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08-17-2003, 03:56 PM
Please, Does anyone ACTUALLY, SERIOUSLY know why monkeys live in trees?

I cant find it anywhere, and even a link to a site would be great.


NOTE: I am not wanting the old folk tale 'Why monkeys live in trees.' Thanks.

08-18-2003, 02:19 AM
cause there are bananas in trees. and there are predators on the ground that could eat the monkeys. so they live in trees where most predators cant go.

edit: reworded

08-18-2003, 03:21 AM
Yes, Got_brains?. Our esteemed forum wise man, kAb is bang on as usual. Monkeys find a great deal of their food supply in the forest/jungle canopy. They also find a great deal of creatures who consider monkeys a food supply down on the jungle floor.

And of course, let's not forget the fact that copulating while hanging upside-down from a tree branch is so frikkin' cool ! http://www.ml20.nowinbeta.org/smilies/w00t2.gif

08-18-2003, 04:02 AM
what the guys said...
if you search on yahoo like this "why monkeys live in trees" you'll find some stuff on it. :P

08-18-2003, 04:05 AM
Monkeys live in tree because theres better internet connection to spam the k-lite board with. :lol:

08-18-2003, 04:27 AM
Actually, after doing a (quick) search, there isn't much info on that topic I could find fast.
99% of the websites talk about folklore and legends, not facts.
Best explanation is probably Kab's one.

And this one maybe:

Documentaries typically show australopithines or some similar "human ancestor" coming down from trees to live in the savannas. All such productions ignore the fact that there are real reasons why apes and monkeys live in trees: they are too slow on the ground and they make too much noise to survive very long other than in trees.

The most major difference between human infants and baby deer, for instance, is that baby deer have the sense not to attract attention to themselves. Picture some group of "proto humans" out on the savanna for the first time with thousand pound carnivores walking around all over the place, and picture some human infant screaming his head off the first time something displeased him. Kind of like somebody ringing a dinner bell...

08-18-2003, 06:33 AM
You ever try getting a apartment in the jungle?............You think New York's bad....sheesh! ;)

Peace brotherdoobie

08-18-2003, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by Got_brains?@17 August 2003 - 15:56
Please, Does anyone ACTUALLY, SERIOUSLY know why monkeys live in trees?

I cant find it anywhere, and even a link to a site would be great.


NOTE: I am not wanting the old folk tale 'Why monkeys live in trees.' Thanks.
Why do you live in a house/flat??

Cos you are human and we humans live in structures (most of us antway)

They are Monkeys.......They live in trees.......What's to explain :rolleyes:

Jonno B)

08-18-2003, 10:27 AM
Monkeys wont be living in trees for much longer....The trees will all be cut down.

Before human beings became human beings, they used to be pigs...(Dawin)

Three Pigs and a Big, Bad Wolf
- a politically correct fairy tale
Three pigs live in the Rain Forest. They decide that they want to build themselves three new houses. They want to build their houses from biodegradable material, so as not to harm the Rain Forest. The first little piggy builds his house with straw not made from GM crops. The second piggy builds her house with mud and cow dung - which makes it a slightly smelly place to live in, but is very "ecologically friendly". The third piggy builds his house from bricks, but has a solar-powered electrical generator installed in the back garden so as to help conserve the earth's precious fossil-fuel resourses.

The piggies are very proud of their new, politically correct houses. But, one day, a wolf (a big bad wolf) decides to pay them a visit. The wolf is big and bad because he works for a multi-national corporation that wants to cut down the Rain Forest and make thousands of animals homeless. The wolf decides that these politically correct piggies must be the first to leave the forest because they are setting a bad example to all the other animals.

The wolf arrives at the door of the first house, made of straw. "If you do not come out of your house and leave the rain forest immediately I will huff and puff and blow your house down," says the Big Bad Wolf. The little piggy in the straw house is too scared to leave and sits crying inside. So the wolf takes a big breath, and huffs and puffs and blows the little piggy's non-genetically modified house down.

Greenpeace and other environmental organisations immediately send in a protest to the United Nations, but it is too late. The wolf approaches the second house made of smelly cow dung. "If you do not leave your house immediately I will huff and puff and blow your house down," says the Big Bad Wolf who works for a multinational corporation.
The little piggy inside the smelly house shakes with fear but does not come out. So the big bad multinational wolf huffs and puffs and blows the little smelly house down.

Kofi Annan calls a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. In the UK questions are asked in the House of Commons. Wolf approaches the house made of brick with the solar powered generator in the back garden. "Piggy", shouts the wolf, "Get out here pronto, my little pink organic friend, otherwise I am going to huff and puff and blow your house down."

Piggy wonders what to do. Wolf prepares to huff and puff. Suddenly, the house is surrounded by environmental activists. "Down with the wolf, down with the wolf," they chant, joining hands and surrounding the Big Bad Wolf. Wolf tries firing a water-canon at them, but still they come. He tries some tear-gas, but it is no use. Wolf decides to run for it and breaks through the green protestors and runs and runs for his life.

