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View Full Version : Is Bittorent Secure?

08-20-2003, 10:52 PM
I just started using bittoret and it works very good. Im just wonder is it secure and is it safer than kazza? I been getting rare files from bittorent and Im sharing it on kazza cuz none of them fools are sharing these files like matrix reloaded!!! Also how can you spped up your download rate in BT?

08-20-2003, 11:01 PM
the faster you upload the faster partners you get. ;)

also all ip addies are broadcast to everyone on BT so its very unsecure.

08-21-2003, 01:25 AM
Its security through obscurty... It would take a lot of effort for any one to try to collect data 15 peeps at a time. So BT files arnt really a target for companys...

08-21-2003, 01:28 AM
what bittorent sites r up? my h/d crashed and i cant find supernova or bytmonsoon. any 1 have a link to these 2 sites and maybe some more?

08-21-2003, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by draqon@20 August 2003 - 22:52
I just started using bittoret and it works very good. Im just wonder is it secure and is it safer than kazza? I been getting rare files from bittorent and Im sharing it on kazza cuz none of them fools are sharing these files like matrix reloaded!!! Also how can you spped up your download rate in BT?
well BT is pretty good.... however its not the faster you upload the best speeds you get...

it worx like edonkey - the MORE people there are downloading, the faster you can get...also depends on ur connection tho...if u got cable it can be good...

a friend of mine that has 1.5mbps connection (pure conn) was gettin 150kb/s...

so u make ur math...


08-21-2003, 03:50 AM
I thought Bytemonsoon went under? :S

08-21-2003, 04:23 AM
bytemonsoon.com went under. Someone started bytemonsoon.net.

Suprnova.org is still up. They just have a bunch of mirrors that could be down, so just click refreash..

And to answer your question, bittorrent is not secure at all*. Anyone and everyone can see your ip address. Dont do this unless you are part of private smaller bittorrent group.

*Unless you have an Ip spoofer/ananomous proxy