View Full Version : Jokes!

08-14-2003, 06:55 AM
George and Martha go to the state fair for the 3rd year in a role, and for the 3rd

time George wants to ride the airplane. But the ride is 10 dollars. George asked

Martha if he could ride the airplane this year and she said no. 10 dollars is 10

dollars. The airplane driver overheard the conversation and said if you dont say a

word the whole time your up in the plane, then it will be free of charge. So Martha

agrees. As their in the plane, the driver twists the plane, makes it do circles, and

everything else to get George to talk. Finally they land the plane and the driver

says I guess it's free of charge, I tried everything to get you to talk, I don't know

how you did it. George reply's, well I was going to say something when Martha fell

out of the airplane, but HAY 10 dollars is 10 dollars.

08-14-2003, 07:24 AM
A priest, a rapist, and a pedophile walk in to a bar... and that's just one guy.

08-14-2003, 07:40 AM
A blonde get pulled over in her new corvette. The officer pulls her out and draws a

white circle around her and tells her not to step out of it. He turns around and she

starts laughing. The officer says you think thats funny huh! So the officer bust her

windshield out of her car, and shes still laughing. So the officer says you think

thats funny huh! The officer rips out all the interior, and she is still laughing. So

the officer finally totals the car and she is still laughing. The officer said what do

you think is so funny. The blonde replies, While you were wrecking my car, I

stepped out of this circle 4 times.