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View Full Version : TorrentFlux Vs Utorrent Web Gui

06-11-2008, 07:03 AM
Which one is your favorite?

Many ppl are indecisive about each method's capabilities.

Let us know.

06-11-2008, 11:27 AM
If uTorrent WebUI supported creating torrents and http downloads of nfos, it would be undeniably better.

uTorrent WebUI is perfect for leechers, just throw it on and seed it back like normal, but it lacks those other features that are useful for an Uploader.

06-11-2008, 01:30 PM
I´ve been using TorrentFlux on a server and i just installed uTorrent webUI at home.

TorrentFlux is really more complete, you have a lot of options, uTorrent web UI is easier to use, but you have almost no control. Maybe when they add more options to Web UI it will be better, but my favorite still TorrentFlux.

Btw, can anyone tell me in witch folder utorrent web UI downloads the files?

06-11-2008, 01:41 PM
I prefer Utorrent Web Gui .

06-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Btw, can anyone tell me in witch folder utorrent web UI downloads the files?
If you ask where ...You can set it (utorrent-preferences-downloads-put new downloads in you can set it like desktop so all downloads will go to desktop )

06-11-2008, 01:48 PM
I've used both and like the look & feel of utorrents web gui, but Torrentflux seems to have more easily accessible features.


Anyone know how to create a torrent file with torrentflux from something you have downloaded onto your box from another tracker.

I read a couple of guides which show's you how to do it with a file or folder you have ftp'd onto the box but it doesn't seem to work with a file in the user account directory because the little create torrent icon does not show.

Basically is it possible to seed a torrent you have just downloaded to another tracker with torrentflux ?

06-11-2008, 03:30 PM
uTorrent Web Gui. :)

06-11-2008, 03:41 PM
I prefer TorrentFlux if you had to choose between the two, since as already mentioned, it's more complete. But if you have SSH access, I would say try giving rTorrent a try, and you can always create torrents with mktorrent, but if you have no knowledge about Linux, probably stick to Torrentflux.

06-12-2008, 02:33 PM
I've used both and like the look & feel of utorrents web gui, but Torrentflux seems to have more easily accessible features.


Anyone know how to create a torrent file with torrentflux from something you have downloaded onto your box from another tracker.

I read a couple of guides which show's you how to do it with a file or folder you have ftp'd onto the box but it doesn't seem to work with a file in the user account directory because the little create torrent icon does not show.

Basically is it possible to seed a torrent you have just downloaded to another tracker with torrentflux ?

There should be a little green triange beside the files or folders.. That is the make torrent option. Under admin options it has to be enabled, and the correct path defined for that icon to be there

06-13-2008, 03:09 PM
torrentflux hands down between those two

however the really 1337 use torrentflux-b4rt :D more tools - more options - faster build time, all round much better

06-13-2008, 03:27 PM
i like webgi style