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View Full Version : Reporter Seeking File Sharing Interviews

08-14-2003, 04:09 PM
My name is Greg Wright and I am a reporter from Gannett News Service in Washington, D.C.

I am doing a story on the RIAA subpoenas to find the identities of people who are sharing copyrighted music through file-sharing networks such as KaZaA.

I'm looking for people to interview about this and interview on the record. My question is, "Has this action deterred you from using such software?"

Also, do you think this action is going overboard on consumers and can the recording industry expect a backlash?

Our policy is to only talk to people on-the-record. Also, we do not want to know if you use KaZaA. Just your opinions on this issue.

Please contact me at 1-888-467-4040 (toll free), direct at 202-906-8113 or e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank You
Greg Wright

08-14-2003, 04:22 PM
Why would anyone want to go on the record & possibly incriminate themselves?

08-14-2003, 04:28 PM
See you are a registered member, so you can find the answers on this forum!

Rat Faced
08-14-2003, 04:44 PM
Read the second to last sentence again.

He wants you to go on the record with your views...not with whether or not your a filesharer.

I would hope he's trawling around here because he wants a balanced article, and what the "average" joe thinks he just needs to go on the street......wonder if he realises how many of those "non-sharers" he has already, probably are filesharers ;)

@ gregganett

If you search the Forum, you'lll see plenty of views....all of them "On the Record", as the nick is what we know people as.

It is however, an international board.

Not all countries have a music industry as suicidal as the USA.

Couple of things you may ask questions about though....

The members of the RIAA are also the people that sell the hardware and software to be able to Rip music in the 1st place (eg Sony, Time Warner)......seems a double standard to SELL the gear then complain when people use it.

It also seems a little suspicious that the largest ISP (AOL) has its own filesharing technology, and dont get asked any questions....possibly because its Time Warner? ie Part of the RIAA..........again, one rule for one and another for anyone else.

Did you know that the Porn Industry is represented by the RIAA?.....again search the forum for the links etc....

Lastly....the music Industry in most countries have concluded that p2p increases Album sales, which is why i say suicidal. People that are into filesharing hear music they would not normally be exposed to...and then buy the Album.

Pirates are a minority, and if they lowered the Price of the CDs then most people would buy them more.

Seems they are quite happy to rip consumers off, but arent happy if they appear on the surface, to be getting ripped off themselves.....while at the same time jumping on the bandwagon to make it possible and popular (ad making more money out of it this way)

Very contradictory people the RIAA......

08-14-2003, 04:55 PM
I'd be fine with being asked for this - I'm surprised that a few in the media are willing to hear things from our perspective :) I'm willing to be on the record, but it's under the alias 'Illuminati' for obvious reasons - If you want my real name, then don't even bother noting any of what I say.
To answer the original question, "No - The recent action by the RIAA has not deterred me from using it. In fact, it's actually strengthened my confidence in it. The bitter truth (for the record labels) is that being an industry body supported by the government will not mean the people will not bend for what they say.

A lot of times, &#39;industry bodies&#39; put pressure and the people fight back in their own way - The state of the multiple communities which use P2P (peer to peer - The collective term for the type of software) has and is becoming a classic example of it; The RIAA allegedly put fake files and those with piracy warnings on - The communities share notes on how to detect these. P2P hunters use tracking software to detect P2P users - Software is produced which automatically block connections between users and known P2P hunters. P2P softwares get shut down, and a few quit but the rest carry on to other programs (like what happened with Kazaa when Napster was shut down). The RIAA makes promises that "pirates" (P2P users to you or me, but that name doesn&#39;t sound criminal, does it? <_<) - The news travels fast to forums of P2P software like this one with not only advice on how to watch out for such action but also analysis which shows that such news is laughable.

P2P has grown into a magnitude that makes it practically impossible to disrupt with collateral damage. To break it down, what the RIAA are really doing is alienating a considerable portion of the fans of artists which they represent - They are a considerable number who (instead of simply downloading music for their own use) download it for previewing reasons to see if the album/single is worth their cash (which they buy if it is). Then again, with a lot of the crap music which record labels bring out in the majority, I can now see why they want to shut down P2P ;)

About a backlash - In my honest opinion, it isn&#39;t a question of if but when a backlash will occur. It&#39;s extremely well noted in the P2P community that the RIAA web site has been hacked multiple times, mainly by P2P users who also have considerable hacking knowledge (even to the point of the RIAA gained a new "more secure" server - That&#39;ll probably be graffitied the next time the RIAA make a press statement). Many others have vowed not to buy any more albums produced by labels under the RIAA (The lists of which labels are represented by the RIAA are common on the Internet). And of course - Many, including universities, have been fighting the RIAA due to privacy issues which have in some cases a much stronger case than copyright infringment claims.

