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View Full Version : [trade] FTN

06-12-2008, 09:24 AM
lookup touch to FTN :)acount

I have:

Swedvdr 3 TB uploaded 90 weeks
Iplay 256 gb Uploaded 22 weeks
bitmetv.org 11 gb uploaded 6 weeks
tti invites
thedvdclub 58 gb uploaded 22 weeks
torrentleech.org 490 gb uploaded 8 weeks

PM me


Cheater !!!!


faust_2003_razvan: hello ?
Karol Hodel: hello
faust_2003_razvan: It's me dorc from FST
Karol Hodel: yes good
Karol Hodel:
faust_2003_razvan: i was wonder
faust_2003_razvan: if i could get the bitmetv too ..
faust_2003_razvan: if u dont need it
faust_2003_razvan: since my ftn is well enuff
Karol Hodel: I wants only ftn you want that for it )
faust_2003_razvan: wat u mean ?
Karol Hodel: swedvdr too FTn ??
faust_2003_razvan: yeah..
faust_2003_razvan: u give swedvdr,i give ftn
faust_2003_razvan: but u offered bitmetv too ..
faust_2003_razvan: so i was wonder
faust_2003_razvan: if i could get them both for my ftn
faust_2003_razvan: you know what never mind
faust_2003_razvan: il take the sdvdr
faust_2003_razvan: can you take an pic of your ratio ? il take the same on ftn
Karol Hodel: please if you please of data until touch to FTN
faust_2003_razvan: what you mean ?
faust_2003_razvan: i dont understand you :\
Karol Hodel: password and nick
Karol Hodel: FTN
faust_2003_razvan: ?
faust_2003_razvan: ok
Karol Hodel: and mail
faust_2003_razvan: but can you take a pic from swedvdr first ?
faust_2003_razvan: heres mine
faust_2003_razvan: http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/4526/dasdadser1it4.jpg
Karol Hodel: http://img211.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sweddvdriw6.jpg
faust_2003_razvan: ok
faust_2003_razvan: whats your info ?
Karol Hodel: pass and nick ??
faust_2003_razvan: srry dced,whats your pw/id/email pw
Karol Hodel: hmmm
Karol Hodel: I fail to understand
faust_2003_razvan: whats your pass / nick / mail on swedvdr?
faust_2003_razvan: what lang are you speaking?
Karol Hodel: whats your pass / nick / mail on F******.net
faust_2003_razvan: il give you right after i check your user on swedvdr,i aint gona cheat you.. its up to you. i just offered what i had to offer.
Karol Hodel: Nick: toxi Pass: 4kIs5Y www.swedvdr.org (http://www.swedvdr.org/)
faust_2003_razvan: wait
Karol Hodel: whats your pass / nick / mail on F******.net
Karol Hodel: ok
faust_2003_razvan: whats is the pass for your email ?
Karol Hodel: no no no please pass / nick to fTN
faust_2003_razvan: what is the pass of your email ? i cant change it on swedvdr, you can change mine on ftn..
faust_2003_razvan: i wont cheat you
Karol Hodel: email and paswword??
faust_2003_razvan: password of your email
faust_2003_razvan: on swedvdr
Karol Hodel: [email protected]
Karol Hodel: 861176
faust_2003_razvan: lemme check it ..
faust_2003_razvan: dont worry,u'l get ftn
Karol Hodel: whats your pass / nick / mail on F******.net !!!!
faust_2003_razvan: checkin it sec
Karol Hodel: ok
Karol Hodel: please pass and nick
Karol Hodel: f******.net
Karol Hodel: give me accound to FTN J heave give you
faust_2003_razvan: here
Karol Hodel: yes
Karol Hodel: please FTN!!
Karol Hodel: whats your pass / nick / mail on F******.net now
Karol Hodel: hello
Karol Hodel: Give me !!! PAss and nick to F******.net
Karol Hodel: fack
Karol Hodel: mean??
Karol Hodel: cheat


06-12-2008, 12:14 PM
if DorC so you have to report him man
i think its wrong to do that here
theres report section here and staff will do the best
by the way reade not the way to get FTN....

06-12-2008, 12:44 PM
use the report section!

06-12-2008, 01:04 PM
:( heh :(:(:(:(

06-12-2008, 01:12 PM
Go to swedvdr irc and report your account stolen.

06-12-2008, 01:29 PM
oh man
all problems come from trade
you must report him ( with ur proof)
+ you tell that to sewder staff
but when try check ur mail account
E-mail adressen [email protected] finns inte med i databasen.
it mean this mail not in system
so may be he change mail

06-12-2008, 02:14 PM
DorC is scum

06-12-2008, 03:27 PM
omg. scammers are everywhere. :(

06-12-2008, 08:12 PM
I'll give you a pizzatorrent.com invite for an FTN