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View Full Version : special giveaway

08-14-2008, 10:23 AM
So I have an invite to a particular tracker which specializes in TV. For any people who may have missed out on any recent opportunities to get into this tracker ( ;) ), I decided to give it here.

If you want it, post in this thread. Do not PM me for the invite unless I PM you first. Post whatever you think will get me to pick you over everyone else to give you the invite. I'd stay away from ratio proofs/speed tests, as I couldn't care less about them.

A side note, if you post here, be prepared to give me your profile links on other sites; I'm not just going to hand over the invite to anyone (since none of my close friends need it :P). I'm just doing this to find a person whom I'll talk to to discern their torrenting habits, to see if they're worthy.

Have fun with it. :)

08-14-2008, 10:42 AM
If its B****TV, I have been trying to gain an invite for a long time. The site contains some very rare programs, that are difficult to obtain anywhere.
I was given an invite a while back by a kind member on this site but before I could use it, the user got disabled for giving away an invite to a trader/cheater. So I'm still waiting.

08-14-2008, 10:57 AM
can i please join this comunity?:D

08-14-2008, 11:03 AM
If its B****TV, I have been trying to gain an invite for a long time.

me too

08-14-2008, 11:59 AM
If its B****TV, I have been trying to gain an invite for a long time. The site contains some very rare programs, that are difficult to obtain anywhere.
I was given an invite a while back by a kind member on this site but before I could use it, the user got disabled for giving away an invite to a trader/cheater. So I'm still waiting.

Did you get a chance to use the invite and log in before you got banned?

08-14-2008, 12:07 PM
Can i please have an invite?:)..ore is this not the purpose of this thread?:)

08-14-2008, 12:10 PM
To be absolutely honest
Yes I did for about 6 hrs.:pinch:
But I have moved house since then, so I am on a different IP.
Because I know how they work, I hope it won't affect my chances.

08-14-2008, 12:31 PM
take care, because some countries are banned and it could be worthless to invite ppl from those ones, mine's an example, portugal

08-14-2008, 01:31 PM
Watch out guys.. Banned countries are : Israel, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Brazil, Egypt.
They decided to ban all those countries because of the huge amount of bad users.
Integral, better check the IP of the guy who you are willing to invite.

dr jones
08-14-2008, 01:35 PM
Watch out guys.. Banned countries are : Israel, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Brazil, Egypt.
They decided to ban all those countries because of the huge amount of bad users.
Integral, better check the IP of the guy who you are willing to invite.

wow you sure did some home work there guitarhero
and to integral
when you finally pick the winner,you should ask the winner to tell you his ip address

08-14-2008, 01:40 PM
wtf:|..why ban romania:|>....i am from romania and I am not a bad user...this ideea sucks..if you ask me..but hey.have it your way.....just profile everyone by theyre nation.....and judge the book by it's covers...that's the wright way to do things:no:

08-14-2008, 05:27 PM
I would very much like an invite. Thank you.

I am not sure what else you are looking for. I have been a TL Power User for over 3 years and have a good ratio there, though not great. I keep it above 1.25 at least. Now that I have a torrentflux account, I hope to get that up a bit.

The main reason I want this account is that TL does not seem to have many leechers on the tv show torrents as most other sites. I would like to download some of them, but they take a long time to seed back.

You can reach me via PM or use this id at gmail. Thanks.


08-14-2008, 06:10 PM
As the TV freak I am an invite to this tracker would be just great.

I've just finished downloading a season of house, spooks and Dexter that I'm gonna start watching later on tonight. I'm sure this tracker could be helpful in order to download more shows down the road.

08-14-2008, 06:18 PM
Watch out guys.. Banned countries are : Israel, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Brazil, Egypt.
They decided to ban all those countries because of the huge amount of bad users.
Integral, better check the IP of the guy who you are willing to invite.

Geez.I wonder why?....could it be that the Users from these countries, UPLOADS & SEEDS tooo..... much???? ...............LOL

08-14-2008, 06:28 PM
Watch out guys.. Banned countries are : Israel, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Brazil, Egypt.
They decided to ban all those countries because of the huge amount of bad users.
Integral, better check the IP of the guy who you are willing to invite.

Geez.I wonder why?....could it be that the Users from these countries, UPLOADS & SEEDS tooo..... much???? ...............LOL
ban about Romania not cheating;)
they have 50mbit line at home
i heard it's about isp and internet provider cuz it's banned too at scc

08-14-2008, 10:26 PM
no it;s not true..i still have my ip unbaned on scc
You are right..we romanians are great seeders....My mylself i have an internet conection that goes to 12mb/s at upload..and 15mb/s at the download..(but in rare cases)

So you should know that you are doing a big mistake by banning romania.It's your lost
Btw if somene bans my ip class they automatycly ban Germany:lol:

08-15-2008, 12:59 AM
Oh OH pick me!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

08-15-2008, 01:03 AM
Thanks for participating, guys. I read all the posts (even the unrelated ones ;)), and I considered you all. I'll keep you in mind the next time I feel like doing something like this.