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View Full Version : disabled TCP/IP Filtering, can't connect now :(

09-06-2008, 10:25 PM
Ok I'm having another problem now, 'I have a leaseweb box and tried
disabling TCP/IP Filtering as recommended, followed this guide and when done I got a message saying that I have to reboot the machine for the change to take place.. Ok I clicked restart and wait, tried logging into my box after a couple of minutes but nothing... Keep getting an error.. I used this guide, Did I do anything wrong or reboot it incorrectly so it's now just shut down?

used this guide and removed the tick option in the enable tcp/ip filtering

it started rebooting and I lost connection obviously and now I can't connect.. I only get this image


How do I get it up and running again? Do I contact the company or can it be done otherwise?

09-07-2008, 01:25 PM
any ideas`?, 57 views and nothing.. Have already email them but if something else is wrong id wanna know.

09-07-2008, 09:26 PM
try rebooting box through leaseweb ssc.. if it doesn't come back up just mail them and ask them to reset your firewall rules. they'll do it for free, or at least they did back when i was with them..

you sure you disabled it? because i know port 3389 is allowed by default and you could have disallowed it..

09-08-2008, 09:11 AM
I have been looking like crazy in the ssc but I can't really see any reboot option.. it shows my bills, server information, personal information etc but no reboot option. Where exactly can I find it?

I emailed them stating that I had disabled the tcp/ip filtering option and that after rebooting I couldn't connect, but they are so slow at answering emails.

I am sure I disabled it, I followed this guide posted on this frum exactly http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc779417.aspx

I removed the tick and afterwards the OS prompted that a restart is necessary and I clicked "ok". It started rebooting and I got kicked off, afterwards I couldn't really login with vpn.