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05-19-2008, 08:34 AM
i've got a question for all our official and non-official com reps. i'm talking about sysops, admins, mods etc.

why do you have a fst account?

i don't want this thread to be spammed by users speculating. i want honest answers from those in question.

thank you.

p.s. it doesn't matter if it is your first post, dude :P

05-19-2008, 08:54 AM
i've got a question for all our official and non-official com reps. i'm talking about sysops, admins, mods etc.

why do you have a fst account?

i don't want this thread to be spammed by users speculating. i want honest answers from those in question.

thank you.

p.s. it doesn't matter if it is your first post, dude :P

and why do you have account, maybe to play a detective game:bleh:

05-19-2008, 11:49 AM
Your question makes total sense... I also thought about it already!

just waiting an official answer :)

05-19-2008, 12:03 PM
1) Catch invite traders
2) Keep up on the latest Brandon sympathy thread
3) To see 100 "Is tracker X better than tracker Y??" polls a day
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

(Staff here were kind enough to ban this account from viewing the Invite Trading forum because we were so successful at banning 5-6 accounts a week, so most Staff I know at trackers have at least 2 accounts (on seperate IPs obviously) )

05-19-2008, 12:13 PM
some sysops had account here before they open their trackers

05-19-2008, 12:51 PM
1) Catch invite traders
2) Keep up on the latest Brandon sympathy thread
3) To see 100 "Is tracker X better than tracker Y??" polls a day
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

(Staff here were kind enough to ban this account from viewing the Invite Trading forum because we were so successful at banning 5-6 accounts a week, so most Staff I know at trackers have at least 2 accounts (on seperate IPs obviously) )

lol, nice one Swax...

Honestly i think its because that many staff members are here simply for the following:

1. to actually address tracker issues
2. to eye out potentionaly good users( yes that does happen..once in a while)
3. mingle with the torrent community
4. simply for the entertainment value... (com'on now... some of you guys gotta agree... some of the stuff in here is way to funny to miss)

oh... and to catch traders of course.... :P

05-19-2008, 01:26 PM
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

Intellectually even :whistling

05-19-2008, 01:47 PM
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

Intellectually even :whistling

Congrats for spotting the deliberate mistake

05-19-2008, 02:05 PM
Intellectually even :whistling

Congrats for spotting the deliberate mistake

Not that old comeback again, shirley you can come up with something more original?

05-19-2008, 03:09 PM
Not that old comeback again, shirley you can come up with something more original?http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/8082/wtf2191c2bb1pj9.jpg? :rolleyes:

05-19-2008, 04:58 PM
I love you Swax, it's official, and btw - here is my ear, I do hope your tongue is clean though and you have washed it since you last used on Feeling's ear.

05-19-2008, 05:45 PM
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

True indeed ... but you can go to almost every tracker-forum and you'll get the same feeling. :shifty:

Honestly i think its because that many staff members are here simply for the following:
4. simply for the entertainment value... (com'on now... some of you guys gotta agree... some of the stuff in here is way to funny to miss)

That's 100% true ... although it can be frustrating sometimes to read al those invite-begger threads and the fact they think all FST-members IQ is a moderate as their own.

Sorry for this little off-topic ... I give the word to the reps again :shifty:

05-19-2008, 06:18 PM

37? Mother of god, and I thought I needed a life.

Well actually I do have one now,thankfully.:happy:

05-19-2008, 06:39 PM
I had never heard of this site till one day I met Reality on another forum and he talk to me about the CR title and it kind of peaked my interest to see what was going on over here and I found out that I actually enjoy being here. I mean yes there a bunch of bad users but there is also a bunch good ones and my belief is that you have to put up with the bad to find out the good of what FST provides for the BT communities out there or any other form of file sharing out there.

I know that there are sites that truel'y don't like FST for there invite section, but hey in my humble opinion there are a bunch of invite trading sites out there that are way worst and to top it off they have no respect or communication with the BT sites and I can guarantee they are no hurry to try and build a stronger bond between a forum like this and the BT sites which is something FST tried to do with the CR title and actually **** the urls of some sites.

I will just quote jesperr since I think he read my mind and posted the reasons why I stick around here an in easy to read manner.

