateBay, or you are one of 40,000 that use SceneTorrents..bla bla bla..private site has your activities stored..bla"


so who thinks this is bad advice?

05-19-2008, 03:50 AM
tpb has shit speeds. also i havn't heard of a user on a private tracker getting sued although people from tpb have been. I could be missing some facts though as i don't follow btt news too closely

05-19-2008, 03:54 AM
i'm not sure if it's bad advice or not. you can make the case both for and against it.

it's true that more people will download from tpb. but at the same time, it would be a lot easier for anti piracy people to get your ip from the pirate bay than a private site.

it requires a bit of effort to gain access to a private site. especially the higher levels, so it might make more sense for anti piracy groups to bust people from public sites, since they can get a swarm of people all at once.

in the end, they're business people, and the more people they can extract money from, the better it is for them. it's no secret that the riaa and mpaa could care less about the actual art. it's all about money.

05-19-2008, 04:11 AM
Far less than 5 % of those who dl torrents do so from private sites; the huge majority use public trackers. I still use TPB and love it.

That advice do not make sense to me.

05-19-2008, 04:14 AM
Not bad advice :badrod:i use btjunkie-mininova-tpb- sometimes, but read their forums-see the ISP letter posts and other public tracks also:naughty:! A great amount of content but no community really. That is what makes a site-community! Plus depends on your ISP.

05-19-2008, 11:11 AM
Overall the analysis is pretty on point, if a bit obvious to myself. Aside from that, I don't think he's even on SCT because his numbers are off, so I question whether he is really aware of the security benefits or any of the realities of smaller, better private trackers.

I, for one, still think it is safer to use a good private tracker.

05-19-2008, 02:18 PM
lol i took a 2 month temp job working for my ISP. and i found out they don't monitor torrenting. so it don't matter.

05-19-2008, 03:00 PM
[quote=nixonsparanoia;2831562]"...private site has your activities stored..bla"

Thats why all of us Oink members got sued when oink was busted right?

Sounds like crap to me.

05-19-2008, 09:59 PM
[quote=nixonsparanoia;2831562]"...private site has your activities stored..bla"

Thats why all of us Oink members got sued when oink was busted right?

Sounds like crap to me.

All ex-Oinkers post from prison, n00b. ;)

05-19-2008, 11:04 PM
Use TPB and my mum will shoot!

05-20-2008, 03:20 AM
Eh? I've always used Demonoid when I wanted a certain movie/album not available on my private trackers...

05-20-2008, 04:51 AM
Was not a member there but good point!:fst:

[quote=nixonsparanoia;2831562]"...private site has your activities stored..bla"

Thats why all of us Oink members got sued when oink was busted right?

Sounds like crap to me.

05-20-2008, 04:31 PM
The analysys is flawed. Earlier on in the article he argues against blocklists because they block legitimate peers and slow down your download meaning you are on the torrent longer and therefore more likely to be logged.
Now compare the average time spent downloading a TL torrent against the same torrent on TPB. Something that takes minutes on TL will take hours, if not days, on TPB.

Saying that you are one in millions on TPB compared to one in thousands on a private site is misleading as well. From the MPAAs POV, you are still one of millions downloading their film no matter where you get it from. They are no more likely to go after private site users than they are to go after public site users.

05-20-2008, 05:03 PM
I have to agree that it seems silly to say that you're safer on tpb than say SCT or TL. Though in the case of TL I know some people have gotten letters in the past. Also when you grab a torrent off a public site you end up seeding it back to about 14:1 by the time it's finished meaning your much more at risk. From what I understand it's uploading data that will cause you legal problems not downloading it. Though I'm not sure if they'd say in court how many copies of the file you distributed or just say you did it in general.

I did find this interesting.

If you can find it, what’s stopping someone in the pay of an anti-piracy organization from finding it too? That’s just common sense. Of course, as in the old saying - poachers make the best gamekeepers - quite often the people doing the investigations are not newcomers to p2p, but have been doing it for years themselves. In that respect, over most users, they have the advantage in experience.

Now common sense says it's true. So I'm wondering how deep inside private sites they are.

05-20-2008, 06:25 PM
lol i took a 2 month temp job working for my ISP. and i found out they don't monitor torrenting. so it don't matter.

Wish we were all privy to that kind of information for our ISPs haha.

05-20-2008, 06:54 PM
The organizations hired to tackle p2p infringement really just care about numbers so it makes sense for them to stick to where most p2p activity is taking place and it's easiest to catch people out. Media companies strategy will be to take out the biggest most mainstream sites and make an example of them. Sueing every user on every site is just not viable.

05-20-2008, 11:22 PM
Also when you grab a torrent off a public site you end up seeding it back to about 14:1 by the time it's finished meaning your much more at risk. From what I understand it's uploading data that will cause you legal problems not downloading it.

That is not always true; you can control your upload speed to match the dl speed and end with a 1:1. A ratio of 14:1 is more likely seen in private trackers with member on seedbox building up the buffer.

05-20-2008, 11:35 PM
True...just not for me lol I'm on a normal old 1mb up line and usually seed back no more than 2:1, and on the rare occasion I've used public trackers I never thought about limiting my upload speed.

05-21-2008, 12:30 AM
It's worse when you load the torrent on a seed box and just leave it running.
Set to stop at 150%, but running at 5000KB/s limit I regularly hit 20:1 (2000%) or more.

Legally, any monitoring group should be able to prove that you uploaded one complete copy, and having uploaded more than 20 complete copies puts you more at risk.

I suppose he could be arguing for the fact that you can stop seeding at less than 1:1 on a public tracker with no problems (like banning) or even set your upload to 1kb/s, but that's what caused the problem with public trackers in the first place.

05-21-2008, 03:07 AM
Where I come from; security is the least of my problem. The 'Authority' are still busy trying to get rid of pirated copies of the latest DVD from the street. Mabe in a few years time they have enough resources to try catch us BT users.

05-21-2008, 03:56 AM
article was probably written by some MPAA hack who is trying to trick noobs into leaving private sites and going to tpb where they can catch them ;)

05-21-2008, 06:48 AM
From my experience, I've seen way more people sued on public trackers (like TPB) than private trackers. It's obvious which is safer to use, one type is public, the other is private, duh!

06-04-2008, 03:20 AM
well where are those guy who claimed that if some one uses private torrent site ,its safe heaven.......
what does your experience say now ?...,i think The Pirate Bay is as safe as many top level ,private ,elite torrent site,

06-04-2008, 03:35 AM
Very true! is all a scare tactic to get people to stop downloading-Movies-music? Does anyone know of a case that has been closed on someone who downloaded a song or movie-ect? If so please give us a link to the source. i stick to strickly E-learning-ebooks. that I own and need to backup so, no problem. but TPB vs any? Are you serious? compared to any Wtow- lev 5-10,just by odds, would think? Not a member at any so i do not know but would think if it is that hard to get in. has to be private and have good security.

From my experience, I've seen way more people sued on public trackers (like TPB) than private trackers. It's obvious which is safer to use, one type is public, the other is private, duh!

06-04-2008, 06:00 PM
I wouldn't give a shit if the government tried to sue me.

I'd say FUCK YOU and breakdown to MC Hammer on the courthouse steps, cuz I'm a rich fucken trust fund baby.