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05-25-2008, 06:52 PM
Suddenly SceneHD is down and still it's down:pinch: someone said they are improving tracker security like this and someone said it's closed (I dont wanna belive this). plz share what do you know about this nice tracker now

05-25-2008, 07:01 PM

There you go

05-25-2008, 07:29 PM

There you go

Translation: Swedish » English via auto site translator:


Why many torrent sites stopped working lately
21 May 2008

Many have probably already heard that pages SceneHD, ScenAccess and Torrentbytes stopped working a week. According to Torrentfreak so, this is due to BREIN, which draws Mininova before the court, has threatened their web-hosting, NFOrce.NL.

A few weeks ago NFOrce was approached by BREIN, who demanded the host to shut down SceneAccess (SCC) and hand over the identity of the site administrator. Initially, NFOrce did not respond to these demands, so in response, BREIN filed a preliminary injunction. A few days before this announcement SceneAccess mysteriously went down, with NFOrce claiming this was unrelated to BREIN.

NFOrce handed over the name and address information for the owner of SceneAccess which, luckily for them, turned out to be false.

Since NFOrce.NL is very well known, we can assume that more torrentsidor will move from the Netherlands in the near future. What the case is, unfortunately, uncertain, but staff at Torrentbytes insinuate that the case of some very popular pages.

Tim Kuik, managing director of BREIN, explains why they choose to threaten NFOrce:

These include bittorrent sites, edonkey, FTP servers and servers that carry out illegal activities. It is not the technology [at fault], but what those sites and servers do with that technology. If that is unlawful or invasive than we take action. The hosting provider will be asked to take the site or server offline, and tell us who their customer is.

At the moment, it feels risky to hold a torrent site, which can cause problems for Childbytes hunting for a new web host.

If someone were to get information on what pages it gället, please feel free to write a comment, or send an email to me. My address you can find at the bottom of the page.

05-26-2008, 12:35 AM
I hope they come back soon...

05-27-2008, 08:35 AM
I hope they come back soon...
yea me too :/

05-27-2008, 11:47 AM
scenehd was hosted @nforce (lw)... but on a (residential?) .se link...

the only known things is:
"Server is moving. No ETA! Don't ask."

05-27-2008, 07:42 PM
Too bad! That's why trackers should be hosted somewhere (Russia for instance) out of the reach of such entities!