Honestly i think its because that many staff members are here simply for the following:

1. to actually address tracker issues
2. to eye out potentionaly good users( yes that does happen..once in a while)
3. mingle with the torrent community
4. simply for the entertainment value... (com'on now... some of you guys gotta agree... some of the stuff in here is way to funny to miss)

oh... and to catch traders of course...

05-19-2008, 11:39 PM
some sysops had account here before they open their trackers
Good point :yup:

05-19-2008, 11:48 PM
What has age got to do with anything, im 36 and have a life, but im here as well.

anyway, i joined here when it was the kazaa lite forums in 2002, left it and used filesoup more when i made my tracker, we went down for a bit, a member of my site emailed me and told me there was a thread over here asking wtf was going on, came here, tried to make a new account, stoi was already taken, im like wtf.

So tried a few of my old passwords that i used to use, and logged in, thought how lol then i noticed people on my friends list from 2002 and knew where i was (as the domain name had been changed).

So i never even thought about joining here to catch traders etc.

05-19-2008, 11:55 PM
i've got a question for all our official and non-official com reps. i'm talking about sysops, admins, mods etc.

why do you have a fst account?

i don't want this thread to be spammed by users speculating. i want honest answers from those in question.

thank you.

p.s. it doesn't matter if it is your first post, dude :P

FST is a forum with many subforums...some have nothing to do with bittorrent. there are a lot of us who spend time in the BT section because it is something that we are interested in and like to discuss. when you say, "FST," one cant help but thing you are alluding to the WTAW thread. if this is the case, you should be more specific in your question. not everybody here spends time tossing and turning in bed due to their ever-growing concern over trading and whatnot.

This site is a great resource for anybody who enjoys IT and the media platform. you can ask almost any sort of question here about movies, software, hardware, television, or having sex on your period and you will get a response. your ever-so-trite attempts at playing devils advocate here are no more or less important than any other thread in this forum.

ps...i originally found this site while doing a google search on DRM

05-20-2008, 02:52 AM
Interesting question, with a variety of answers.

As for me, well, I am nosey.

When you hear of a place, especially when there is something of a reputation attached, your curiosity is peaked.

I came here to find out what this place was about. Simple as that.

Since joining, I have come to realise that this place encompasses both extremes of sharing, from the scumbag traders who would willingly sell their own mothers if it meant getting a rare invite or account, to those who put the welfare of others before their own.

People often refer to FST as being a haven for the most deranged amongst the sharers, and while I agree that such forums do attract some of the more undesirables, there are many good members here who deserve recognition for their wholesome attitudes towards sharing.

On the whole, FST is not such a bad place. It has gained a reputation that it is not overly deserving, but with any medium where a certain freedom of expression is allowed, there will always be those who abuse that freedom.

05-20-2008, 03:39 AM
What has age got to do with anything, im 36 and have a life, but im here as well.

Don't mean to pick on you but didn't you just turn 21? That was headlines at BCG and I wished you.

05-20-2008, 03:42 AM
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to stoi whos 21 again on May the 1st.

Notice the again in that sentence lol

I wish i was 21 again.

05-20-2008, 04:48 AM
<< hmmmm. For me it was a great place to get info and meet a lot of interesting people that have many of the same interest. Really tho, lately things have been real slow with a lot of junk posts and im noticing many of the veteran users disappearing.

05-20-2008, 05:21 AM
1) Catch invite traders
2) Keep up on the latest Brandon sympathy thread
3) To see 100 "Is tracker X better than tracker Y??" polls a day
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

(Staff here were kind enough to ban this account from viewing the Invite Trading forum because we were so successful at banning 5-6 accounts a week, so most Staff I know at trackers have at least 2 accounts (on seperate IPs obviously) )

Wow I'm a bit stunned as where to begin with this one.

Staff here Disabled you from viewing the invites section due to "1) Catch invite traders" and if it were up to me I would consider baning you completely for doing this and bragging about it in this way. This is against FST rules and here you are breaking our rules trying to uphold your site rules How does that make sense??

