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View Full Version : What other site is comparable to TL?

09-13-2008, 05:35 PM
Hey guys I've been a long member of TL and I'm just wonder what other site would be comparable to have as a back up. Incase TL were to ever die (knock on wood) or during downtimes, what tracker would match up in speed and releases.

Mainly a 0-day tracker with movies, dvdr, tv, etc.

Something that is not too hard to get into is a bonus.

09-13-2008, 05:39 PM
Definitely, revTT. harder to get in then it would be ScT.
Torrentbytes and IPTorrents are good choices too.

a special recommendation would go to SCC.

09-13-2008, 05:48 PM
Nothing I think :P
TL has both scene and non-scene contests.

09-13-2008, 05:50 PM
If you mean speed in terms of 0day releases, I'd recommend SCC as well; releases usually show up on SCC faster, as the uploaders on SCC don't upload stuff they got from SCT and other fast 0day sites, like TorrentLeech. But if you're into digging up older stuff (+3-7 days), I'd go for RevTT; bigger userbase, similar to TL. And there's an abundance of SCC invites, so you shouldn't really have too much trouble getting in.

09-13-2008, 06:02 PM
bittorrents.ro is very good in both content and speeds so its comparable.
revTT is also one.

09-13-2008, 06:15 PM
I agree with integral above me... RevTT and SCC are both fine choices and will definitely suit your needs! :)

09-13-2008, 06:16 PM
Revtt, SCC, SCT, TB and more.
Any 0-day tracker with decent speed is not less better than TL.

09-13-2008, 06:43 PM
IPT & RevTT, but you may get pissed off by the constant begging requests for donations.

TB as suggested is an excellent choice.

09-13-2008, 06:53 PM
IPT,SCC,SCT,RevTT and So on.

09-13-2008, 08:00 PM
Sct , SCC , TB , RevTT , IPT

09-13-2008, 10:28 PM
IPTorrents has more content then TL and their pre release is faster then TL also ;)
I have membership with TL and IPT, i visit IPT 10 times/day and 1-2 times TL/day.

IPT Highly Recommended if you not been there :)

09-13-2008, 10:34 PM
Have to agree with merwais. IPT is probably my favorite 0day/general site.

09-13-2008, 10:45 PM
TB is my advise, it has really good speed

09-13-2008, 11:06 PM
i think TL and IPT and TTI
the best

09-13-2008, 11:10 PM
Torrentbytes.net has open signups every now and then, which makes it a good backup tracker. In fact, it should suit most (not all) of your needs, should ever TL go down.

09-13-2008, 11:50 PM
I find TB best for their awesome packs, which are freeleech. But for general content, there are better sites out there.

09-13-2008, 11:53 PM
I find TB best for their awesome packs, which are freeleech. But for general content, there are better sites out there.

The packs on TB are really great, but I tend not to consider them as a benifit because I've snatched most of what I want already. :whistling

09-14-2008, 03:26 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I'll pick one of those up for a backup

09-14-2008, 03:55 AM
revtt 2nd

09-14-2008, 05:04 AM
All this praise for ipt I'm gonna have to find an invite

09-14-2008, 05:16 AM
If you mean speed in terms of 0day releases, I'd recommend SCC as well; releases usually show up on SCC faster, as the uploaders on SCC don't upload stuff they got from SCT and other fast 0day sites, like TorrentLeech. But if you're into digging up older stuff (+3-7 days), I'd go for RevTT; bigger userbase, similar to TL. And there's an abundance of SCC invites, so you shouldn't really have too much trouble getting in.

I agree with your impressions. SCC gets them faster, has faster speeds sooner with fewer seeds, but is extremely hard to seed (like SCT).

TL gets them not long after SCC (around 5-10 minutes later), has good speeds after a while and is easier to seed on. Has a larger range of Torrents.

RevTT is *IMO* just plain slow in getting releases and *usually* gets after TL & SCC have gotten them.

