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09-04-2003, 11:21 AM
Has this ever happened before?

What's goin' on with the dude?

09-04-2003, 11:22 AM
<_< To which dude to you refer?

09-04-2003, 11:23 AM
Is this :spam: or is that a serious question?

09-04-2003, 11:25 AM
Never spammed, and never goin&#39; to...

I saw *&#39;s sig nad was reffering to my ISP, my IP and my browser, and talking crap, like "I&#39;ve got much free time in my hands" and stuff...

The right thing to do...

09-04-2003, 11:27 AM
that just shows your own computers ip address, the owner of the sig never gets any of that information. The board (and thus the admin) knows your ip address, but then so does every website u visit. (ISP is determined from your IP address)

09-04-2003, 11:29 AM
Oh, I think I made it...

OK, sorry for the disturbance...

09-04-2003, 11:30 AM

09-04-2003, 11:31 AM

09-04-2003, 11:40 AM
Sounds like you are not using sygate pro firewall. If you were, and had it set to stealth, any site other than this one would only see your ISP proxy. This site see&#39;s it because you allow it when you log in and accept cookies.

09-04-2003, 11:55 AM
Yeah, balamm, thanks, I already started a dl of this firewall.

09-04-2003, 12:07 PM


Another one here (http://members.lycos.co.uk/xtrinity/golucky/golucky.php)

&nbsp;Header&#40;&#34;Content-type&#58; image/png&#34;&#41;;
&nbsp;&#036;img = ImageCreate&#40;115,55&#41;;
&nbsp;&#036;ip = &#036;_SERVER&#91;&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;&#93;;
&nbsp;&#036;alt = &#34;&#40;c&#41; ChromeX&#34;;
&nbsp;&#036;bgColor = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 0x2c,0x6D,0xAF&#41;; // blue
&nbsp;&#036;shadow = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 84,84,84&#41;; &nbsp; &nbsp;// gray
&nbsp;&#036;textColor = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 0,0,0&#41;; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; // black
&nbsp;&#036;white = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 255,255,255&#41;; &nbsp; &nbsp; //left upper corner
&nbsp;ImageRectangle&#40;&#036;img,0,0,115-1,55-1,&#036;shadow&#41;; &nbsp;//shadow effect
&nbsp;ImageTTFText&#40;&#036;img,10,0,5,20,&#036;shadow,&#34;times.ttf&#34;,&#34;&#036;ip&#092;n&#092;r&#036;alt&#34;&#41;; // text shadow effect
&nbsp;ImageTTFText&#40;&#036;img,10,0,4,19,&#036;textColor,&#34;times.ttf&#34;,&#34;&#036;ip&#092;n&#092;r&#036;alt&#34;&#41;; // text color


09-04-2003, 12:14 PM
Bot, if you compare my actual IP, which you and I can see, with what these images show, you can see that sygate is pretty effective. That proxy is way down/up stream from me.


Oh, and the ISP is also wrong. It should be shaw.ca

09-04-2003, 12:36 PM
Yeah, the bord knows your ip. Everytime you post, it got the ip, under your avatar, (you cant see it though).

09-04-2003, 12:37 PM
He was getting all scared over nothing.

09-04-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by [B][O][T]@4 September 2003 - 12:07

Header&#40;&#34;Content-type&#58; image/png&#34;&#41;;
&#036;img = ImageCreate&#40;115,55&#41;;
&#036;ip = &#036;_SERVER&#91;&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;&#93;;
&#036;alt = &#34;&#40;c&#41; ChromeX&#34;;
&#036;bgColor = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 0x2c,0x6D,0xAF&#41;; // blue
&#036;shadow = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 84,84,84&#41;; // gray
&#036;textColor = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 0,0,0&#41;; // black
&#036;white = ImageColorAllocate&#40;&#036;img, 255,255,255&#41;; //left upper corner
ImageRectangle&#40;&#036;img,0,0,115-1,55-1,&#036;shadow&#41;; //shadow effect
ImageTTFText&#40;&#036;img,10,0,5,20,&#036;shadow,&#34;times.ttf&#34;,&#34;&#036;ip&#092;n&#092;r&#036;alt&#34;&#41;; // text shadow effect
ImageTTFText&#40;&#036;img,10,0,4,19,&#036;textColor,&#34;times.ttf&#34;,&#34;&#036;ip&#092;n&#092;r&#036;alt&#34;&#41;; // text color

Clever, I&#39;ve never seen it put into an image before.. ;)

09-04-2003, 05:21 PM
You need GD on your server but yeah, Ive got a version working now :-)

I made my own functions for os browser etc etc etc

// Get the OS
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;WindowsNT1.0&#34;, &#34;Windows 95&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;Windows98&#34;, &#34;Windows 98 / ME&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;WindowsNT4.0&#34;, &#34;Windows 98 / ME&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;WindowsNT5.0&#34;, &#34;Windows 2000&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;WindowsNT5.1&#34;, &#34;Windows XP&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;WindowsNT5.2&#34;, &#34;Windows 2003&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;Linuxi686&#34;, &#34;Linux&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;OS&#34;, &#34;Linux&#34;, &#34;Linux&#34;&#41;;

// Get the browser...
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE2.1&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 2.1&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE3.0&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 3.0&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE4.0&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 4.0&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE5.0&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 5.0&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE5.01&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 5.01&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE5.5&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 5.5&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;MSIE6.0&#34;, &#34;Internet Explorer 6.0&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;U&#34;, &#34;Mozilla / Firebird&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;I&#34;, &#34;Mozilla&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;Opera&#34;, &#34;Opera&#34;&#41;;
ACWB_SECURITY&#40;&#34;BROWSER&#34;, &#34;Konqueror3.1&#34;, &#34;Konqueror 3.1&#34;&#41;;
Thats the current ones, if you have any more lemme know :-)

How do you get the little character on it though :-)

09-05-2003, 11:23 AM
lol vipersig step by step quide (http://www.devshed.com/Server_Side/PHP/ImageGeneration/page1.html)