"Brandon Sympathy Thread"?? Yup you're an idiot now for sure

Also you elitist, arrogant, child, because you staff somewhere you are smarter than the members here? You say "We" I assume meaning site staff but most of the site staff in this thread do not share your point of view so again you look foolish. Also you pointed out your "deliberate mistake" did you also misspelled seperate or should I say separate? Yes there is a current debate over this word but as of now mine is the correct spelling, so now maybe millions of people can come here and feel smarter than you.

05-20-2008, 06:14 AM
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to stoi whos 21 again on May the 1st.

Notice the again in that sentence lol

I wish i was 21 again.

Ahahahahaa,got me there.Thx for clearing that up.:D

05-20-2008, 06:37 AM
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to stoi whos 21 again on May the 1st.

Notice the again in that sentence lol

I wish i was 21 again.

Happy Bday to you man! Thanks to all staff. I'd imagine most of you are here to represent/protect/recruit for your tracker which is all good with me. :)

05-20-2008, 06:38 AM
<< hmmmm. For me it was a great place to get info and meet a lot of interesting people that have many of the same interest. Really tho, lately things have been real slow with a lot of junk posts and im noticing many of the veteran users disappearing.

Maybe some veterans disappear, but some new 'promising' members have appeared, slowly filling the void that has been left by the vererans. :cool:

By the way ... I wonder how long it will take before one of the lesser-blessed members of FST accidently stumbles upon this thread and noticis the concentration of tracker-staffers and decides to make one hell of a request for one, ordinarely almost unreachable, super high-level tracker :naughty:

05-20-2008, 07:41 AM
1) Catch invite traders
2) Keep up on the latest Brandon sympathy thread
3) To see 100 "Is tracker X better than tracker Y??" polls a day
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

(Staff here were kind enough to ban this account from viewing the Invite Trading forum because we were so successful at banning 5-6 accounts a week, so most Staff I know at trackers have at least 2 accounts (on seperate IPs obviously) )

Wow I'm a bit stunned as where to begin with this one.

Staff here Disabled you from viewing the invites section due to "1) Catch invite traders" and if it were up to me I would consider baning you completely for doing this and bragging about it in this way. This is against FST rules and here you are breaking our rules trying to uphold your site rules How does that make sense??

"Brandon Sympathy Thread"?? Yup you're an idiot now for sure

Also you elitist, arrogant, child, because you staff somewhere you are smarter than the members here? You say "We" I assume meaning site staff but most of the site staff in this thread do not share your point of view so again you look foolish. Also you pointed out your "deliberate mistake" did you also misspelled seperate or should I say separate? Yes there is a current debate over this word but as of now mine is the correct spelling, so now maybe millions of people can come here and feel smarter than you.

Wow. The staff here are so aggresive. :O

' you elitist, arrogant, child ' He really lost his rag. :lol:

I thought all of his points where valid myself. :01:

05-20-2008, 08:30 AM
1) Catch invite traders
2) Keep up on the latest Brandon sympathy thread
3) To see 100 "Is tracker X better than tracker Y??" polls a day
4) If we're ever feeling low and want a reminder that there's millions of people in the world less intelectually blessed than us

(Staff here were kind enough to ban this account from viewing the Invite Trading forum because we were so successful at banning 5-6 accounts a week, so most Staff I know at trackers have at least 2 accounts (on seperate IPs obviously) )

"Brandon Sympathy Thread"?? Yup you're an idiot now for sure

I glag'ed my arse off to that. True story. :smilie4:

The original comment, obviousment.

05-20-2008, 10:10 AM
i didn't know about fst when i was a sysop of scenereactor

05-20-2008, 01:52 PM
Staff here Disabled you from viewing the invites section due to "1) Catch invite traders" and if it were up to me I would consider baning you completely for doing this and bragging about it in this way. This is against FST rules and here you are breaking our rules trying to uphold your site rules How does that make sense??

So it's ok for you to promote breaking our rules, but not ok for us to protect our own rules?

Forgive me if I am blind, but I cannot see a rule along the lines of "Do NOT catch invite traders here".

The most relevant rule regarding this matter is;

"Respect Communities You're A Member Of

Who You Invite

* Most sites want you to invite those you know and trust."

