View Full Version : which one is better??

09-01-2008, 05:38 PM
if any one who is using any of these two???
i want overall 8-10 mbps speed(upload)
2-3 mbps download speed...




or any better one...


09-01-2008, 06:52 PM
pfcorner isnt friendly with new folks or perhaps they hate gmail ids as mentioned on their site.. U can read Santrex reviews in the forum . But ive got good feedbak from one of my friends with pf.


09-02-2008, 12:28 AM
you probably wont see that kind of speed with any shared boxes...

09-02-2008, 01:27 AM
I wouldn't use either of those services. Just look at the reviews!

I use seedhost.eu and I have hit both 11.8MB P/sec up and download speeds, seems to be about their roof.

I'm on their cheapest seedbox - shared between 4 other users, 4 active torrents and 60gig space.... $22 euro p/month. Have transfered over 1TB so far and only had the account active 6days... so yeah... pretty happy :)

09-02-2008, 03:18 PM
Well i use Santrex and i am pretty happy with them.
The support is really great.
As for speeds it depends on the server location you choose.
Whatever you order, good luck.

03-26-2009, 04:48 AM
t4eva, ive ordered pf right now, will check it out, can you tell me how to contact your friend though because im sure ill need some setup help! ^^


03-28-2009, 02:44 AM
Well ive got my pfcorner setup and running, it seems to be a bit slow, 100 leechers on a torrent, 300 seeds and im not getting a faster upload than 80 KBPS on this. Maybe its the torrents, but all four of them?

The Service so far was very friendly and VERY helpful aswell as fast so thats at least something, ive seen spikes for 3-4 mbps for about 1- 1.5 minutes or so. I dunno maybe its the torrents, ill write a review thread after 2-3 weeks of testing, assuming ill have my posting priviledges by then :P
