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View Full Version : Very Special Giveaway

08-15-2008, 02:34 AM
I am giving away a very special website. The content of this tracker added up all together is worth millions of dollars - and there would be nothing special about it if not the fact that it is not a 0day tracker.

It's a tracker specializing in Business and Becoming Rich. Website organizes many events, meetings and most importantly participation in Group Buys where you can purchase very expensive latest products for very little. If you have strong desire to grow in the fields of economics, finance, marketing, money managing, online auctions such ebay, investing and many many more,write a short paragraph describing yourself and your ambitions/desires.

I have 3 invites, I don't need anything except a warrant that people I invite need it and will make a good use of it. If you are tracker collector there is nothing for you to look at.

Site's name is irrelevant so I won't tell it since the very end. All you should be concerned about its the content.

08-15-2008, 02:41 AM
my sister is taking a degree on marketing and business management, she can really use it as she is a great student, unlike me :)

08-15-2008, 02:46 AM
my sister is taking a degree on marketing and business management, she can really use it as she is a great student, unlike me :)

Let her know that I offer such opportunity. There are tons of materials about marketing and different type of business management. If she's interested refer this thread and maybe she can type few words about herself.

Also people who I am planning to invite must know basic stuff about torrenting but this i will check later.

08-15-2008, 03:04 AM
I owned a company myself, i want to learn more of the money managing,and i am very
interested in marketing part, i think that it will be fit for me. can i get the inv?

08-15-2008, 04:01 AM
I owned a company myself, i want to learn more of the money managing,and i am very
interested in marketing part, i think that it will be fit for me. can i get the inv?

what's your company name ? :happy:

08-15-2008, 07:55 AM
I am currently working in an Indian Stock market have a predilection towards forex. M Scouting for a platform where I can attain my learning curve. m presently researching on macro economic factors which can act as an impediment and can direct bourses towards turmoil for that I require some tools/research materials which can help me out....


08-15-2008, 08:01 AM
Nice giveaway...but i got the whole Mcgill Economics library at my disposal :P (MCgill=Canadian version of Harvard)

08-15-2008, 08:06 AM
i graduate from faculty of commerce (management section)
i hope i can try this tracker may be it can help me at my job

08-15-2008, 08:40 AM
actually what is the sites name...i cant understand :S

08-15-2008, 09:53 AM
my sister is taking a degree on marketing and business management, she can really use it as she is a great student, unlike me :)

Let her know that I offer such opportunity. There are tons of materials about marketing and different type of business management. If she's interested refer this thread and maybe she can type few words about herself.

Also people who I am planning to invite must know basic stuff about torrenting but this i will check later.

she doesn't come around fst, she takes that time to study :p (not a joke) but i told her about the chance to get her business management books and she wants it, anyways i'll tell you about her, shes arrogant and stupid, but oh well, she studies a lot :p

08-18-2008, 02:38 AM
nice to see that of so few you invited none.. another rep chasing

08-18-2008, 03:58 AM
well here's the deal

i'm currently majoring in business + computers (a single major) and am certainly planning to run my own business in a few years down the road after i have a mba + have enough knowledge regarding business ownership and management

i do think a site like the one u mention could help me achieve this cause but i'm sure you know better as to whether its suitable for me (and if i'm suitable for the site)

do hope you consider me though, if its worth it :)

08-18-2008, 04:30 AM

08-18-2008, 10:18 AM
I'm looking now for a site, specialy forum with users that can help me with soe stuff! The scene i can get now everywhere so i desire a forum specialy information that have and the users!
More (my ambitions/desires) i just explain by PM!

08-18-2008, 01:37 PM
Hello AkaiDoresu!

This seems as a very nice tracker, Im myself an entrepreneur, have my own business and always looking for more information on investing, finance and managing my money.

I would realy love a invite for a tracker that have this sort of information.


08-18-2008, 03:05 PM
is it thevault ?

if it isn't, I'm interested to get in, because I'm learning about marketing and business, if you could kindly invite me in, it would be very grateful

although I'm already in thevault, any tracker relevant to business would be precious...


08-18-2008, 03:50 PM
it is. thevault has been a valuable tracker to me as i opened a company recently. one of my top5 trackers.

08-19-2008, 06:33 AM
yes it is thevault.bz
no other site specialize in this type of stuff.


08-19-2008, 07:15 AM
I am giving away a very special website. The content of this tracker added up all together is worth millions of dollars - and there would be nothing special about it if not the fact that it is not a 0day tracker.

It's a tracker specializing in Business and Becoming Rich. Website organizes many events, meetings and most importantly participation in Group Buys where you can purchase very expensive latest products for very little. If you have strong desire to grow in the fields of economics, finance, marketing, money managing, online auctions such ebay, investing and many many more,write a short paragraph describing yourself and your ambitions/desires.

I have 3 invites, I don't need anything except a warrant that people I invite need it and will make a good use of it. If you are tracker collector there is nothing for you to look at.

Site's name is irrelevant so I won't tell it since the very end. All you should be concerned about its the content.

I'd like to start with network marketing and internet marketing field. I've been a good student in consulting world (direct marketing) and would like to branch out to internet world. Obviously this would be a great opportunity for me to branch out and grab it from torrent since it's a very expensive course material to learn the latest. Thank you so much for your giveaways; You can email me the invite at streaker94541 (at) yahoo dot com.