Which if anything tells users not to break tracker rules, but I guess that can be forgotten along with the "DO NOT post "good luck", "nice give-away" or similar repeatedly." rule which is not enforced?

"Brandon Sympathy Thread"?? Yup you're an idiot now for sure

Your powers of sophisticated debating are truly wasted here, you should run for President. No, seriously.

Also you elitist, arrogant, child, because you staff somewhere you are smarter than the members here? You say "We" I assume meaning site staff but most of the site staff in this thread do not share your point of view so again you look foolish.

If you think that the 10 or so Staff that posted in this thread make up the majority of Bittorrent Tracker Staff in the World then you really are living in a cave. Sure you personally might think they represent a significant amount of the more powerful staff, but I would prefer to take the opinions of 40+ staff from differing backgrounds than 10 from 'big' trackers. Call it anti-elitist, call it what you will...

I won't stoop to pointing out your deliberate spelling error or grammatical failings as I know this'll push you over the edge and you'll get trigger happy with that ban button.

05-20-2008, 03:11 PM
I guess that can be forgotten along with the "DO NOT post "good luck", "nice give-away" or similar repeatedly." rule which is not enforced?

Glad you mentioned it ... saves me the opening of a new topic with that subject.

Anyway ... keep going ... very entertaining to see this debate starting to evolve into a good old flaming party :whistling

05-20-2008, 03:19 PM

05-20-2008, 03:20 PM
From my last 2 yr in FST all i can say

FST give/gave/given me taste of all private torrent site and I am proud member of FST[File Sharing with Trusted Traders]:). I still know how i struggled to get into bitme and bitmeTV in google but in the END i found here after makin some gr8 friends:D

05-20-2008, 03:24 PM
From my last 2 yr in FST all i can say

FST give/gave/given me taste of all private torrent site and I am proud member of FST[File Sharing with Trusted Traders]:). I still know how i struggled to get into bitme and bitmeTV in google but in the END i found here after makin some gr8 friends:D

that's really sweet, but i think you aren't a staffer.

please focus on my original post.

05-20-2008, 03:27 PM
From my last 2 yr in FST all i can say

FST give/gave/given me taste of all private torrent site and I am proud member of FST[File Sharing with Trusted Traders]:). I still know how i struggled to get into bitme and bitmeTV in google but in the END i found here after makin some gr8 friends:D

that's really sweet, but i think you aren't a staffer.

please focus on my original post.
I wil soon become Future STaff:lol::lol:.

Sorry TO spam but this is end

05-20-2008, 07:41 PM
@ swax your beating a dead horse im afraid, FST does not have to respect tracker rules, most tracker owners hate it, but sod all we can do about it.

Im not sure why you brought the other staffers that have alrady posted in this thread into this at all. I just said i didnt join to catch invite traders, that doesnt mean that when i did join i didnt catch them (well it was more accounts for us as we didnt have invites).

I am not sure what tracker your from, but why has so many people and staff from other trackers, got so much hate aimed at Brandon, he seems like an OK tracker owner to me, who has made a decent tracker, im not a member, but anyone thats put the time and effort into getting any tracker off the ground must have something about them, and i respect him for that.

I must say though, im not keen on your elitist attitude, to me we are all on here for the same purpuse, to get what we want, when we want it, and to not pay ridiculous prices for a load of crud that they produce nowadays. So what if im a tracker owner, thats been doing torrents for 5 years. To me im the same as a brand new member from here, that doesnt even know what a torrent is, never mind is a member of anywhere.

Because how long does it take to really understand torrenting, 4 hours max and thats pushing it, its not Rocket Science or Brain Surgery here you know.

Feel free to pick up all the spelling and gramatical errors as well, i dont really give a toss, im not here as an english teacher, If members cant spell or they seem to be not very interlectual, who gives a toss, this is the net for christ sake.

05-20-2008, 07:41 PM
I joined to promote the torrent site i was in - Simple really, However i soon realised that as well as promoting the site i could gleen problems other users experienced in the site and check here to see if others had problems. [for example when utorrent was found to be hackable a lot of information was found here which was good]

Its also a handy place to ask "is such and such site down?"

