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07-10-2008, 10:21 PM
programming based frameworks-that is what going right now...
in php there are many frameworks...
i like and used (for almost a year) cakephp framework...
its based on MVC pattern(Model-View-Controller)
also its object oriented php language
but the great power of 'cake' is that its really easy to use,
very friendly and have some big communities.
the framework is built almost perfect so it saved a lot of time
and time is money...
so,the programmers that know php here,this is for you guys
btw there is many php framework such as symphony ,zend and more...

07-10-2008, 10:31 PM
Looks very good, thanks.
I've always just used vBulletin's code to power my sites...
But this looks more optimized for general use while vbulletin is optimized for itself (forum).

07-11-2008, 01:42 PM
well try to programm in cakephp and you will find that its really simple and fast...
try read the manual in the site...

07-15-2008, 08:20 AM
I tend to write all my own code, rather than using a framework. I think that the benefits of using cake or another frame work would only be minimal. As I'm sure it would be easier to spot errors if you knew the entire code in side out, as you would if you wrote it. Unless anyone else can persuade me otherwise?

08-20-2008, 03:29 AM
well try to programm in cakephp and you will find that its really simple and fast...
try read the manual in the site...

This is what my programmer friend told me, since I've been using CMS for my sites and got me some troubled issues especially regarding security. This is what he recommends me to build a powerful website.