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View Full Version : Diff. no of connections on site and in utorr ?

06-18-2008, 03:31 PM

I have noticed that sometimes (or most times) the no. of connections (both seeders and leechers) are different than shown by tracker website while downloading torrent.

For eg. I downloaded a certain torrent from a private tracker and it showed 40 seeds and 20 leeches.
Now i started it immediately.
It showed only 30 seeds and 10 leechers.
How frequently does the tracker update this data ?

06-18-2008, 04:28 PM
Good question, I'm curious myself. Not being a tracker programmer I couldn't say for sure. I would think the utorrent statistic would be more accurate than the webpage. I know oink for instance was notorious for having pages of 0seed 0leech and it would take like an hour after upload for the webpage to finally update.

On the other hand some sites seem to update quickly and stay (close) to in tune with the utorrent stats once you open the torrent.

06-18-2008, 06:05 PM
Many trackers have different update times, so it's impossible to give an exact update time that encompasses every tracker.