And of course - Brandon and Stoi hang out here so this place must Rawk :D

05-20-2008, 07:44 PM
And of course - Brandon and Stoi hang out here so this place must Rawk :D

you got a little something on your chin

05-20-2008, 07:46 PM
you got a little something on your chin

HAHA - i see what you did there - your a funny guy :D No Really

05-20-2008, 07:48 PM
you got a little something on your chin

HAHA - i see what you did there - your a funny guy :D No Really

or a funny girl ;)

05-20-2008, 07:56 PM

05-20-2008, 08:15 PM
I am not sure what tracker your from, but why has so many people and staff from other trackers, got so much hate aimed at Brandon, he seems like an OK tracker owner to me, who has made a decent tracker, im not a member, but anyone thats put the time and effort into getting any tracker off the ground must have something about them, and i respect him for that.



its not an e-penis thing, it a penis thing

05-20-2008, 08:30 PM
well i dont know, not that i care mind you.

I have a feeling there was a bit of a scene between 2 torrent sites, which now feeds to a lot hate between the 2 ownwers or thats the way i read the news anyway :) lol

05-20-2008, 09:04 PM
I guess that can be forgotten along with the "DO NOT post "good luck", "nice give-away" or similar repeatedly." rule which is not enforced?

It is enforced with repeat offenders, as the sticky suggests.

The posts while annoying, do not harm the site or it's members. We used to go after each post and remove them but it was pointless; shoveling shit against the tide and all.

If a member is repeated posting such fluff, you're welcome to report it. Otherwise we will deal with the posts as we find them.

If you have further issues with the site I suggest you bring them up in "Everything Related to the Board" or just sit on them.

05-20-2008, 09:40 PM
So it's ok for you to promote breaking our rules, but not ok for us to protect our own rules?

Forgive me if I am blind, but I cannot see a rule along the lines of "Do NOT catch invite traders here".

The most relevant rule regarding this matter is;

"Respect Communities You're A Member Of

Who You Invite

* Most sites want you to invite those you know and trust."Which if anything tells users not to break tracker rules, but I guess that can be forgotten along with the "DO NOT post "good luck", "nice give-away" or similar repeatedly." rule which is not enforced?

"Brandon Sympathy Thread"?? Yup you're an idiot now for sure

Your powers of sophisticated debating are truly wasted here, you should run for President. No, seriously.

Also you elitist, arrogant, child, because you staff somewhere you are smarter than the members here? You say "We" I assume meaning site staff but most of the site staff in this thread do not share your point of view so again you look foolish.

If you think that the 10 or so Staff that posted in this thread make up the majority of Bittorrent Tracker Staff in the World then you really are living in a cave. Sure you personally might think they represent a significant amount of the more powerful staff, but I would prefer to take the opinions of 40+ staff from differing backgrounds than 10 from 'big' trackers. Call it anti-elitist, call it what you will...

I won't stoop to pointing out your deliberate spelling error or grammatical failings as I know this'll push you over the edge and you'll get trigger happy with that ban button.

We enforce OUR rules and you should enforce YOUR rules ,on your OWN site not on ours. You are here calling our members dumb, I will not stand for this idly. We do not invade whatever site you are a part of and harass your members do we?? If we did we would surely get a Ban right?? As far as the rules you feel we do not enforce we ease up a bit (something you may want to look into) because we wnt this section to have a community feel to it and our members to try and get to know each other a bit better, you would know this if you looked around a bit more

Fair enough ,you got one, the rule was in the Community rep section and I believe it may have been edited out, I'm going to see about putting it back in. It said something along the lines of People found Hunting traders will have their access to the invite section removed( as has happened to you, so please don't play dumb here)

I don't need to waste my sophisticated debate skills on an irrelevant propaganda like subject as you are suggesting here so lets just drop the subject re: Brandon, because that has been done to death and we will both look like morons OK?

OK and this is the important part, I never said the staff posting in this thread speak for anyone other then themselves individually YOU are the one who implied a group voice speaking as "WE" I meant that you were in the minority here and thats all.

