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View Full Version : Request: RevTT

08-12-2008, 07:57 PM

Been out of the torrent scene for a while, I lost lots of my accounts (not because I wanted to)

What does it take to get RevTT these days? Im not sure if i can get it for free, or if i have to trade (which if so, im probably not doing)

I can show ratios of the trackers I do have..

Let me know.

08-12-2008, 08:10 PM
first off, i would recommend you to visit the irc channels for those lost accounts and see if you can't get re-enabled or re-invited. if they say the account is gone but confirm that it's ok for you to join again with a new invite from someone, then you're more likely to succed here.

most peope feel reluctant to invite disabled users because that cause them trouble