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View Full Version : "unless required by law" ?

07-30-2008, 12:10 PM
Hey guys,

Been away overseas for the last year and hence have been away from newsgroups. The middle east are a bit behind with the online revolution.

Anyway, I used to be with Newshosting and Giganews. Both good, no dramas. However, I was recently going to sign up with Giga again and noticed they had changed there privacy policy which you guys would have noticed.

ie: "or track your downloads (unless required by law)"

This statement is a bit ambiguous. Quite broad. What is meant by this? I asked support, but recieved no answer. Is it likely they will track newsgroups with copyrighted/illegal material? Or is it more likely that they are just stating that they will track you if the law asks them too? Are they now keeping extended logs?


07-30-2008, 12:53 PM
I've sent them a mail too. I think they'll answer it.

Edit: Forwarded to a manager... This looks promising haha

07-31-2008, 11:00 AM
Still haven't got an answer. You got anything yet 7277?

07-31-2008, 11:35 PM
Nope.... I sent mine off about a week ago. It worries me a bit, cos when I was with them before they were really transparent about this subject. I just don't want them now being someone's lackie and handing over info.


08-01-2008, 09:21 AM
Nope.... I sent mine off about a week ago. It worries me a bit, cos when I was with them before they were really transparent about this subject. I just don't want them now being someone's lackie and handing over info.


A week? I've never waited that long for a response from them.
Maybe they have to hire lawyer first this time :P

Maybe they should get back the guy from GN who posted @ this forum some time ago.

08-01-2008, 11:35 AM
Well.... we'll see if you get a response.

I don't mind if they don't wanna tell, but I hate when people dodge a question and don't answer... even an I don't know would do.


08-01-2008, 07:17 PM
I guess that means that they log your IP address and what file (or parts) you're downloading. If the FBI feels like you're distributing or downloading child p***ography, then they will request Giganews to hand over your IP and deal with the ISP to find out where you reside, as an example.

Usenet is becoming more and more public, so the providers are getting a little scared.

08-01-2008, 11:16 PM
I guess that means that they log your IP address and what file (or parts) you're downloading.

Well.... maybe, but not necessarily. I still have faith in there ability to want to provide a *somewhat* anonymous service, but with usenet having the screws tightened each day, you never know.:ermm:

08-02-2008, 03:34 AM
Giganews does not track the specific articles you download (unless required by law)

Seems pretty clear to me. The don't track what you download. However, if subpoenaed by the courts they will start logging your traffic.

08-02-2008, 09:12 AM
Giganews does not track the specific articles you download (unless required by law)

Seems pretty clear to me. The don't track what you download. However, if subpoenaed by the courts they will start logging your traffic.

Yep... I understand what it says there. I guess I may be a bit more paranoid than most, but I think with right reason, with the way privacy laws are going these days.

I guess the question still stands - can they issue premuim providers with *broad* subpoenas telling them to log certain groups' activities known to contain warez/porn/music etc.? Or are they only user based?

08-04-2008, 04:47 PM
The reply from GN:

You should consult with an attorney to determine to determine what
Giganews' obligations are regarding your account. If there is a law or
court order that says we must track the specific articles you download, we
will comply.

I'm happy.

08-04-2008, 06:21 PM
The reply from GN:

You should consult with an attorney to determine to determine what
Giganews' obligations are regarding your account. If there is a law or
court order that says we must track the specific articles you download, we
will comply.I'm happy.

The reply relates to users rather than who has downloaded this warez or that box office film via headers. Still ambigious but hell it aint gonna stop me downloading my Linux distros!:naughty:

01-12-2009, 06:05 PM
This is what they told me:

That is correct, we currently don't log specific download information, such
as the newsgroup that is being downloaded from or the files that are being
downloaded. If there was a court order that stated Giganews needed to track
this information, we would need to comply with such court order. I am sure
that this would apply to most news service providers as well.

what do you think?

01-12-2009, 06:34 PM
Does it mean that newsgroups are loosing one of the main advantages - anonymity?

01-12-2009, 07:15 PM
The reply from GN:

I'm happy.

The reply relates to users rather than who has downloaded this warez or that box office film via headers. Still ambigious but hell it aint gonna stop me downloading my Linux distros!:naughty:

hell yeah! Usenet is absolutely full of Linux distros; especially in that one group, boneless... :fst:

01-14-2009, 11:55 PM
Does it mean that newsgroups are loosing one of the main advantages - anonymity?

No.....I dont think so.
They don't log it now, and unless you see a giant explosion, I highly doubt anyone will come to them and force them to log traffic. ( All the music/movie companies are stressing over bittorrent trackers, hahaha. )

01-15-2009, 12:55 AM
This mainly has to do with child porn. So hopefully you don't have to worry.