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View Full Version : Idea for a tracker -> Seedboxes Only

07-16-2008, 07:14 PM
Has anybody ever considered creating a tracker that only allows high speed connections?

With what seems to be a widening gap in bandwidth (seedboxes vs asynchronous DSL) it only makes sense that users with fast connections would want to more easily share between one another. I know even 100Mb connections get maxed out with new releases, but if all the content on a tracker could be downloaded at maximum speed I think such a site would extrodinary.

07-16-2008, 07:15 PM
Well, this is an interesting idea.thought how could you let only members with boxes to get in?how would you seperate them from the rest?

07-16-2008, 07:20 PM
If this is what your are looking for then just join bitmetv, obviously they allow slow connections but the majority of connections there are super quick 100/100 maxes out both ways on most new torrents... :)

07-16-2008, 07:24 PM
It exists already, but it is called scene axx via an FTP ring.

Trackers costs money, seedboxes costs money, just because round here we see a lot of seedbox discussion, in the wider torrenting community they are limited to a very small minority and mainly limited to the site uploaders.

There would be very little demand for an elitist seedbox only tracker as they would soon realise it would be better to get onto the FTP ring as above.

07-16-2008, 07:24 PM
Well, this is an interesting idea.thought how could you let only members with boxes to get in?how would you seperate them from the rest?

On the sign up screen I suppose you could put in something that required you to download / upload a sample file of X mb in Y seconds.

Of course method this wouldn't bee enforceable once you'd joined up unless the only IP you could leech / seed with was the one you signed up with

07-16-2008, 07:25 PM
who's gonna watch the movies on this tracker?

07-16-2008, 07:30 PM
Again years ago certain Direct Connect hubs would only let you join if your connection was fast enough so there must be code out there.

who's gonna watch the movies on this tracker?

What do you mean by this PB ?

07-16-2008, 07:31 PM
Well, this is an interesting idea.thought how could you let only members with boxes to get in?how would you seperate them from the rest?

I'm thinking each new member would have to download/upload a test torrent to verify speed, although that sounds tedious. Maybe a custom speed test could be arranged and after that members have to meet a weekly upload speed average.

If this is what your are looking for then just join bitmetv, obviously they allow slow connections but the majority of connections there are super quick 100/100 maxes out both ways on most new torrents... :)

Ya but thats just TV. Think of a tracker where users share anything and everything; a collection style tracker without any content type limits.
Plus the connection requirement might help keep out the n00bs ;)

07-16-2008, 07:33 PM
If this is what your are looking for then just join bitmetv, obviously they allow slow connections but the majority of connections there are super quick 100/100 maxes out both ways on most new torrents... :)

Ya but thats just TV. Think of a tracker where users share anything and everything; a collection style tracker without any content type limits.
Plus the connection requirement might help keep out the n00bs ;)

Wouldn't really keep out noobs it would just alienate peep's with slow connections, 90% of us in the UK to start with, I think on demand streaming is future of filesharing (stream as you download)

07-16-2008, 07:40 PM
It exists already, but it is called scene axx via an FTP ring.

Trackers costs money, seedboxes costs money, just because round here we see a lot of seedbox discussion, in the wider torrenting community they are limited to a very small minority and mainly limited to the site uploaders.

There would be very little demand for an elitist seedbox only tracker as they would soon realise it would be better to get onto the FTP ring as above.

I dont know much about these FTP rings, but the Bittorrent protocol still seems like the better choice.

Trackers check the data you DL to make sure it is correct, FTP is still a 1-1 transfer and even with 100/100 speeds transfers could encounter congestion; BT would allow for more efficient transfer to make sure your connection is always maxed out.

You're right not many people have seedboxes, but a large community wouldnt really be needed if everybody large upstream bandwidth.

07-16-2008, 07:44 PM
It would be ridiculously difficult to seed stuff back, unless you were on the torrent the second it was uploaded. Would have to be a ratio free or something similar.

07-16-2008, 07:52 PM
Wait a minute surely there's some Scandinavian general trackers that would fit the bill... ?


Would have to be a ratio free or something similar.

That might just work...

07-16-2008, 08:16 PM
It would be ridiculously difficult to seed stuff back, unless you were on the torrent the second it was uploaded. Would have to be a ratio free or something similar.

I dont think a ratio system would be needed. People could finally not worry about keep their ratio up and...this is crazy...share without looking for a reward (upload credit).

Wait a minute surely there's some Scandinavian general trackers that would fit the bill... ?
Ive never heard of a tracker that required a certain upload speed.

07-16-2008, 08:20 PM
It would be ridiculously difficult to seed stuff back, unless you were on the torrent the second it was uploaded. Would have to be a ratio free or something similar.

