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View Full Version : 'Seedbox Reviews' thread?

06-23-2008, 09:23 PM
What do you all think about having a 'Seedbox Reviews' thread?

I've noticed an increasing number of members posting good/bad reviews for seedboxes they're using or have used in the past. Any thoughts on the usefulness of such a thread?

I'm not even sure what the best layout would be. If you have some thoughts on the matter, please post.

Please keep your posts on topic.

06-23-2008, 09:31 PM
good idea skizo.so now we can found all seed box thread here

last night i am tired of searching to found some details

06-23-2008, 09:41 PM
Yea, this would be a great add-on to the section. Seedbox sites review, links to tutorials, links to FAQs, etc.. I say, yea, why not?

06-23-2008, 09:51 PM
I was actually just thinking about starting a thread similar to this. I think it's a great idea, since it would establish a definitive guide of seedbox ratings for users of FST.

Maybe major seedbox offerers could get a 1-10 rating? This way seedbox offers with low ratings and many complaints (such as Santrex) won't get any customers from here.

As for layout, perhaps you could show major seedbox companies with that rating near there name, their url, where their servers are hosted, their most basic package (price), and what billing they accept; for example:

Leaseweb [10/10]
Servers located in The Netherlands

Express Server 1
512MB Ram
2TB Bandwidth Per Month
€39 (No Setup Fee)
PayPal, Credit Card, Bank Wire

06-23-2008, 09:53 PM
think its a great idea

06-23-2008, 09:59 PM
I love ie.hosting, as do a lot of the older members who know their left tit from their right tit, others, especially the newer members who look for speed and want it now, hate them, who's to say who is right? For the money & bandwidth they get a 9/10 from me, someone else who was only with them for less than 1 week will give them a 1, that is not a fair balance. Whose review of ie.hosting will be the one accepted for the review thread?

I can just see another thread with xx company is great, with the usual no they are not responses, followed by yes they are, can't wait :P

It generally boils down to who has the most cash gets the better boxes, so why not just have a seedbox thread, showing company, costs, limited or unlimited bandwidth, OSs on offer, tech support, and favourable responses only from those using that service (everyone can quote a bad experience from a company, I know of a few people now who are having a hard time with OVH boxes and have bad speed issues, for instance a gbit box that is worse than a 100/100 box).

Just let the users also continue to open their threads in asking for members opinions about the seedboxes in that thread, and asking for any bad experiences from other members rather than polluting the seedbox sticky thread which will turn into a flame war thread. Keep it clean and locked.

06-23-2008, 10:23 PM
I STRONGLY agree with this.

This would be a great addition to this place.

I feel it would greatly reduce the amount of "Which Seedbox should I get" Threads as well.

06-23-2008, 10:55 PM
It would be a great thread,
I remember in the past that a big thread like this was made by a user who was banned if I remember well..
anyways I would really appreciate this thread since im going to buy a SB at the end of this month..

06-24-2008, 02:16 AM
personally I think it will be biased as can be.

You will be able to weed out most of the crappy ones though...

However you will always get the idiots who had a bad experience with a box bc they didnt set it up right or they just dont have anyclue what they are talking about.

Make sure to have a seperate section for VPS and Dedicated

06-24-2008, 03:05 AM
personally I think it will be biased as can be.

You will be able to weed out most of the crappy ones though...

However you will always get the idiots who had a bad experience with a box bc they didnt set it up right or they just dont have anyclue what they are talking about.

Make sure to have a seperate section for VPS and Dedicated

Well, everyone has their opinion.

I like the effectiveness of the WTAW rankings. A reviews thread could work in a similar fashion. One member to keep up the first post containing rating with user input with which to go by. Obviously we would choose a member who is well versed in seedboxes and the hosts.

Or even the WTO format. That may even work better actually. Simply give a listing of price ranges, support, speed, etc., and rank each element.

06-24-2008, 03:42 AM
Seedboxes are only getting more popular. An objective and comprehensive source of information would be a great addition to this forum, right up there with the WTO thread, yeah.

06-24-2008, 04:14 AM
Maybe we could have polls for the overall ratings of certain seedbox sites.

06-24-2008, 06:31 AM
y cnt u just categorise seedboxes in terms of prices ...
Like <20$ ,
30-70$, etc
Now make VPS and Dedicated categories above them ..

06-24-2008, 06:36 AM
Seedbox thread? No!

A seedbox section would be better as it would allow more than just seedbox reviews (and could be used to dump all the seedbox topics, guides, help requests etc into).

06-24-2008, 07:31 AM
Great idea would help a lot to people that considering buying a box.

06-24-2008, 07:50 AM
I kind of agree with the seedbox SECTION but that up to the mods. I seedbox thread would be fine too.
Integral's post is great and should be used as a template.
I also FULLY AGREE with SgtMajor ...

Just let the users also continue to open their threads in asking for members opinions (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../#)about the seedboxes in that thread, and asking for any bad experiences from other members rather than polluting the seedbox sticky thread which will turn into a flame war thread. Keep it clean and locked.

06-24-2008, 02:52 PM
I think it's a good idea ;)

Maybe instead of the level, you take the price? So a design similar to WTAW.
Although WTO might also be good for the most popular ones like ie-hosting, leeweb, ovh, ...

06-24-2008, 02:55 PM
Yeah, I think too many people will disagree. For example I have had nothing but good times with hosting-ie, and I have found that OVH is slow as molasses. But, youll find another guy who thinks the opposite.

Kinda pointless.

06-24-2008, 05:37 PM
Yeah, I think too many people will disagree. For example I have had nothing but good times with hosting-ie, and I have found that OVH is slow as molasses. But, youll find another guy who thinks the opposite.

Kinda pointless.

Disagreements are a good thing, not bad. Disagreements are what keep the WTAW rankings so accurate. The more opinions in the form of posts we get, the easier it becomes to establish an accurate rating.

06-24-2008, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I think too many people will disagree. For example I have had nothing but good times with hosting-ie, and I have found that OVH is slow as molasses. But, youll find another guy who thinks the opposite.

Kinda pointless.

Disagreements are a good thing, not bad. Disagreements are what keep the WTAW rankings so accurate. The more opinions in the form of posts we get, the easier it becomes to establish an accurate rating.

Works for me. Conversation and disagreements add to the excitement. If thats the case, I'm all for it.

06-25-2008, 05:23 AM
theres a chance that lower end seedbox companies might end up making accounts here and posting positive reviews. its free advertising for them. this is one of the biggest drawbacks i can think of.
besides that, i think this is a great idea and will definitely help noobs. but i would rather discuss which seedbox to take on the forums of the sites on which i intend to seed since that way i can have lots of people around me with same seedboxes which in turn will give blazing fast speeds. also, its tried and tested by trusted members.

06-26-2008, 06:29 AM
Some good opinions and ideas so far!

Any others?

06-26-2008, 06:55 AM
Think a sub section is the best way to do this. That allows for normal threads and conversation to continue and have some pins also. Also this section shouldnt have any more pins than it already does now. We will set it up some time tommorrow so any members with thought on pins for the section have them ready. Also as always thanks to all for the input on this...

06-26-2008, 05:29 PM
Great job with the sub-section!

Great Idea!


06-26-2008, 05:46 PM
yeah indeed not a great idea but it will be much more organized now :D thanks for this section