09-14-2008, 05:49 AM
I got one at TB, now maybe I can manage to snag this IPT or SCC you talk about. Decide which one to make my main backup. I kinda like TB already

09-14-2008, 08:49 AM
heard that topos has good pres but don`t really know for sure because i`m not a member :) .. maybe they have few leechers

dr jones
09-14-2008, 08:53 AM
heard that topos has good pres but don`t really know for sure because i`m not a member :) .. maybe they have few leechers

it tophos,yes the pre time is pretty fast there :)

09-14-2008, 08:53 AM

09-14-2008, 10:05 AM
I was looking for just the same and now i like ipt the best

09-14-2008, 04:30 PM
revtt, scc, sct, ftn, iplay, czone, filelist...similar to tl.

09-15-2008, 07:55 AM
IPT & RevTT, but you may get pissed off by the constant begging requests for donations.


I wish there was an option to completely disable PM on revtt!

09-15-2008, 01:24 PM
IPT & RevTT, but you may get pissed off by the constant begging requests for donations.


I wish there was an option to completely disable PM on revtt!

RevTT is sending PMs, not IPT !

IPT is not disturbing me at all, only a small double up icon, not begging like RevTT :P

09-15-2008, 04:15 PM
Sct , SCC , TB , RevTT , IPT

This one definitely freaks me out.... Anyway, either get into the highest ones since they are the only ones who are in this for sharing rather than getting to this and others like it. On a high level tracker, you dont get banned for inactivity for 1 year, you may focus on your studies but on this sct, you cannot go study for 15 days, you need to sit in front of pc and log in to just say you are there, i havent seen such a bullshit in my whole life. Here is the proof. Well some believe in my word some dont, it is on your end to decide what is the truth. I got banned for inactivity, such a joke. The worst part is the people i got in, are banned too. Sct or any other torrrent anymore? no way, if rapid is to be 100 dollar a month, i will go along with it, you dont have to be at the mercy of so few...Oh proof

2008-07-21 02:45:03 (6 weeks ago) Last seen 2008-08-29 16:02:06 (3 days ago) Uploaded 3.40 GB (80.20 MB / day) Downloaded 231.27 MB (5.33 MB / day) Share ratio 15.04

this was my status, anyway they say me to live with it, i can definitely live with it, but i would luv to learn whether they ban everyone who doesnt enter to the site for 15 days btw, this account got banned at this time, i havent logged in for three days and it is gone. The reason? Inactivity. Anyway i dont like the idea of hate but i am all over limits... screw ............................................ happy aniversary sct. Use rapid if u dont like the idea of being subjugated to the will of few. It is way more better than this crappy file sharing understanding.

Edit: anyway i definitely dont get the idea that i have to hang around on the site, i have other things to take care off rather than sitting in front of pc trying to say i am here via opening the page only. Anyway i am definitely pissed off at some sites that banned me outta inactivity even though i had 1 tb buffer, if this is the way they thank, screw most of the torrent sites if not all.... RAPID FOREVER

09-15-2008, 04:24 PM
lol @ that idiotic rant

Your story is blatant bullshit.

09-15-2008, 04:27 PM
Sct , SCC , TB , RevTT , IPT

This one definitely freaks me out.... Anyway, either get into the highest ones since they are the only ones who are in this for sharing rather than getting to this and others like it. On a high level tracker, you dont get banned for inactivity for 1 year, you may focus on your studies but on this sct, you cannot go study for 15 days, you need to sit in front of pc and log in to just say you are there, i havent seen such a bullshit in my whole life. Here is the proof. Well some believe in my word some dont, it is on your end to decide what is the truth. I got banned for inactivity, such a joke. The worst part is the people i got in, are banned too. Sct or any other torrrent anymore? no way, if rapid is to be 100 dollar a month, i will go along with it, you dont have to be at the mercy of so few...Oh proof

2008-07-21 02:45:03 (6 weeks ago) Last seen 2008-08-29 16:02:06 (3 days ago) Uploaded 3.40 GB (80.20 MB / day) Downloaded 231.27 MB (5.33 MB / day) Share ratio 15.04

this was my status, anyway they say me to live with it, i can definitely live with it, but i would luv to learn whether they ban everyone who doesnt enter to the site for 15 days btw, this account got banned at this time, i havent logged in for three days and it is gone. The reason? Inactivity. Anyway i dont like the idea of hate but i am all over limits... screw ............................................ happy aniversary sct. Use rapid if u dont like the idea of being subjugated to the will of few. It is way more better than this crappy file sharing understanding.