I dont think a ratio system would be needed. People could finally not worry about keep their ratio up and...this is crazy...share without looking for a reward (upload credit).

The classic ratio system is draconian & it's great that some site owners are starting to realise this as well and are slowly edging away with it helping private BT tracker scene to evolve.

Wait a minute surely there's some Scandinavian general trackers that would fit the bill... ?
Ive never heard of a tracker that required a certain upload speed.

It's not compulsory but I reckon the slowest connection you would encounter would be maybe 10/10 or 20/20 and it doesn't take many of them to max out a 100/100

07-16-2008, 08:22 PM
Has anybody ever considered creating a tracker that only allows high speed connections?

With what seems to be a widening gap in bandwidth (seedboxes vs asynchronous DSL) it only makes sense that users with fast connections would want to more easily share between one another. I know even 100Mb connections get maxed out with new releases, but if all the content on a tracker could be downloaded at maximum speed I think such a site would extrodinary.

booo :tease: boooo:tease: booo :tease:

07-16-2008, 08:28 PM
On top trackers, especially if you stay away from xvids, 99% of the peers are seedboxes anyway.

07-16-2008, 08:37 PM
Transfer speed isn't really that important to me personally, it's finding that utter peach of a DVD you've been searching for that makes it all worth while. I don't mind waiting a few days for it but it rarely ever comes down to that.

Speaking of which it's movie time & this evenings choice is Superbad, peace out

I'm old school baby, retrotastic :)

07-16-2008, 08:50 PM
How is having DSL peers hurting you exactly? They keep torrents alive a lot longer since it takes longer for them to seed back and home connections usually have larger amounts of disk space to continue seeding torrents as long as they want.

07-16-2008, 10:12 PM
Trackers check the data you DL to make sure it is correct

no they don't. they only know what the client reports to them.

FTP is still a 1-1 transfer and even with 100/100 speeds transfers could encounter congestion


07-16-2008, 10:38 PM
How is having DSL peers hurting you exactly? They keep torrents alive a lot longer since it takes longer for them to seed back and home connections usually have larger amounts of disk space to continue seeding torrents as long as they want.

DSL peers are not hurting me, and you're right they do tend to seed longer which keeps torrents alive. However it does take longer to download a file from a DSL peer than from a seedbox peer and DSL users more or less require the use of a ratio system. Im envisioning a site where users and point.click.download(fast) at will without worrying about ratios.

You do bring up a good point about harddrive space. Most users do tend to have a lot more space at home than on the server.

no they don't. they only know what the client reports to them.

...do clients not report data correctly?


Interesting, didnt know that was possible.

07-17-2008, 01:49 AM
What for? :huh:

99% of files in seedboxes are never used by their owners, just for getting huge uploads and get highest ranks.

Now they have a reason: help to increase speeds and regular users get benefits of it, but only seedboxes?... please, make me draw to see if I get the point.

07-17-2008, 01:53 AM
Sounds like a good e-penis - buffer tracker.

07-17-2008, 01:59 AM
this tracker already exists its called ScT

07-17-2008, 02:10 AM
this tracker already exists its called ScT

If that was fact, then neither I or pretty much anyone I know there would be a member. True the speeds are insane, but my guess would be that maybe 10% have seedboxes and another 20% would have what we consider a fast line.

07-17-2008, 02:41 AM
Well I think it's an awful idea. Not only does it prevent the "little guy" from joining a tracker but it makes the elitist side of trackers that much more elitist. If you can't afford a seedbox we don't want you is what that says to me. for that matter pay for a news server and go the NZB route. Trackers are supposed to be IMO for everyone. Free to all rich and poor, good connection and dial up, well maybe not dial up but you see my point.
Also I believe PB mentioned if everyone had SBx's then you would have no leechers and a tracker needs a good balance of seeds and leechers to be sucessful so I reiterate what an awful idea.

The classic ratio system is draconian & it's great that some site owners are starting to realise this as well and are slowly edging away with it helping private BT tracker scene to evolve.

Well no not really, the harsh truth here is that people in general suck ass. My point is proven by public trackers. Public trackers are the very essence of file sharing where everything is free to all, open to the public, share everything and keep it free, but this my man is where their greatness ends. Their speeds suck simply because most everyone hit's and runs. C'mon now we've all done it. Maybe a crappy little game for the wife or a new music single whatever the file may be we figure eh who cares no big deal right? Right. See ratio systems aren't perfect but I have yet to see a better system for this type thing. I know, I know a few of the top shelf trackers have done away with ratios, I do applaud them, but this works in an already well established communtiy where the members themselves feel a comitment to sharing. This will NOT work on a large scale or any tracker without years of honing their members and weeding out the bums. The simple fact is that not all tracker communities will be able to do this sucessfully. To say it's draconian is a tad drastic when it's the members themselves not the tracker staff or anyone else.

