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View Full Version : Repeated posts everywhere.

08-29-2008, 03:15 PM
What are you drinking?
What are you listening?
Whatīs your favorite music?
Rate this ass
Rate this left nipple
Rate this girl next door
What are you listening right now?

Here no matters rarity, level, secrecy, speeds, specialty, community based or not... in any single tracker I am or have been I see those posts. Itīs the same thing in every tracker... it can be a learning tracker, a 0-day tracker, a tv shows tracker, a wannabe-leet tracker, a hungarian tracker (well, here Iīm guessing because I donīt understand a shit in the only one I am member of), romanian or venusian. In all of them the same, already, boring questions.
It could be that I am becoming old and canīt find the sense to that crap or is a lack of originality, what it could be a proof of real lack of interest?

Specially annoying when I watch users with troophundreds weeeks of membership and only are active in those threads.
And even more funny when you see the same users in tenths of different sites repeating day after day the same routine.

I know very well that those posts have a purpose, a good one: itīs a nice way for shy newcomers getting slowly into the community, to feel familiarized... but from my point of view are degrading to something else... I donīt know if in a way to increase the number of forum posts or plain and simple boredom, lack of interest about more serious subjects or just vagrancy.

But wait... I have posted on them, and sporadically I still do, so, no critics or offenses are intended, just something that Iīve been thinking about lately.... some subforums trying to be different and cool are looking like uniformed, no matters the site.
Couldnīt we all try to be a little more original, and even better, try to make each forum a little bit different from the other, or do I need to take a long rest?... although, on a second thought, the rate chicks posts could remain in either case. :whistling

08-29-2008, 04:06 PM
i would rate those topics as "classic topics", so that means there are on every single tracker forum. and after this topics it is on members which original ideas they will come with. but as i see on trackers, members just don't come with original ideas, they like forums as they are - same. as u said, they post same things more times. but that's it, they like it, so that is the way how it is :) and i personally don't give a fuck.

08-29-2008, 04:21 PM
I think we have 1 of those topics, What are you listening to right now, and thats in the music forum that not many go to anyway, saying as though we are a gaming site.

if we have got the others (i have never seen them) they will be in the general forums, where post count does not count, I always believe that if you want a high post count, earn it, dont spam it. (it just means more to other members on the site).

I know im going on about BCG again (sorry Squizzle lol) but its all i know.