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09-15-2008, 06:11 PM
Only 1 newspaper reported this story at the time. He (Graham Speirs) noted that his colleagues must have heard what he heard but to a man chose to ignore it.


It took a foreign Government complaining before anyone would do anything.

Unbelievable. Well maybe not.

09-15-2008, 08:07 PM
Article on Scottish News.


Here's the rest of the lyrics they didn't show on TV

I often wonder where they would have been
If we hadn't have taken them in
Fed them and washed them
Thousands in Glasgow alone
From Ireland they came
Brought us nothing but trouble and shame
Well the famine is over
Why don't they go home?

Now Athenry Mike was a thief
And Large John he was fully briefed
And that wee traitor from Castlemilk
Turned his back on his own
They've all their Papists in Rome
They have U2 and Bono
Well the famine is over
Why don't they go home?


Now they raped and fondled their kids
That's what those perverts from the darkside did
And they swept it under the carpet
and Large John he hid
Their evils seeds have been sown
Cause they're not of our own
Well the famine is over
Why don't you go home?

Now Timmy don't take it from me
Cause if you know your history
You've persecuted thousands of people
In Ireland alone
You turned on the lights
Fuelled U boats by night
That's how you repay us
It's time to go home.

The Flying Cow
09-15-2008, 08:14 PM
Fromagepas (JPez), just wondering what's the meaning of your avatar (Fromagepas').

What is it? Meat?

09-15-2008, 08:40 PM
Fromagepas (JPez), just wondering what's the meaning of your avatar (Fromagepas').

What is it? Meat?

Cheese (with).

Something Else
09-15-2008, 09:27 PM
http://bitimage.co.uk/images/8dnuifpn1csuh0341gxj.jpg (http://bitimage.co.uk/)

09-16-2008, 11:38 AM
Article on Scottish News.


Here's the rest of the lyrics they didn't show on TV

I often wonder where they would have been
If we hadn't have taken them in
Fed them and washed them
Thousands in Glasgow alone
From Ireland they came
Brought us nothing but trouble and shame
Well the famine is over
Why don't they go home?

Now Athenry Mike was a thief
And Large John he was fully briefed
And that wee traitor from Castlemilk
Turned his back on his own
They've all their Papists in Rome
They have U2 and Bono
Well the famine is over
Why don't they go home?


Now they raped and fondled their kids
That's what those perverts from the darkside did
And they swept it under the carpet
and Large John he hid
Their evils seeds have been sown
Cause they're not of our own
Well the famine is over
Why don't you go home?

Now Timmy don't take it from me
Cause if you know your history
You've persecuted thousands of people
In Ireland alone
You turned on the lights
Fuelled U boats by night
That's how you repay us
It's time to go home.

That's simply repulsive. Fact.

-bd :dabs:

09-16-2008, 11:53 PM

Large John is Big Jock Stein, BTW. Celtic's greatest ever manager, the first Brit to win the European Cup, with a British team. The man who did the 9 in a row.

It's referring to their disgusting claim that he accepted and agreed to hide paedophilia. There is nothing whatsoever to substantiate this, it's just their own disgusting and hate filled bile.

These people have no shame. They are Scotland's shame.


09-17-2008, 01:20 AM
Now Timmy don't take it from me
Cause if you know your history
You've persecuted thousands of people
In Ireland alone
You turned on the lights
Fuelled U boats by night
That's how you repay us
It's time to go home.

What's this stanza about, JPaul?


09-17-2008, 10:02 AM
That's 'beggars'

09-17-2008, 05:30 PM
The story is that during the first world war the Republicans agreed to help the British. They were made certain promises that once the war was won they would be given things. At the end of the war the promises weren't kept. The British government reneged.

When the second World war started the British asked for help again and they were told to feck off. That's actually where "huns" comes from. The rangers fans originally called the Celtic fans huns, because of the help they provided the Germans (huns). "Go home ya huns" was actually aimed at the Irish Catholics. I have no idea how or when it was changed around.

This is all from stories i have heard, it may be pish. Anyone who wants to correct me is free to do so. Chavis, thoughts or ameliorations.

09-17-2008, 05:45 PM
That's 'beggars'

I noticed that after starting it, I was hoping I would get away with it.

09-17-2008, 06:05 PM
Bottom line; huns are cunts and they're shite at rhyming.

This follows through to their murals in Belfast. They draw mad, disproportionate gunmen with bendy guns.

All their commemorative murals look like their forebears were out of perspective mongoloids. Which isn't too far from the truth. :smilie4:

09-17-2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks for that mate, I knew you would be able to fill in any historical blanks I had left.

09-17-2008, 06:08 PM
The other thing to bear in mind is that the people who moved from Ireland were British citizens, they were just moving within their homeland (at the time).

It makes no more sense to tell their great great grandchildren to "go home" than it does to tell the descendants of the Highland clearances to go home.

09-17-2008, 06:24 PM


Here's wot you could have won...


09-17-2008, 06:31 PM
Anthony Bourdain (Chef) went to NI. He pointed out that one set of muriels was all men in masks, the other contained some where you could see men's faces.

He's an American who spent his formative years in France BTW.

(He may actually be French and moved to the USA when young).

09-17-2008, 06:36 PM

09-17-2008, 06:37 PM

Proper Bo
09-17-2008, 07:03 PM


09-17-2008, 07:05 PM

09-17-2008, 07:09 PM
Was that your's Bo?