07-17-2008, 07:18 AM
There already are two, SCT and BMTV.

07-17-2008, 07:45 AM
What would be the point? To then seed the files on a different tracker? If you want full speeds all the time, join a newsgroup provider or get topsite axx.

07-17-2008, 07:54 AM
it would be better to get onto the FTP ring

I think the same - if everybody has a high-speed server, BitTorrent doesn't make much sense with all that hash-checking and tiny chunks randomly downloaded. It would be better to just transfer 1:1 from beginning to end than jumping in the file all the time.

07-17-2008, 08:38 AM
It exists already, but it is called scene axx via an FTP ring.

Trackers costs money, seedboxes costs money, just because round here we see a lot of seedbox discussion, in the wider torrenting community they are limited to a very small minority and mainly limited to the site uploaders.

There would be very little demand for an elitist seedbox only tracker as they would soon realise it would be better to get onto the FTP ring as above.

Nailed it.

Boxes are used traditionally to support the large swarms and provide massive bandwidth to home users.

There'd be little point in having only boxes on a site in my opinion. Would kind of defeat the purpose.

As SgtMajor said, if you want some kind of boxes-only file distribution system, you'll find an FTP ring is far more efficient (and leet. and fun. and challenging).

07-17-2008, 08:43 AM
I'm just wondering why someone would want to pay for a seedbox to use on a site with no ratio and they're not an uploader. Seedboxes aren't free so imo you need a purpose to justify one. Like being an uploader or to build a better ratio, though I guess for some spending daddy's money is a reason in itself. How about trustfundbabies.net for the name :P

07-17-2008, 09:11 AM
I'm just wondering why someone would want to pay for a seedbox to use on a site with no ratio and they're not an uploader. Seedboxes aren't free so imo you need a purpose to justify one. Like being an uploader or to build a better ratio, though I guess for some spending daddy's money is a reason in itself. How about trustfundbabies.net for the name :P

There's a few reasons. Some people don't run torrents on their home connection/computer (like myself). Another reason is it's just easier management. For instance, when I want a TV series, I just snatch it from a tracker with my box. The opinions at that point spread out. I could stream it from my box, leech a few episodes from FTP to watch, or just let it sit there for a bit while I catch up with the rest of my shows, without worrying about my harddrive space or leaving my computer on to seed.

07-17-2008, 09:11 AM
Well I think it's an awful idea. Not only does it prevent the "little guy" from joining a tracker but it makes the elitist side of trackers that much more elitist. If you can't afford a seedbox we don't want you is what that says to me. for that matter pay for a news server and go the NZB route. Trackers are supposed to be IMO for everyone. Free to all rich and poor, good connection and dial up, well maybe not dial up but you see my point.
Also I believe PB mentioned if everyone had SBx's then you would have no leechers and a tracker needs a good balance of seeds and leechers to be sucessful so I reiterate what an awful idea.

The classic ratio system is draconian & it's great that some site owners are starting to realise this as well and are slowly edging away with it helping private BT tracker scene to evolve.

Well no not really, the harsh truth here is that people in general suck ass. My point is proven by public trackers. Public trackers are the very essence of file sharing where everything is free to all, open to the public, share everything and keep it free, but this my man is where their greatness ends. Their speeds suck simply because most everyone hit's and runs. C'mon now we've all done it. Maybe a crappy little game for the wife or a new music single whatever the file may be we figure eh who cares no big deal right? Right. See ratio systems aren't perfect but I have yet to see a better system for this type thing. I know, I know a few of the top shelf trackers have done away with ratios, I do applaud them, but this works in an already well established communtiy where the members themselves feel a comitment to sharing. This will NOT work on a large scale or any tracker without years of honing their members and weeding out the bums. The simple fact is that not all tracker communities will be able to do this sucessfully. To say it's draconian is a tad drastic when it's the members themselves not the tracker staff or anyone else.

+ 1 /\/\/\
Its much of a pay 2 leech if u think about it. U have to pay a seedbox for entering a site. I bet the site could easily have some deal with some seedbox companies :lol:

07-17-2008, 10:33 AM
Well I think it's an awful idea. Not only does it prevent the "little guy" from joining a tracker but it makes the elitist side of trackers that much more elitist. If you can't afford a seedbox we don't want you is what that says to me. for that matter pay for a news server and go the NZB route. Trackers are supposed to be IMO for everyone. Free to all rich and poor, good connection and dial up, well maybe not dial up but you see my point.
Also I believe PB mentioned if everyone had SBx's then you would have no leechers and a tracker needs a good balance of seeds and leechers to be sucessful so I reiterate what an awful idea.