The RIAA are digging themselves into a pretty big hole - The truth is that those who have been using P2P for a long time and have understood it know that the RIAA&#39;s intended action is laughable and is in truth giving the body a bad image. If they were to take a stance of educating P2P users (like the UK&#39;s equivalent, the BPI), then chances are that a lot more would listen to them. Unfortunately, because of the apparent &#39;download a file and expect to be sued&#39; stance by the RIAA, they are giving the image of flipping the bird to the fans who buy their labels&#39; music.

And millions are giving the finger back as a result.
That&#39;s all I&#39;ve got to say for now ;) If you want to use it, then it should be under the name &#39;Illuminati&#39; or under a false name (if you want a name ;)). Otherwise - Don&#39;t use what I&#39;ve said above.

EDIT - Other than that, Rat Faced puts some good points ahead. I agree with him on them ;)

08-14-2003, 05:02 PM
The real question is who is he looking for? Is he looking for someone who will answer questions and speak intelligently regarding this matter, or for someone who will espouse the loud, obnoxious theme that will sell papers?

There are plenty of people out there who have a considerable amount to say but are ignored because they won&#39;t talk without the "Flipping" someone off attitude. Its tough to have an intelligent reply in the three sentences sandwiched around RIAA comments.

I agree with the others here. Just read the board you will find out all you need to know from the intelligent to the rather stupid.

08-14-2003, 05:21 PM
First, I wonder if he intends to read theses comment or is here and gone waiting for the phone to ring, perhaps I&#39;ll call don&#39;t mind really.

Seems Rat Faced has made a few strong points about the contradictions which bother me as well. In addition my biggest issue at this moment is that cures have been offered to the AA and refused. All this madness and kaos could end overnight with something as simple as Bandwidth Levies or others suggested at http://www.eff.org/share/compensation.php.Though unfortunatly we are talking about an industry that tried to put radio, tapes, dat, betamax, vcrs out of business and other issues going back almost 100 years. They have also managed collect on many forms of media such as CDR&#39;s which they get more income from regrdless of what they are used for. Seems congrees will have to step in as they did with radio.

I find this all strange considering at a time of the creation of "Copyproof", an article at http://news.com.com/2100-1027-994565.html, and signing a multi year with those such as Microsoft to protect their material, that that are diving in to attack the general public this way. It makes me wonder if they are intentionally waiting to get more income, such as from CDR&#39;s, from ISP&#39;s or the makers of P2P software and then follow their campaign of "Copyproof" as well. Quite a thought to once again profit from more avenues.

As far as Fileshareing and the AA stopping it, its simply like throwing rocks at a tidlewave.

08-14-2003, 05:29 PM
I sent an e-mail to him answering his questions wounder if its really a reporter.

But i do like the fact that a reporter takes intreast in us the people that are involed in this.

Rat Faced
08-14-2003, 05:32 PM
Well i emailed him with a link to the thread....whether he ever bothers coming back or waits for the phone to ring, is upto him.

08-14-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Rat Faced@14 August 2003 - 18:32
Well i emailed him with a link to the thread....whether he ever bothers coming back or waits for the phone to ring, is upto him.
Well he did say email him ;)

To most I think, the opinion of a vast majority of the board has been aired here through a few views - Should be enough for him. If he comes back, great for both sides - We find that we were asked as a community about the issue, Greg (should) gets more than he needs on our views. If he doesn&#39;t come back - Well, we don&#39;t lose anything ;)

But I&#39;d love to see the final article when its done, whether or not what we&#39;ve given is used or not :)

08-14-2003, 09:16 PM
:D Me me.....I want my 15 Minutes.He can even call my house and talk on the Phone.Have my address and come on over......will show him how us Professionals do this shit. :D

But I will only do it as long as I get a snap shot of myself in the Paper for the Ladies.

You want a Story you contact FC buddy. B)

08-15-2003, 03:40 AM
I&#39;m not interested in this on-the-record stuff, but my answers are no, yes, and hell yes. :D


I&#39;m looking for people to interview about this and interview on the record. My question is, "Has this action deterred you from using such software?"

Our policy is to only talk to people on-the-record. Also, we do not want to know if you use KaZaA. Just your opinions on this issue.

wouldn&#39;t answering that question tell whether or not we use Kazaa?
"No, it hasn&#39;t deterred me from using it...uh...not that I have any idea what it even looks like."