Now do you honestly believe that the 40+ members of staff opinions you are holding dear make up a majority!? Not to mention you should really try and think for yourself and have your own opinion. Dude there is a great big world out there not just the bigger trackers and the simple fact is many many of them don't even give a 5hit about trading one iota. Now I'm not claiming that my side of this debate has a majority opinion I am only saying that neither of us can honestly say if the majority of tracker staff are pro or Anti trading this is a fact.

I won't stoop to pointing out your deliberate spelling error or grammatical failings as I know this'll push you over the edge and you'll get trigger happy with that ban button.What!? Why would you even say such a thing? Why don't you ask some of the "40+" staffers you know about me I'm sure some of them know me. I pride myself on being fair and honest. Maybe this is just trying to get a rise out of me, hmmm, I don't know, but it is insane to suggest I would ban you for pointing out an error of mine. I Ban when the rules of FST are broken and that is what is called for not for any other reason. Maybe thats how you act at your site but not how we act here pal.

Also would you be so kind as to name the site you represent and your position there? I mean you know who I am, and in case you don't my nick is Pariah on most sites and sometimes Detale. Now you can look me up as I have accts on many sites big and small. So my man who are you and where do you come from??

Wow. The staff here are so aggresive. :O

' you elitist, arrogant, child ' He really lost his rag. :lol:

I thought all of his points where valid myself. :01:

Sorry to be so aggressive but he really did touch a nerve. I am not going to let anyone come to our beloved FST and say stupid 5hit about our members. And maybe I did "lose my rag" whatever that means, but this guy is way out of line.

It is your right to believe what you wish I will never say anything different. Still I fail to see any valid points here it's mostly just 5hit talking and propaganda with little digs thrown in. If you ask around or even search my posts you will see I usually will get knee deep in a good debate and I have debated with some of the best out there. I still have to say one of my all time fav's is fatcat69 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/fatcat69-183252), now HE has some valid points as do others I am currently debating in other section like my gay uncle's boyfriend in my sig :P .

@PB sorry for the distraction but you know how I am man:fst:

05-20-2008, 10:20 PM
And maybe I did "lose my rag" whatever that means

It has something to do with a woman...a certain time of the month and what they used to use before tampons :whistling though these days it just means you got angry.

As for PB's question it was actually turning into an interesting read until the shit fight started :\ I'd be curious to hear from other staffers as well.

05-20-2008, 11:03 PM
Swax is better known as deviant from ScT.

05-20-2008, 11:33 PM
@ swax your beating a dead horse im afraid, FST does not have to respect tracker rules, most tracker owners hate it, but sod all we can do about it.

Im not sure why you brought the other staffers that have alrady posted in this thread into this at all. I just said i didnt join to catch invite traders, that doesnt mean that when i did join i didnt catch them (well it was more accounts for us as we didnt have invites).

I am not sure what tracker your from, but why has so many people and staff from other trackers, got so much hate aimed at Brandon, he seems like an OK tracker owner to me, who has made a decent tracker, im not a member, but anyone thats put the time and effort into getting any tracker off the ground must have something about them, and i respect him for that.

I must say though, im not keen on your elitist attitude, to me we are all on here for the same purpuse, to get what we want, when we want it, and to not pay ridiculous prices for a load of crud that they produce nowadays. So what if im a tracker owner, thats been doing torrents for 5 years. To me im the same as a brand new member from here, that doesnt even know what a torrent is, never mind is a member of anywhere.

Because how long does it take to really understand torrenting, 4 hours max and thats pushing it, its not Rocket Science or Brain Surgery here you know.

Feel free to pick up all the spelling and gramatical errors as well, i dont really give a toss, im not here as an english teacher, If members cant spell or they seem to be not very interlectual, who gives a toss, this is the net for christ sake.

I wasn't going to even take the time to reply to this thread after I saw where it was going, but I just want you to know that I respect you for your fourth paragraph. I also agree with you and appreciate you taking the time to say what I would have said myself.

I don't need to waste my sophisticated debate skills on an irrelevant propaganda like subject as you are suggesting here so lets just drop the subject re: Brandon, because that has been done to death and we will both look like morons OK?