The piggies, and their new environmentalist friends, celebrate with a big feast of nuts and tofu burgers, washed down with lots and lots of decaffeinated coffee from Nicaragua.

And they lived happily ever after.

Peter Gentle


And we all know we evolved from monkeys!

08-18-2003, 10:50 AM
I'd probably be in the trees a lot, too. That is if I could climb and stuff. Besides, its easier to look down the blouses of the Biologists/Zoologists from up there. Wait, no I wouldn't, because I was offered a smoke in a thread earlier, and now I'm too stupid to climb.

Here's something sort of related, though. I read that the squirrell is man's closest ancestor. The monkey/ape just happens to resemble us more. Of course, no way for anyone to ever know, so why the big fuss trying to prove the unprovable?

08-20-2003, 11:20 AM
Thanks guys for all the replies! I apologize because my internet went down for 2 days seconds after I posted the topic.

Because my report was due the next morning, I just made up stuff like "They live in trees because their foods there and their away from the predators on the forest floor".

Thanks guys.

08-20-2003, 11:37 AM
lol love the homer avatar thin

08-20-2003, 11:39 AM
it's so inbred americans cant bum them.. they safer up their.. until everyone gets out their guns due to inadequate laws and shoots em down

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 11:44 AM
Gaz k, you say proud to be a northerner, what do you class as northern?

08-20-2003, 11:54 AM
anything above Stoke on Trent, anyting below that is down south.

All places like the northwest and upto scotland are the north.

why, what about you?

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 11:55 AM
Stoke? Isn't that on the equator or something? :P
Anywhere south of north-shields is south :D (north shields being right beside newcastle)

08-20-2003, 11:59 AM
I from warrington, jsut bewteen manchester and liverpool, got a half decent rugby league team. i would class myself as being northen. stoke is more midlans than north, but anything below that is definatley down south.

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 12:00 PM
manchester...liverpool, 5 minutes walk from london!! :P
southern pansy!

08-20-2003, 12:07 PM
fuck you, i fuckin hate southeners, they so fuckin gobby n up there own arse, thay are all fuckin fagot lad!
think they al hard n sing shit songs after three pints... all go out wearin fuckin matchin t shirt with sum shite wrote across the back like Tuff Muff or sumthing. they all think they fucking sex gods, but they fuckin shut up wen you tell them to, as soon as they hear the accent the brickin it.
n why the fuck do they drag out their words ... wen they say fuck... it turns into fffffffffackin hell
they prounounce all there u's as a's... i fuckin hate them at uni... and on holiday... sumone should fuckin shoot em all!

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by gaz_k@20 August 2003 - 13:07
fuck you, i fuckin hate southeners, they so fuckin gobby n up there own arse, thay are all fuckin fagot lad!
think they al hard n sing shit songs after three pints... all go out wearin fuckin matchin t shirt with sum shite wrote across the back like Tuff Muff or sumthing. they all think they fucking sex gods, but they fuckin shut up wen you tell them to, as soon as they hear the accent the brickin it.
n why the fuck do they drag out their words ... wen they say fuck... it turns into fffffffffackin hell
they prounounce all there u's as a's... i fuckin hate them at uni... and on holiday... sumone should fuckin shoot em all!
:beerchug: :lol: don't forget the twats with the pants that dont quite reach their ankles and have those one-strap bags and the slip on trainer things with no backs, wankers!

08-20-2003, 12:10 PM
plus they all listen to shit music... fuckin garage, what a big pile of bollocks, n why do they put on stupid ghetto accents... all the essex boys just sound like puffs wih their squeeky little voices..... n the girls are so up their own arses its untrue.. and why do most of the southen women sound like men with husky voices.. its fucked up i tell thee

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 12:12 PM
I'm venturin down south tomorrow, all the way to leeds for the festival, three fricking hours on the coach! Meh, what can i expect for £20 return :lol:

08-20-2003, 12:19 PM
lucky bastard, i not been any festivals this year, went T in the Park last year in scotland and V2002. was suposed to be goin this year but had an accounting exam monday morning.

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 12:21 PM
I'm sposed to get my gcse results tomorrow but fuck em, my coach leaves before the school opens :D Festival's more inportant

08-20-2003, 12:32 PM
We don't need to worry what Bo considers to be northern, he's so far up he's half scottish. Bet he wears dresses like them too.

Is the Leeds festival still on then ? I headr they were having an emergency planning meeting last night cos the organisers hadn't applied for permission to open some access roads, so the whole thing may be off. Just the sort of cock-up the planners were looking for, I think.

08-20-2003, 12:35 PM
think it still on, radio stations have still been giving out tickets to it today.....

i wanna go creamfields though.....mite check on ebay for tickets

Proper Bo
08-20-2003, 12:41 PM
no, it's stilll on, they were trying to close it down on a technicality over a temporary road going through a field which didn't have planning permission.
I don't see why the leeds council want it closed, surely it's bringing in thousands for them!

08-20-2003, 12:41 PM
just had a look then they got quite a few, mite have to get a couple