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View Full Version : Need help on Canadian ISP!

08-26-2008, 11:45 PM
Ok hi there everybody.
As u might have noticed :whistling I have not been around the forum for a couple of weeks.
Right now I am writing from a library (Wtf?) and have only half an hour :blink:

I need recommendation on a good Canadian ISP.
And of course I need to know if I can get ANY ISP.
I will be living in Toronto probably and probably in an apartment building which has only Rogers Cable (as I heard at least).
I also heard Rogers is terribly bad/worse/worst thing that can happen in ur life, so I dont want to happen it on mine.
Anyone knows if I can get any other companies' internet (probably un-capped, un-throttled would be best) and the cost of it, or any concrete package?

08-26-2008, 11:49 PM
I am using rogers and making do with it... speeds are fine but I do not seed at all from home cause my plan's got a 60 gig bandwidth cap, which is hardly enough. I think you can pay rogers extra to get unmetred access, although you'd have to look into that. I'm moving back onto campus in a few days though, so I won't have to worry about any traffic cap anymore.

At least rogers isn't Bell, right?

08-27-2008, 12:07 AM
Well I dont know much of them both really. Jst arrived in Canada, but actually I thought bell was better than rogers. Seems I maybe was wrong.
My 30 mins at the library is nearly finishing.. grrrrr. I got so many things to do on internet and no time...
Btw doesnt rogers throttle u? or u can overcome that? Cuz the only thing I am afraid of (sounding like a child :P) is 5-10 KB/s speeds... Better on dial-up then :whistling

Oh and one mroe thing, do u DL from campus???

08-27-2008, 12:21 AM
I'm with Bell Business Internet account. 6mbit down 800kbit up.. unlimited bandwidth.. true unlimited so I've been told when I inquired (as I was politely asked to leave the residential sympatico).. Currently there is some throttling due to the Bell Wholesale throttling issue going on in Canada, but its not from the ISP.. but from Bell Canada itself. (but its not all the time either like Rogers).
69$/month - averaging 500 GB/ month bandwidth. I don't know though about if you are in an apartment ... i've never lived in one so not sure what is a viable option.

Other ISPS that you can get are TekSavvy - its 5mbit/800kbit speeds.. unlimited bandwidth as well currently and throttled due to Bell Canada wholesale issue. I've heard good things from TekSavvy.

If you go to www.dslreports.com (http://www.dslreports.com) and click on Canadian Broadband they have good discussions there on internet options.

08-27-2008, 04:12 AM
I don't think Shaw Cable goes that far but all I can say is try getting Cable over DSL. Here on the Western Shaw beats anything else that is out there. If you can afford $93.5 a month you can even get up to 30Mbit/s downloads.

For me Shaw has been simply amazing. I always max out my connection and my service has not gone down in years except if they are doing maintenance. Of course I guess it all depends where you live too. I used to work for Shaw and I can't believe how many service calls I had to book on the same freaking area and the issues would not get fixed for many months.

08-27-2008, 12:16 PM
I'm still on an old plan with my provider, unlimited bandwidth. They don't offer that plan anymore, the download speed is alright... however they do a lot of throttling during the evenings. A lot of Canadian ISPs are starting to do that.

08-27-2008, 01:12 PM
go with tekksavy they're awesome. i'm using rogers but i wanna switch; only thing that stops me from switching are rogers awesome speeds compared to tekksavys. but bw is a killer. seriously

08-27-2008, 03:43 PM
So to sum up, I think no ISP here gives unlimited bandwidth (Rogers has it 60 GB/mo I think).

And if u have DSL u can get it like anywhere>? No need for cable (I know that for cable I can get only Rogers). And whats the big diff btw DSL and cable?
Yeah I know, I sound like a noob regarding these things... maybe Im a little :whistling

Noone spoke of throttling really, which is my biggest issue. I really dont wanna have 5-10 kB/s DL speeds. But if I have a lets say 60-100 GB bandwidth cap than I think I can handle that.
And of course does throttling and capping include in UL?? I mean if u UL 2 GB they are counted in the 60 GB bandwidht cap?