If so, fucking quality. Stealed to the max plus won.

Proper Bo
09-17-2008, 07:12 PM
I just made it in like 5 minutes after seeing the original and it reminding me of that pic of teh quo, like.

09-17-2008, 07:16 PM
That's your bestest creation bar the emo smilie. True story.

Love the transparency on the bricks. Proper form edit with the RPG too. Quality. Fact.

Deface more cultural shite. It's your forté.

Do it!

Proper Bo
09-17-2008, 07:17 PM
It's not transparency, I ewesed a brick effect filter thing, like.
I also rly badly clone stamped the rest of the wall to fill in where i took the original person out. true story.

Proper Bo
09-17-2008, 07:19 PM
what rpg btw?:unsure:

09-17-2008, 07:24 PM
An RPG is the generic term for a rocket launcher in Belfast. Them fruity huns on had Ak's in yon mural.

Still, top notch photaeshappment to the max mate!

09-17-2008, 08:00 PM
Here's a question from the gallery.

How would you who've lived in, around, with and through this intra-national (for lack of a better term) strife compare it to your perception of racism (white/black specie) in the U.S.?

From whatever point-of-view you like, but trying to address the boy-is-this-counterproductive-and-stupid-I-wish-they'd-get-beyond-it thing. :dabs:

09-17-2008, 09:51 PM
Here's a question from the gallery.

How would you who've lived in, around, with and through this intra-national (for lack of a better term) strife compare it to your perception of racism (white/black specie) in the U.S.?

From whatever point-of-view you like, but trying to address the boy-is-this-counterproductive-and-stupid-I-wish-they'd-get-beyond-it thing. :dabs:


almost entirely, the only diversion in (discernible) race I ever encountered in my youth was black British soldiers.

They were niggers upon niggers.

I'll stand by my words. And I hope that even the idiots defer the racism in that.

09-17-2008, 09:58 PM
I suppose I'll have to qualify that.

In the early 80's, there was little else to do, as a young black man or for that matter, Irish man. Both were suspect to varying extents.

John Lennon said that 'Woman is the nigger of the world'. He was probably more accurate. I was just variating ineptly on a theme.


09-17-2008, 10:38 PM

I think I meant more as an unhealthy and widespread preoccupation, negatively affecting your societal discourse.

Or is that what you meant. :huh:

09-18-2008, 07:27 PM
The Commitments (1991)

Jimmy Rabbitte: Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud.

Dean Fay: I'm black and I'm proud.


09-18-2008, 08:22 PM
You called me??

09-18-2008, 08:23 PM
Hi Dean

09-18-2008, 08:29 PM

09-18-2008, 08:43 PM

09-18-2008, 08:46 PM

09-19-2008, 02:27 AM
The story is that during the first world war the Republicans agreed to help the British. They were made certain promises that once the war was won they would be given things. At the end of the war the promises weren't kept. The British government reneged.

When the second World war started the British asked for help again and they were told to feck off. That's actually where "huns" comes from. The rangers fans originally called the Celtic fans huns, because of the help they provided the Germans (huns). "Go home ya huns" was actually aimed at the Irish Catholics. I have no idea how or when it was changed around.

This is all from stories i have heard, it may be pish. Anyone who wants to correct me is free to do so. Chavis, thoughts or ameliorations.

Thanks for that, JP. So...Chalice is there any merit to these stories. Did the Irish provide aid to the Krauts?


09-19-2008, 08:21 PM
Loads of Irishmen died during WWI. These men were not conscripted but enlisted in the British ranks either out of sense of injustice at the slaughter in Europe or for political expediency to quicken an Irish republic.

Somewhere in the region of a quarter of a million Irish fought in The Great War from both sectarian devides, often side by side against the Hun, both with different agendas towards a common enemy.

5500 Irishmen died on the first day of the Somme. Irish trade-unionists were encouraged to join the fight to gain glory and independence for Ireland at the inevitable re-shuflling of geography

Didn't work out that way. Irish republicans quite rightly decided that 'England's extremity was Ireland's opportunity', and so started a grand yet ill-fated uprising in Easter 1916.

Consequently, 15 of the uprisings figureheads were publically executed by the British. This kinda fucked up the front line Irish soldier from a morale point of view to the max.

Anyway, can't be arsed. Too wopped.

09-19-2008, 10:13 PM
Loads of Irishmen died during WWI. These men were not conscripted but enlisted in the British ranks either out of sense of injustice at the slaughter in Europe or for political expediency to quicken an Irish republic.

Somewhere in the region of a quarter of a million Irish fought in The Great War from both sectarian devides, often side by side against the Hun, both with different agendas towards a common enemy.

5500 Irishmen died on the first day of the Somme. Irish trade-unionists were encouraged to join the fight to gain glory and independence for Ireland at the inevitable re-shuflling of geography

Didn't work out that way. Irish republicans quite rightly decided that 'England's extremity was Ireland's opportunity', and so started a grand yet ill-fated uprising in Easter 1916.

Consequently, 15 of the uprisings figureheads were publically executed by the British. This kinda fucked up the front line Irish soldier from a morale point of view to the max.

Anyway, can't be arsed. Too wopped.

Indeed. It's the weekend and there's drinking to be done. Politics and booze are a shite combination, anyway.

Peace, bd :cheers: