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07-06-2008, 07:07 PM
This site is getting lots of hype, people keep calling it the next Oink. I was never a member to oink.. or any private tracker for that matter. What is your experience with What?

07-06-2008, 07:20 PM
is good, but Waffles is better

07-06-2008, 07:20 PM
well nearly 200k torrents ain't bad at all, this is comparable to waffles

i don't remember how many torrents oink had when they were shut down but i still don't see the same depth in those two successors

07-06-2008, 07:26 PM
I'm really noob when it comes to private trackers. All the acronyms on this website is mind-boggling, and it seems it is frowned upon to reveal them.. :(.. what.cd, waffles, and demonoid are the only ones I know..

07-06-2008, 07:30 PM
what.cd<waffles :D

07-06-2008, 07:34 PM
I'm really noob when it comes to private trackers. All the acronyms on this website is mind-boggling, and it seems it is frowned upon to reveal them.. :(.. what.cd, waffles, and demonoid are the only ones I know..

Well don't run before you can walk.

It isn't a race you enter on your first day and know everything by the finish at the end of the day. If it takes you months of reading, learning, listening and observing, then you will be all the better for it.

Take time to read all the stickies, to hang around and get involved, and then when your first month is up and you can ask for & give invites, then you will know a lot more than you did.

And one piece of advice, learn to use the search function, I can bet most of your questions have been asked many times before.

And lastly, it's all about the fun & enjoyment and getting involved. just don't expect the moon so early :)

07-06-2008, 07:42 PM
@ starless:

You may find the WTAW thread interesting if you want to know about some trackers. Just don't take the rarity too seriously.


07-06-2008, 07:43 PM
In my experience Waffles is better than What - simply from experience
I found much I like on Waffles I did not find on What...

07-06-2008, 07:49 PM
@bblogs i don't really think he can view WTAW cause he is just a noob and he must he a member for at least 30days to be allowed to enter the invite section :)

07-06-2008, 07:52 PM
Lately, I've become more fond of what.cd because of how it looks. Slowly I think What.CD will become better than waffles. The way it is setup is really convenient and a lot easier to browse. I've also noticed that waffles have more 0 seeder torrents showing up, it can get a little annoying at times.

07-06-2008, 08:05 PM
what.cd rules!

07-06-2008, 08:23 PM
I think What.cd is the successor of Oink, but I again think that Waffles > What.
Plus I like its design so like TT <.<

07-06-2008, 08:38 PM
What.cd is awesome, it's the largest private tracker (number of files hosted) on the interweb...

It's got a fantastic community who genuinely care about the site and your points of view will not simply be ignored, anyone remember the What.cd Drawball Project ?

07-06-2008, 09:40 PM
I'm really noob when it comes to private trackers. All the acronyms on this website is mind-boggling, and it seems it is frowned upon to reveal them.. :(.. what.cd, waffles, and demonoid are the only ones I know..

Well don't run before you can walk.

It isn't a race you enter on your first day and know everything by the finish at the end of the day. If it takes you months of reading, learning, listening and observing, then you will be all the better for it.

Take time to read all the stickies, to hang around and get involved, and then when your first month is up and you can ask for & give invites, then you will know a lot more than you did.

And one piece of advice, learn to use the search function, I can bet most of your questions have been asked many times before.

And lastly, it's all about the fun & enjoyment and getting involved. just don't expect the moon so early :)

I searched and nothing showed up!

@ starless:

You may find the WTAW thread interesting if you want to know about some trackers. Just don't take the rarity too seriously.


yes. I have been looking @ this thread for a while, its got some great info, but some names still have acronyms. What the heck is SCC lol. there are a couple others, but yeah its the most helpful thread I've found so far.

@bblogs i don't really think he can view WTAW cause he is just a noob and he must he a member for at least 30days to be allowed to enter the invite section :)

I can look.. but not post.

07-07-2008, 01:54 AM
what.cd rules!


waffles -1 :tank:

07-07-2008, 02:37 AM
I sure do wish I was a member of either site. I miss Oink. STMusic is pretty good, but there's still just so much I can't find there.

07-07-2008, 02:56 AM
SCC is SceneAccess. That site isnt super rare and im relatively sure posting the name is in fact allowed. It is an excellent site for 0-day needs, the next best option from ScT (cant say the full name so dont ask) in terms of pre-times. The new archive section makes it alot easier to seed, now its a pretty good tracker.

I personally love what.cd. My favourite music tracker because of the setup. I dont really care much about the community, for me its all about content & speeds and in those two terms waffles and what are similar. Its the what.cd setup which trumps.


07-07-2008, 03:00 AM
i use what i had both waffles and what but i didn't use em for a while so waffles deleted my account :<

07-07-2008, 03:53 AM
What is quite a bit better than Waffles, in my opinion. But BTmusic is better than both.

07-07-2008, 04:17 AM
? >>>>> waffles ;)

07-07-2008, 02:05 PM
SCC is SceneAccess. That site isnt super rare and im relatively sure posting the name is in fact allowed. It is an excellent site for 0-day needs, the next best option from ScT (cant say the full name so dont ask) in terms of pre-times. The new archive section makes it alot easier to seed, now its a pretty good tracker.

I personally love what.cd. My favourite music tracker because of the setup. I dont really care much about the community, for me its all about content & speeds and in those two terms waffles and what are similar. Its the what.cd setup which trumps.


thanks! but I still have to solve a problem.. i have no invites to trade (not a member to any private tracker)! so how can I break into the private tracker scene?

07-07-2008, 02:28 PM
thanks! but I still have to solve a problem.. i have no invites to trade (not a member to any private tracker)! so how can I break into the private tracker scene?

-be active in the bittorrent section
-join trackers with open sign ups and be active there as well
-wait until you have access to the invite section, study it and find the right time for a request
-do not trade
-be patient

what invites are not hard to get. if you follow my advice you'll have one in a month or even earlier.

07-07-2008, 02:33 PM
I swear I've jumped on both sides of the what/waffles greatness argument so many times.

Over the last month, I've come to the conclusion that what>waffles for three reasons. One, the layout is better; discography, similar artists chart and different format views all rock. Two, what is much easier to seed at. I always have leechers on my torrents. At waffles, I rarely get any leechers despite having an almost equal number of torrents running. And three, with brokenstones gone, what is now the mac place of choice.

That said, almost every time I'm searching for a particular album from an obscure artist, it seems waffles always triumphs. That said, despite their similarities, I need both and can't separate.

07-07-2008, 04:26 PM
thanks! but I still have to solve a problem.. i have no invites to trade (not a member to any private tracker)! so how can I break into the private tracker scene?

-be active in the bittorrent section
-join trackers with open sign ups and be active there as well
-wait until you have access to the invite section, study it and find the right time for a request
-do not trade
-be patient

what invites are not hard to get. if you follow my advice you'll have one in a month or even earlier.
thank you! will follow your advice. Can anyone recommend some good open sing up trackers?

07-07-2008, 04:35 PM
-be active in the bittorrent section
-join trackers with open sign ups and be active there as well
-wait until you have access to the invite section, study it and find the right time for a request
-do not trade
-be patient

what invites are not hard to get. if you follow my advice you'll have one in a month or even earlier.
thank you! will follow your advice. Can anyone recommend some good open sing up trackers?

take a look at the stickies. there's a thread for tracker with open sign ups.

07-07-2008, 05:00 PM
He asked for sing ups, I'm all for a good sing up, where are we meeting?? :P

07-07-2008, 05:26 PM
remember that what.cd gives invites more or less away in irc: irc.what.cd #what.cd-invites

got invited today via irc :) idled for about 1,5h and then got interviewed. they asked a bunch of questions about mp3 transcoding and stuff.

now i'm at waffles and what.cd and i like them both! hard to say which one is "better"... what.cd seems to be unfamiliar for the first hours you are using it, cause it is based on gazelle.

i'm using softmp3, stmusic, waffles and what.cd. softmp3 is good for some stuff, not downloading much there... stmusic is better, cause its easy to maintain a good ratio and there are lots of uploads, but not comparable with the quality and quantity of waffles and what. if i got to pick one, i'd use waffles, but thats just my opinion, remember that i'm on what just since today. to put it in a nutshell waffles and what a pretty much on the same level.