Edit: anyway i definitely dont get the idea that i have to hang around on the site, i have other things to take care off rather than sitting in front of pc trying to say i am here via opening the page only. Anyway i am definitely pissed off at some sites that banned me outta inactivity even though i had 1 tb buffer, if this is the way they thank, screw most of the torrent sites if not all.... RAPID FOREVER


09-15-2008, 04:33 PM
Online translators don't work that well eh...

kevin matnick
09-15-2008, 07:10 PM
maybe scc or sct

09-15-2008, 07:33 PM
I would say, SCC, TB and RevTT. They are all on the same ''floor'' as TL. Good sites and fairly easy to get into.

09-15-2008, 09:11 PM
For all those saying Revtt you are crazy. It comes nowhere close to TL.

09-15-2008, 10:00 PM
For all those saying Revtt you are crazy. It comes nowhere close to TL.

True that. Especially in PreTimes. Revtt is very slow (30 minutes to 1 Hour later) compared to SCT,SCC,TL (whom the latter are within a few seconds/minutes of each other).

09-16-2008, 02:04 AM
I think most are saying RevTT compares with TL in terms of content.

09-16-2008, 02:27 AM
TL has lots of movie/tv episode packs now as well...there selection is amazing and the speeds are always top notch.

09-16-2008, 02:40 AM
Sct , SCC , TB , RevTT , IPT

This one definitely freaks me out.... Anyway, either get into the highest ones since they are the only ones who are in this for sharing rather than getting to this and others like it. On a high level tracker, you dont get banned for inactivity for 1 year, you may focus on your studies but on this sct, you cannot go study for 15 days, you need to sit in front of pc and log in to just say you are there, i havent seen such a bullshit in my whole life. Here is the proof. Well some believe in my word some dont, it is on your end to decide what is the truth. I got banned for inactivity, such a joke. The worst part is the people i got in, are banned too. Sct or any other torrrent anymore? no way, if rapid is to be 100 dollar a month, i will go along with it, you dont have to be at the mercy of so few...Oh proof

2008-07-21 02:45:03 (6 weeks ago) Last seen 2008-08-29 16:02:06 (3 days ago) Uploaded 3.40 GB (80.20 MB / day) Downloaded 231.27 MB (5.33 MB / day) Share ratio 15.04

this was my status, anyway they say me to live with it, i can definitely live with it, but i would luv to learn whether they ban everyone who doesnt enter to the site for 15 days btw, this account got banned at this time, i havent logged in for three days and it is gone. The reason? Inactivity. Anyway i dont like the idea of hate but i am all over limits... screw ............................................ happy aniversary sct. Use rapid if u dont like the idea of being subjugated to the will of few. It is way more better than this crappy file sharing understanding.

Edit: anyway i definitely dont get the idea that i have to hang around on the site, i have other things to take care off rather than sitting in front of pc trying to say i am here via opening the page only. Anyway i am definitely pissed off at some sites that banned me outta inactivity even though i had 1 tb buffer, if this is the way they thank, screw most of the torrent sites if not all.... RAPID FOREVER

thank you for the LOLZ !:pizza:
You're so full of :shit:...

09-16-2008, 04:46 AM
and yeah bittorrents.ro too is very good

09-16-2008, 08:25 PM
i have TB and i think it may be an alternative when comparing speed
realy fast

09-17-2008, 01:37 AM
yeah tb good one though......