The classic ratio system is draconian & it's great that some site owners are starting to realise this as well and are slowly edging away with it helping private BT tracker scene to evolve.

Well no not really, the harsh truth here is that people in general suck ass. My point is proven by public trackers. Public trackers are the very essence of file sharing where everything is free to all, open to the public, share everything and keep it free, but this my man is where their greatness ends. Their speeds suck simply because most everyone hit's and runs. C'mon now we've all done it. Maybe a crappy little game for the wife or a new music single whatever the file may be we figure eh who cares no big deal right? Right. See ratio systems aren't perfect but I have yet to see a better system for this type thing. I know, I know a few of the top shelf trackers have done away with ratios, I do applaud them, but this works in an already well established communtiy where the members themselves feel a comitment to sharing. This will NOT work on a large scale or any tracker without years of honing their members and weeding out the bums. The simple fact is that not all tracker communities will be able to do this sucessfully. To say it's draconian is a tad drastic when it's the members themselves not the tracker staff or anyone else.

Hallelujah. On the money on all counts. :clap:

07-17-2008, 07:35 PM
Well I think it's an awful idea. Not only does it prevent the "little guy" from joining a tracker but it makes the elitist side of trackers that much more elitist. If you can't afford a seedbox we don't want you is what that says to me. for that matter pay for a news server and go the NZB route. Trackers are supposed to be IMO for everyone. Free to all rich and poor, good connection and dial up, well maybe not dial up but you see my point.
Also I believe PB mentioned if everyone had SBx's then you would have no leechers and a tracker needs a good balance of seeds and leechers to be sucessful so I reiterate what an awful idea.

The classic ratio system is draconian & it's great that some site owners are starting to realise this as well and are slowly edging away with it helping private BT tracker scene to evolve.

Well no not really, the harsh truth here is that people in general suck ass. My point is proven by public trackers. Public trackers are the very essence of file sharing where everything is free to all, open to the public, share everything and keep it free, but this my man is where their greatness ends. Their speeds suck simply because most everyone hit's and runs. C'mon now we've all done it. Maybe a crappy little game for the wife or a new music single whatever the file may be we figure eh who cares no big deal right? Right. See ratio systems aren't perfect but I have yet to see a better system for this type thing. I know, I know a few of the top shelf trackers have done away with ratios, I do applaud them, but this works in an already well established communtiy where the members themselves feel a comitment to sharing. This will NOT work on a large scale or any tracker without years of honing their members and weeding out the bums. The simple fact is that not all tracker communities will be able to do this sucessfully. To say it's draconian is a tad drastic when it's the members themselves not the tracker staff or anyone else.

I agree with the above point 100% in the context of large scale public trackers which is what you seem to be talk about in your post, however my comment was about small private ratio free communities, circles of trust :)

If your a member of any sites like this you'd understand why it's the way forward :)

07-19-2008, 07:44 AM
I am a member of most of the sites we speak about here on FST and some we don't. Again it's a decent idea but it would never work. Its elitist ( which I cannot stand) noone would leech along with many many other falws that need to be worked out.
I love the name trustfundbabies.net Oh and Sear stop spending my money!!!

07-19-2008, 04:09 PM
no worries daddy ;)

07-19-2008, 04:23 PM
Another reason for having a seedbox is if your home IP has a ridiculously low bandwidth cap like mine does.
With a seedbox at least I don't have to worry about the upload.

07-19-2008, 05:37 PM
I think its a great idea, but not for us. I think the Scene, or a part of it could adapt the torrent technology. There would be a tracker with no www access, help could be found on irc. Every server could have scripts that automatically make torrents about pred stuff, upload it to the tracker which could inform the other sites and send them the torrent automatically (in the categories they accept). So it would be like an FTP ring w/o the need of traders who trade auto or manual and every connected site could have the stuffs in seconds after pre. It would be cheap, everyone could choose his best categories, there would be no users to maintain (just the affils), so less problem to the siteops. It would be great :happy:

edit: ok it wouldnt be cheaper for siteops, but it would be great anyway...

07-20-2008, 12:15 AM
I always have a seedbox or two for seeding and uploading stuff, but I would hate a tracker like that from the bottom of my heart. I mean, not everyone have access to high bandwidth or seedboxes.
p2p and bittorrent was meant for the masses.
As SgtMajor said there are already FTP rings which offer high speeds. However it's very difficlut to gain access to those sites and they usually cost a lot if you are just a leecher.