07-07-2008, 06:39 PM
What is quite a bit better than Waffles, in my opinion. But BTmusic is better than both.
Reformulated to:
What is quite a bit better than Btmusic, in my opinion. But Waffles is better than both.:P

07-07-2008, 06:49 PM
remember that what.cd gives invites more or less away in irc: irc.what.cd #what.cd-invites

got invited today via irc :) idled for about 1,5h and then got interviewed. they asked a bunch of questions about mp3 transcoding and stuff.

now i'm at waffles and what.cd and i like them both! hard to say which one is "better"... what.cd seems to be unfamiliar for the first hours you are using it, cause it is based on gazelle.

i'm using softmp3, stmusic, waffles and what.cd. softmp3 is good for some stuff, not downloading much there... stmusic is better, cause its easy to maintain a good ratio and there are lots of uploads, but not comparable with the quality and quantity of waffles and what. if i got to pick one, i'd use waffles, but thats just my opinion, remember that i'm on what just since today. to put it in a nutshell waffles and what a pretty much on the same level.
i got to that irc channel but it seems like i'm the only person in the chat room maybe just unlucky:(

07-07-2008, 07:09 PM
impossible :P
server: irc.what.cd
channel: #what.cd-invites
there are always a couple of idlers (the admins, vips,... who give out invites)! be sure that you are good informed about transcoding. just browse and understand following wiki http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Transcoding ;) remember that it may take quite a long time till you get interviewed and remember that the interview takes some time too ;)

07-07-2008, 07:15 PM
i just don't understand maybe the whole irc thing.. i'm using miranda for it i click quick connect and then i have to choose server name what shall i choose irc.what.cd isn't there, sorry but i'm noob in irc have never used it so pls?
i have done it by my own thanks now i'm in so i hope :D

07-07-2008, 07:20 PM
SCC is Sc*********. That site isnt super rare and im relatively sure posting the name is in fact allowed.

you may want to look again
"This means, that mentioning us in public is forbidden and talking about us is forbidden. Posting our address, site name or anything that may or may not indirectly reflect back to Sc********* is forbidden....."

i guess ive said to much also :O

07-08-2008, 03:31 PM
I have been on OiNK(PU +), and I'm a member on both What and Waffles. We knew that it takes a helluva loft of time to build that solid Userbase once OiNK had. OiNK 's legacy ain't that easy. They aren't there at OiNK's level - yet. But diversity is always a good thing, and it's nice to have these two successors around. One more aspect: privacy has become paramount now. So full respect to both of these young (and ever so successful) trackers!

07-08-2008, 08:09 PM
I just received an invite to what.cd a few hours ago so I was very happy, but then I clicked on the confirmation link and all it does is take me to the first page (index), so how will I register for an account?
am I supposed to actually solve the riddle?

07-08-2008, 08:16 PM
Are you sure the invite is genuine & your clicking on the right link, have you had an account there before, what browser you using ?

Theres nothing in the forums about invites being down, you could always try emptying your cookies & cache

07-08-2008, 08:36 PM
well a friend in this forum gave me the invite; there is only the confirm link,
and I'm using firefox.
Now I will try the cookies & cache solution.

May be it's just an error, may be some how the invite expired I dunno.
Thanks and I'll keep you posted.

07-08-2008, 10:40 PM
ya now would probably be a wise time to join the site as it is nearly FULL...

there are less than 400 spots to go before they hit max and they are filling up pretty quickly... i'd pull whatever strings ya have to accomplish this...

07-08-2008, 10:58 PM
I just received an invite to what.cd a few hours ago so I was very happy, but then I clicked on the confirmation link and all it does is take me to the first page (index), so how will I register for an account?
am I supposed to actually solve the riddle?

you have to add s to http register link!

07-08-2008, 11:17 PM
Geez! that simple, right.
That was it guys, the 's' did the trick I'm in now,
thank you 'ghostbusters' and 'kuracat',
now I'll go check the place out

07-08-2008, 11:37 PM
ya now would probably be a wise time to join the site as it is nearly FULL...

there are less than 400 spots to go before they hit max and they are filling up pretty quickly... i'd pull whatever strings ya have to accomplish this...

Theres been some speculation that the user limit will be raised when the current one is reached, but that is of course, speculation...

07-09-2008, 04:00 AM
Theres been some speculation that the user limit will be raised when the current one is reached, but that is of course, speculation...

I expect it will. We should find out soon enough, since they will be giving out invites to PU+ any moment now.

07-09-2008, 04:26 AM
what.cd is where it's at... I'm a member of what and waffles, and for a long time waffles was the shit, but it is no longer.

what.cd reigns supreme

honorable mention to indietorrents and RIP VIPv2

07-09-2008, 07:48 AM
I use and rely on BT junkie for searching and if I'm looking for something rare, old, unknown, etc. Whatcd always seems to have it. Seems like the way to go for what I'm looking for.