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View Full Version : Zebras VS Spastics

10-03-2008, 11:33 PM
I reckon the spastics would win if they leapt from trees.

10-04-2008, 03:23 AM
Do I consider this thread to be a failure?

Well, yes.


10-04-2008, 09:17 AM
Do I consider this thread to be a failure?

Well, yes.


Considering that you're the genius who brought us The Anagram Thread...


Do I really give a fuck about what passes for your opinion?

Well, no. No I don't.


10-04-2008, 10:26 AM
Just keep telling yourself that.

A shite thread is one which nobody gives two fucks about except to harsh.

10-04-2008, 10:27 AM
You couldn't harsh your way out of a nursery school, twat.

10-04-2008, 10:31 AM
man, ive worked all day today and can't be assed harshing you in any shape or form but will leave this thread after saying this "it's not nice to diss people's threads in the lounge see how you like it":snooty:

10-04-2008, 10:37 AM
I love it, you fucking imbecile, it's my fucking hobby.

In your case, the zebras would have the upper hoof and no mistake.

10-04-2008, 10:42 AM
you was a bit harsh on him there mr chalice

10-04-2008, 10:44 AM
Thanks Bazz. :happy:

10-04-2008, 10:46 AM
no problem anytime :)

10-04-2008, 12:46 PM
"it's not nice to diss people's threads in the lounge see how you like it":snooty:

Are you actually upset about your thread being harshed? "A thick skin is a gift from God, lad"

Shape up, man...winter's coming, ffs.


10-04-2008, 01:38 PM
If the Zebras had ladders and could get into the trees it would even things up a bit.

Just saying like...

10-04-2008, 01:39 PM

10-04-2008, 05:09 PM
The elephant would sit on both of them.

10-04-2008, 11:47 PM
"it's not nice to diss people's threads in the lounge see how you like it":snooty:

Are you actually upset about your thread being harshed? "A thick skin is a gift from God, lad"

Shape up, man...winter's coming, ffs.


nope i wasn't upset :happy: i just wanted to troll and get the expected reaction from chalice ;)

10-04-2008, 11:49 PM
Are you actually upset about your thread being harshed? "A thick skin is a gift from God, lad"

Shape up, man...winter's coming, ffs.


nope i wasn't upset :happy: i just wanted to troll and get the expected reaction from chalice ;)

So you're a masochist as well as a spastic then?

Fair enough.

10-04-2008, 11:51 PM
nope for both, i'd have to be a spastic if i took criticism to heart on the internetzzzz.


10-04-2008, 11:56 PM
Yellow-bellied, chickenshit, inarticulate ballbag.



10-05-2008, 12:49 AM
nope for both, i'd have to be a spastic if i took criticism to heart on the internetzzzz.


If you do encounter a Grizzly bear, do not panic and DO NOT run. Running usually results in an attack. Also, do not shout or wave your arms. Instead, stand still and avoid looking it in the eyes. You might also want to talk softly to it. This will help the bear identify what you are and that you are not a threat. If you are carrying pepper spray then now is the time to take it out and get ready to use it. If you see it is going to attack or gets aggressive, you should make a lot of noise--make yourself "big", because that is how a bear tells another bear to leave him alone. Then--and ONLY---if the bear attacks, do you curl up in a ball.

The above scenario is assuming that the Grizzly Bear is attacking in defense. This is usually the case, but in rare instances a Grizzly will initiate a predatory attack. A “predatory” attack is when the bear’s intention is to kill and not defend. This will usually come out of the blue – while you're sleeping in your tent for example. The only way to deal with this type of attack is to fight with anything you have. You need to convince the bear to give up on you and look for easier prey. If the Grizzly attacks someone else, then try to distract the bear from the victim or attack it with any available weapon.

Play close attention to the second scenario. It's too late to curl up in a ball.

Good luck.


10-05-2008, 01:25 AM
You know what, BD, the irony is that this stupid thread probably would've failed on it's own without the input of that fucking spastic.

Now it's a success and it's all down to him failing to be clever and having some semblance of reproductive organs.

Spastic backfire ftw. :happy:

10-05-2008, 01:59 AM
You know what, BD, the irony is that this stupid thread probably would've failed on it's own without the input of that fucking spastic.

Now it's a success and it's all down to him failing to be clever and having some semblance of reproductive organs.

Spastic backfire ftw. :happy:

i found it funny that my half assed trolling has resulted in such detailed posts on your part. Thread is still a failure and i point back to the

A shite thread is one which nobody gives two fucks about except to harsh."

By trying to harsh me you just fulfilled the shite thread .


10-05-2008, 02:17 AM
You can't troll. You can't harsh. You have no balls.

You can't even post coherent English.

This thread will now be epic and every time you post in the lounge I will laugh my fucking bollocks off while pwning you all over the place.

You're now the lounge joke and I fucking love it. :happy:

10-05-2008, 02:27 AM
And I'm quite aware that this thread was originally shite.

It was designed to bait spastics like yourself.

So on that level, it's a resounding win.

10-05-2008, 02:43 AM
You can't troll. You can't harsh. You have no balls.

You can't even post coherent English.

This thread will now be epic and every time you post in the lounge I will laugh my fucking bollocks off while pwning you all over the place.

You're now the lounge joke and I fucking love it. :happy:

okay you do that :dabs:. I still fail to see how it was a resounding win when I've had to do very little to get a massive reaction from you.

My intention all along was to troll you into harshing me. It first turned from you not giving a fuck about my opinion, to you then justifying this thread by stating that you were trying to bait spastics into posting in this thread and knowing all along this thread was shite.

All I had to do was a quick copy paste job of some earlier comments you provided and wait for the predictable reaction which soon followed.

We have to agree to disagree who got pwned :dabs:

In other news, my post counts been going up :happy:

10-05-2008, 08:22 AM
Nope. Here's what actually happened.

You got all emo because I pointed out your thread was shite. Which it was.

You couldn't think of anything clever to say so you c&p'd my post.

You then proceeded to provide me with a night's enterntainment (and many more to come, I suspect).

Dry your eyes, little girl.

As to post count, who gives a fuck? You might make it to 400 by Christmas if you don't die of stupidity first.

As to your opinion, I'm still having serious difficulty giving a fuck about it.

Anyway, busy day today. Pwn you more tomorrow. :happy:

10-05-2008, 08:38 AM
Nope. Here's what actually happened.

You got all emo because I pointed out your thread was shite. Which it was.

You couldn't think of anything clever to say so you c&p'd my post.

You then proceeded to provide me with a night's enterntainment (and many more to come, I suspect).

Dry your eyes, little girl.

As to post count, who gives a fuck? You might make it to 400 by Christmas if you don't die of stupidity first.

As to your opinion, I'm still having serious difficulty giving a fuck about it.

Anyway, busy day today. Pwn you more tomorrow. :happy:

You think I went emo by having a joke whinge that you were dissing my thread and subsequently C/P your earlier comments into this shite thread?

Unfortunately its hard to convey sarcasm and do a troll these days on the interwebzzz :pinch: without someone thinking I've gone emo on them.

So going emo unfortunately I didn't but if you keep going with this I may have to :emo: and go through the whole transformation starting with dying my hair black.

I also found your reactions mildly entertaining especially the tone shift from "I don't give a fuck about your opinion" to "I created this thread deliberately to sniff out the spastics". Agree to disagree but I didn't have to try very hard to get a reaction and you provided me with lots of entertainment. I'm beginning to like you

Peace out amigo

10-05-2008, 09:43 PM
I'm still not entirely convinced by the trees thing.