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View Full Version : android and t mobile g1s five most obnoxious flaws

09-25-2008, 11:21 AM
While I was more impressed by the T-Mobile G1 than I thought I'd be, the list of catches for Android and the phone are quickly piling up—some that might very well be dealbreakers. Topping the list, it's tightly integrated with your Google account—so tightly that you can only use one Google account with the phone. If you want to switch to another account, you have to do a whole factory reset. Update: T-Mobile has patched up some of them—the 1GB cap is gone, and they'll unlock the phone for you after 90 days.

source --
Android and T-Mobile G1's Five Most Obnoxious Flaws (http://gizmodo.com/5053747/android-and-t+mobile-g1s-five-most-obnoxious-flaws)

Y is it that all of these mobile OS developers do a half ass job and leave the rest for the independent developers

09-25-2008, 11:24 AM
This looks old and clunky to me. :ermm:


09-25-2008, 11:33 AM
^ exactly ..Y dont these companies get the fact that 90% of the ppl but the phone just for its looks/design ..they dont care abt the OS or advanced features like temperature sensing etc ..
If ppl wud actually buy a phone after researching then every1 wud buy a Blackberry

09-25-2008, 11:36 AM
Why would I buy a blackberry when my iPhone has many more features, is simpler to use, performs hundreds (thousands?) more tasks, and yielding a far superior screen?

09-25-2008, 11:41 AM
Skizo iphone has a known problem atleast in my country of having a very low signal strength .. I have a iphone and the only problem is the signal strength i recieve as compared to nokia .. Also if u have kinda big fingers typing a email on it wud be cumbersome as i have experienced .. No doubt its a great phone in the general category but it leaves a lot to be desired from the business users pov ..

09-25-2008, 12:05 PM
Yes G1,neither exciting nor open ... but Google is in the game, we may have to see a G4 ;)

09-25-2008, 09:39 PM
Skizo iphone has a known problem atleast in my country of having a very low signal strength .. I have a iphone and the only problem is the signal strength i recieve as compared to nokia .. Also if u have kinda big fingers typing a email on it wud be cumbersome as i have experienced .. No doubt its a great phone in the general category but it leaves a lot to be desired from the business users pov ..

I won't ever argue with someone's opinion, but I'll tell you of my my experience.

I get great reception on my iPhone as do others I speak to. I also had a "Curve" and hated it. Maneuvering around the numbers was like performing brain surgery. It made my eyes hurt and they were tough to see, not only b/c of their size, but also in how they are labeled. I highly prefer my iPhone to that.

The iPhone has also come a long way with regard to emails and office use. There are now apps like "AirSharing" which allow you to use your iPhone as a USB drive to load and transport files. It is compatible with OS X, Windows, Linux, and all browsers. It supports iWork, MS Office (Word, Excel, PP) PDF, and literally just about any file you could imagine.

09-26-2008, 04:41 AM
Skizo iphone has a known problem atleast in my country of having a very low signal strength .. I have a iphone and the only problem is the signal strength i recieve as compared to nokia .. Also if u have kinda big fingers typing a email on it wud be cumbersome as i have experienced .. No doubt its a great phone in the general category but it leaves a lot to be desired from the business users pov ..

I won't ever argue with someone's opinion, but I'll tell you of my my experience.

I get great reception on my iPhone as do others I speak to. I also had a "Curve" and hated it. Maneuvering around the numbers was like performing brain surgery. It made my eyes hurt and they were tough to see, not only b/c of their size, but also in how they are labeled. I highly prefer my iPhone to that.

The iPhone has also come a long way with regard to emails and office use. There are now apps like "AirSharing" which allow you to use your iPhone as a USB drive to load and transport files. It is compatible with OS X, Windows, Linux, and all browsers. It supports iWork, MS Office (Word, Excel, PP) PDF, and literally just about any file you could imagine.
Granted .. but for me the signal reception problem is still there .. Also in india u r getting a iphone 32k INR = 630 $ which is way to expensive :( ..
(I have the hacked one which i got for 400$ from US though)