The fact that it's a cowardly attack from him and others, without any provoking says enough about it. Don't hold your breath my friend. I've already realized that fighting on the internet is stupid, time wasting, and childish and have stepped back. Perhaps someday they will too.

05-20-2008, 11:47 PM
Sorry to be so aggressive but he really did touch a nerve. I am not going to let anyone come to our beloved FST and say stupid 5hit about our members. And maybe I did "lose my rag" whatever that means, but this guy is way out of line.

It is your right to believe what you wish I will never say anything different. Still I fail to see any valid points here it's mostly just 5hit talking and propaganda with little digs thrown in. If you ask around or even search my posts you will see I usually will get knee deep in a good debate and I have debated with some of the best out there. I still have to say one of my all time fav's is fatcat69 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/fatcat69-183252), now HE has some valid points as do others I am currently debating in other section like my gay uncle's boyfriend in my sig :P .
@PB sorry for the distraction but you know how I am man:fst:

thanks for defending all us users of undetermined intellect here!, thought that he had a legitimate point on the sympathy threads tho:shifty:

now for teh representatives again.. would like to hear Umlauf's thoughts here.

spelling control says I has no errors:fst:

05-20-2008, 11:51 PM
thanks for defending all us users of undetermined intellect here!, thought that he had a legitimate point on the sympathy threads tho:shifty:

now for teh representatives again.. would like to hear Umlauf's thoughts here.

spelling control says I has no errors:fst:

Legitimate or not, it was still an uncalled for comment that contributed nothing to this topic.

05-20-2008, 11:57 PM
thanks for defending all us users of undetermined intellect here!, thought that he had a legitimate point on the sympathy threads tho:shifty:

now for teh representatives again.. would like to hear Umlauf's thoughts here.

spelling control says I has no errors:fst:

Legitimate or not, it was still an uncalled for comment that contributed nothing to this topic.

as was mine ... and yours
wish to comment on Polarbears initial question? I'll stop the spam here

05-21-2008, 12:03 AM
Legitimate or not, it was still an uncalled for comment that contributed nothing to this topic.

as was mine ... and yours
wish to comment on Polarbears initial question? I'll stop the spam here

Point taken :)

I have an account here because Reality came to me and spoke a little about the site and I got interested. In truth, I actually had my account here for about 6 months before I even made an actual post. I did and still do find some of the topics here interesting, which is why I stick around. Although I'm not much of a fan of the attitudes anymore, so to answer why I still have an acct, is just to read around in the other sections when I get bored. I won't deny that having an acct here has been beneficial, as there have been users here who have had issues on site and don't know how to use irc, so they've spoken to me on here in order to get help.

Plus I've sort of become friends with Detale and Reality so it's only natural to stick around where they hang.

05-21-2008, 01:13 AM
Detale I am quite disappointed that you didn't/don't know who I am. You have me on MSN. I thought we were BFFs, but obviously that's not the case :cry:

Anyway, to get this topic right back onto errr..topic:

FST is useful as it is seen as a popular place for both Staff and Users of trackers to spread/obtain (respectively) news and information. I personally do not know of any other forums that are seen as a focal point for torrent tracker users for information on site promotions, bittorrent news, tracker additions (and not forgetting tracker invites)

At the end of the day anything posted on FST will get read, so in a worst case scenario of a site being taken down it's the most logical place to go to inform users of the reasons (for those that don't use IRC at least)

05-21-2008, 02:46 AM
OH I didn't know it was you D eh maybe I'll be a bit nicer now. I still love you man, I just get snippy when people attack my oh so loved FST and her members. C'mon now bro not to stir shit the Brandon comment was an unnecessary dig. As Brandon said he and I are friends but I am also good friends with Feeling. I think he's a very awesome guy too and I have refused to take any part in whatever personal issues they may have and honestly shouldn't we all? Their business is exactly that their business. Also dude you know me better than to think I would ban anyone for some bullshit like this.

Also If I did some sneaky ass shit on SCT you wouldn't bounce me out of there? You know you would and you would have every right to.

05-21-2008, 07:49 AM
as someone mentioned before some of people have problems with/or don't know how to use irc so they states their problems here.Besides that i can always check some news from p2p world when im bored :P