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View Full Version : so what is the best P2P and fastest for ed2k files ?

07-26-2008, 01:34 AM
its been a couple of years since I used emule, I tried it again recently, but it failed to download anything,that was the most recent version . I then tried
the lates version of flashget, with the same result.

What other P2P could I try that would almost certainly start downloading a ed2k file off edonkey without much waiting time ?

07-26-2008, 05:48 AM
The waiting time depends on the other peers, not your client. edonkey is not FastTrack or similar, it will always take time, but it will do good.
I recommend you to stick to emule, imo it's simply the best client out there. Configure it correctly, so you have clean servers and Kad connected.
Then add several files and let the mule run for some hours. Don't watch it, he dislikes that ;P