08-16-2003, 03:00 AM
This is the answer to your question. If your not sharing then your leeching so leave now.......... :lol:

08-17-2003, 08:09 AM
People - if this guy is a reporter - you can clairify this by calling the phone numbers. Also - if he is a reporter - he can not be compelled to disclose his sources so do not freak about getting busted. This could be a very good thing - because as far as I know no one has ever given a serious shiat about what we have to say in print.

08-17-2003, 11:40 AM
i&#39;ll give u a interview.. but i&#39;m from UK .. pm if interested

08-18-2003, 10:25 AM

is you want to ask me any question feel free to ask me openly,
I will try to help you as far as I can:

What I also wanted to mention is that, although I understand the copyright issues
well, we have to share our thoughts openly to understand each other better,
also OFFLINE and also if it is difficult sometimes :) and it is indeed :)

Ok, I give you an example that came in my mind, but there are many examples
of your sharing your thoughts openly in everyday life to understand each other better: e.g. a man and a woman which are angry about themselves and never talk and share their thoughts openly -> could probably lead to kill each other or to beat each other which I understand also cause they are humans only, but it is sad.
=> If they share they thoughts openly, they could probably prevent themselves from taking violent actions depending on missunderstanding each other and understand each other better :)

just an idea, but if you have a magazine or possibility to write of the importance of sharing your thoughts openly with each other for a better understanding ALSO OFFLINE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; that is quite more important :) WRITE ABOUT IT :) BUT PLEASE SERIOUSLY :) Look on Israel - Palestinia - I think they - the governments, not all people there are some different ones :) - did not share all their thoughts openly

thanks anyway, david.

08-18-2003, 02:25 PM
This is Greg Wright at Gannett News Service:

First of all, thanks for the posts and the e-mails, especially from FAETHE who took the time to send me such a long and detailed e-mail. Also, thanks to the anonymous guy who called me and told me to look back at the message board.

I will be talking to my editors and asking them if I can use alias names posted at the message board. They may allow me to do so, provided I get a real name and contact number of the people I communicate with. This information is private and reporters do not have to reveal their sources. I don&#39;t want to get anyone in trouble.

So far, I&#39;ve interviewed lawyers at the Electronic Freedom Foundation, who have given me great on-the-record viewpoints from filesharers. They are representing several people who have been named in the RIAA lawsuit, but cannot reveal these people because they want to remain private until the legal battle forces them to reveal themselves. I can understand that.

I also talked with officials at Boston University, who are fighting to keep from revealing the names of filesharers to the RIAA. And of course I&#39;ve talked with the RIAA. So the story is shaping up.

Another angle of my story is looking at what is happening in Congress, because this is definitely shaping up into a war. Two lawmakers have introduced a bill to make it a criminal offense to file share while others want to protect the privacy of users. So this is turning into a mess.

Again, thanks for the posts.

Greg Wright
Gannett News Service

08-18-2003, 02:49 PM
It&#39;s no bother for any of us to answer questions like this; fact is that there&#39;s not many reporters asking the filesharing world for our opinions, so it&#39;s a refreshing change to help out with. :)

08-18-2003, 11:46 PM
Wonder how long it is until someone gets jailed for taping Eastenders, Jerry Springer or Neighbours off the telly......LOL That would take the piss.

Rat Faced
09-13-2003, 12:45 AM
Any of our American friends tell us whether this ever reached the papers, and which slant the story took?

09-13-2003, 02:10 AM
I was searching the USA Today site for any mention of the article, as it is a Gannett owned publication, and I came across some interesting advertising. Have a look at this screenshot (http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1sn7o/USAToday~1.GIF)

*edit* I forgot to mention that there was no mention of the above mentioned article. Do I get a prize for working mention into a sentence three times?

09-13-2003, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by dingoBaby@12 September 2003 - 21:10
I was searching the USA Today site for any mention of the article, as it is a Gannett owned publication, and I came across some interesting advertising. Have a look at this screenshot (http://mysite.verizon.net/vze1sn7o/USAToday~1.GIF)

*edit* I forgot to mention that there was no mention of the above mentioned article. Do I get a prize for working mention into a sentence three times?
.. hes researching the article. hasnt writen it yet obviously.

09-13-2003, 02:40 AM
i just hope that you are all being carefull here like not haveing your real ip on email etc cos imagine the panic if some of the regulars in here ended up in court.....

09-13-2003, 02:49 AM
It looks like hes doing a lot on file-sharing.

http://www.usatoday.com/tech/bonus/qa/2001...ile-sharing.htm (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/bonus/qa/2001/12/24/vcr-file-sharing.htm)

09-14-2003, 05:10 PM
Looks like he is legit then..