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View Full Version : Battlefield 1942 Iso Label

08-21-2003, 01:11 PM
I got both of the isos, and installed them fine. I am using Daemon tools to read them instead of actually burning them. My problem is i dont want to use the no cd crack. It doesnt work right, and it makes the game crash. I was wondering if anyone knew what name the game was using to look for the cd. I mean the label that if you were to pop the cd in your machine, you go to my computer and see what the cd is actually called. If anyone could tell me that would be great. I havent really seen this question, so i am sorry if someone else has posted this.

08-21-2003, 01:57 PM
I don't think you can run the game without a No-Cd crack unless you download a Clone CD image like the one in Verified Hashes - I have the ISOs and couldn't get past the Insert CD message

08-21-2003, 02:00 PM
The exe program looks for a the cd by a certain name, and if it cant find the cd by that certain name, it wont load. It also must have the right files, or it wont work also. So you cant trick it. An iso is just a cd without the cd. It will work if someone will just tell me the name.

08-21-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by BrianF@21 August 2003 - 15:00
The exe program looks for a the cd by a certain name, and if it cant find the cd by that certain name, it wont load. It also must have the right files, or it wont work also. So you cant trick it. An iso is just a cd without the cd. It will work if someone will just tell me the name.
It's not that simple, if it was there would be no point to no-cd cracks.

08-21-2003, 03:04 PM
How is it not that simple? If you have the iso, and its correct, then it should work. CD cracks are good if its a rip, or you dont want to have the iso or cd around. It is simple. I know that there is more to the security, but thats not the point. I just need the name of the cd please. Thats all i need.

08-21-2003, 03:13 PM
Why dont you just mount the iso and then go to my computer and read whats there?

08-21-2003, 03:15 PM
Because i already did, and its not the right one. I think whoever made it, changed it, because the second cd is a bunch of numbers. Thanks though.

08-21-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by BrianF@21 August 2003 - 16:04
How is it not that simple?  If you have the iso, and its correct, then it should work.  CD cracks are good if its a rip, or you dont want to have the iso or cd around.  It is simple.  I know that there is more to the security, but thats not the point.  I just need the name of the cd please.  Thats all i need.
That's not right.
All of my games are either bin's or iso's that have been burnt to disc.
Just about all of them require no-cd cracks.

On my copy of bf1942 the second cd is labelled with a series of numbers, if that was the wrong label the installation process wouldn't recognise it.

And why would be people change the label, it serves absolutely no purpose.

08-21-2003, 05:01 PM
They require cracks because they arent named right. Or you dont know what your doing. The installation process looks for the names of the files on the cd, not the cds name itself. And they might have changed the name because they might have several copies of that particular file, working on it, or many other reasons. People do all sorts of things that dont make sense.

08-23-2003, 07:29 AM

08-23-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by BrianF@23 August 2003 - 08:29
you were answered. The reason that you have to use no-cd cracks is that the program used to create the bin or iso cannot copy the protection on the CD. Not because of the name of the CD. As was previously stated, but what do any of us know?

08-23-2003, 12:06 PM

08-23-2003, 12:11 PM
Listen, all i need is the name of the cd, not an explanation that is wrong, or totally irrelevent. What i am doing is fooling the program into thinking i have the actual cd. Copy protection is just that, copy protection, it doesnt have anything to do with the programs abitlity to detect if the right cd is in the drive. And no, he did not answer my question. I dont know why you guys feel you have to argue with me about this, all i want is the name, and not to debate anymore.

08-23-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by BrianF@23 August 2003 - 13:11
What i am doing is fooling the program into thinking i have the actual cd. Copy protection is just that, copy protection, it doesnt have anything to do with the programs abitlity to detect if the right cd is in the drive.
you stupid fuck. listen to everybody, they are right, the cd name has nothing to do with it, the cd protection is on the original cd and cannot be copied when the cd is copied, you need a crack for it to work.

if you'd fuckin listen to what everyone is saying you would have not needed to keep replying for "the answer" because the answer has been given in this post many times :angry:

08-23-2003, 03:03 PM
Just because you can cuss doesnt make you right, retard. I have done the same thing 10 times before with games that supposedly need a crack, and i played them without it. Obviously, if you werent so stupid, you could figure out how too, but you would rather cuss and be a complete moron, then try and learn how to. Oh well. Maybe if you had half a brain, i could explain how i do it, but i have a feeling it would be lost on you.

09-04-2003, 12:14 AM
have you tried to use alcohol 120% emulator, or even clone cd's emulator, as far as the name of the disc, im not real sure what your asking, so ..............its called battlefield 1942, disc 1, or 2, depending on which you look at. if you need a particular file name, then i can help, and yes copy protection is built into the executable file of the game, it is a series of intentional errors placed on the disc, like a fingerprint, and are usually in the executable file, hence, the reason most use "no cd cracks", which are nothing more than an un-wrapped .exe file without the errors, or "copy protection". (ie: SafeDisc2), or some shit like that, lol