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09-17-2008, 11:04 PM
anyone into mmorpg's?

I played wow for quite sometime, not for a year or two now, but I'm going to get back into mmo's with WAR as it's being called.

What server are you going to play and which faction are you playing?

09-20-2008, 11:43 AM
anyone into mmorpg's?

I played wow for quite sometime, not for a year or two now, but I'm going to get back into mmo's with WAR as it's being called.

What server are you going to play and which faction are you playing?

Have 2 characters and both are Order (elf and a dwarf).

This is actually the first MMO I've enjoyed since I got to lvl 60 in WoW and got fed up with it. Seems that I'm the only one that felt the game stopped @ lvl 60 :P

Only thing I don't like (yet) is the instances. They are fun but I have yet so see the Order win any of them.

09-21-2008, 02:26 PM
I have two characters as well on the order side, elf Swordmaster and empire Bright Wizard.

Playing over on the Wasteland server.

The PvP(rvr)is pretty onesided at times, seems like most people on most of the servers opted for the destruction side for their first go around.

This game reminds me of WoW, but in year 3. What I mean by that; Warhammer has all the things I loved about WoW and the things I wished it had.

So far I haven't seen any bugs or too many glitches. I have seen people on top of houses, but I just haven't figured out how to get up there. :whistling:

09-24-2008, 05:13 PM
The last four days have been very good.

More Order ppl are getting organized for "raids" etc.
I've even been on a winning team several times :D

There are one bug that is a big issue on my White Lion char. That is the out of range crap. It often gets me killed because I don't really know where the enemy is. Both the mob and my lion are at different places sometimes.

More FST people into this game or is it just JunkBarMan and me? :P

mr. nails
09-25-2008, 11:27 AM
Seems that I'm the only one that felt the game stopped @ lvl 60...

i'm guessing u are. WoW starts [to get a lot better] @ lvl 60. i can't imagine why u'd stop there...

as for this game i'm passing it up. i've already bought my copy of WotLK.

09-25-2008, 09:02 PM
Seriously, everyday i play this game i like it more and more.

Just switched over to a RVR server(wolfenburg or something) with a few friends of mine.

I play the bright wizard and it seems like ever level i gain, it just doubles my damage.

09-30-2008, 10:58 PM
RVR is really good in Warhammer imho

mr. nails
10-02-2008, 04:56 AM
RVR is really good in Warhammer imho

doubt it's really good atm. the servers need to get populated first.

i did end up buying this game, but then i just returned it. never even opened the package. WotLK has my dollar.

10-02-2008, 06:26 AM
RVR is really good in Warhammer imho

doubt it's really good atm. the servers need to get populated first.

i did end up buying this game, but then i just returned it. never even opened the package. WotLK has my dollar.

It's populated enough for me. Some of the EU servers have even been cloned.

There was a battle yesterday with at least 200 people on one of the server I'm playing on and there are always something happening.

I never have to wait more than 1 minute or so to get into a scenario either. It's good EXP in there :D

Maybe you should open the package and try the game next time :P

10-03-2008, 08:54 PM
RVR is really good in Warhammer imho

doubt it's really good atm. the servers need to get populated first.

Where do you get your data, sir?

I find my server populated just fine.