Edit: oh an almost forgot I really cant afford right now any big plan internet, so a normal one (20-40 bucks) is what Im searching for

08-27-2008, 11:16 PM
I use Rogers, and have for many years. Used to use Bell DSL at home and it was fine, then we switched to Rogers because Bell put a cap on the monthly bandwidth. Rogers speeds aren't throttled at all for torrents. At least not that I can see. My main complaint is being maxed UL speed of 60 kB/s. Many Dl's off private trackers get me going around 500-900 kB/s. Since the 60 g/month cap I have had to really, really watch my usage. Everything you do, both DL and UL, is counted towards your 60 g/month. My brothers work pays for the account, but I am not going to start expecting them to pay like 2$ for each extra gig used.... that would be a dick move on my part. With all the seeding back with torrents that you must do, I can easily use up the 60g/month in a matter of days. It's shitty, no doubt about it. I have drastically reduced my DVD-r d/l's and the only real solution I have come up with is spending even more money and getting a seedbox. DL and UL at super fast rates, maintain great ratios, and just dl less than 60g a month to your home computer. I have already used almost 60% of my monthly usage and I'm only 10 days into this billing period. Gotta seed my current torrents and then back off for a long time til it resets probably. It sucks being capped :)

So to sum up, I think no ISP here gives unlimited bandwidth (Rogers has it 60 GB/mo I think).

And if u have DSL u can get it like anywhere>? No need for cable (I know that for cable I can get only Rogers). And whats the big diff btw DSL and cable?
Yeah I know, I sound like a noob regarding these things... maybe Im a little :whistling

Noone spoke of throttling really, which is my biggest issue. I really dont wanna have 5-10 kB/s DL speeds. But if I have a lets say 60-100 GB bandwidth cap than I think I can handle that.
And of course does throttling and capping include in UL?? I mean if u UL 2 GB they are counted in the 60 GB bandwidht cap?

Edit: oh an almost forgot I really cant afford right now any big plan internet, so a normal one (20-40 bucks) is what Im searching for

08-27-2008, 11:56 PM
if u UL 2 GB they are counted in the 60 GB bandwidht cap?

Well the Rogers plans are 60gigs traffic. Traffic means the amount downloaded + the amount uploaded. If you plan to seed everything back to 1 from home than means you can download about a gig per day on that plan. After you exceed the 60 gigs you have to start paying extra. I haven't experienced any throttling from Rogers, but I self-throttle my upload on the occasions when I'm not ftp-ing from a server so it could be possible that they limit upload and I haven't noticed.

08-28-2008, 04:16 AM
Yes, tekssavy is the best to go. It's DSL 5M/800k.
200Gb/month for 29.95 or Unlimited for 39.95

I'm with TekSavvy and I'm really happy for the price and the service.

08-28-2008, 01:01 PM
i use rogers extreme (10M/1M connection) but i'm not throttled so don't wry. I actually get 1mb/sec dl speeds and a lil over 100kb/sec upload

09-03-2008, 04:18 PM
If you are still looking for an ISP i recommend Rogers extreme aswell, ive used it for many many years and my experiance with bell has not been good to say the least.

If you are talking about throttling with bittorrent dont worry about it, with the encryption in all the latest torrent software like utorrent you will not be throttled at all. I easily get 700-800 kbs with a well seeded torrent and the bandwidth cap is 95 gb which will easily last you a month for me atleast.

09-04-2008, 11:34 PM
Rogers sucks. I recently relocated to southcentral ontario and Rogers has me throttled at 60 kB/s tops for my dl speed. Upload is pathetic - and this is the extreme plan.

Tech support is useless, they suggested i had a virus. Morons.....

That's my rant for the day.

I'm flipping to a small ISP that proudly advertises that they don't cap bw, block ports, or throttle speed. I'll give it a go for 30 days
to see if the hype lives up.

Good luck!