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View Full Version : Noob Or Mod?

09-06-2003, 02:49 AM
Rather than move the original thread here, I thought a link here might be better. Please leave your replies in this thread.

And No, I don't know who he's reffering to, nor do I really care as long as no-one else is complaining.

Moderators So Vulgar And Rude, Why? (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/index.php?showtopic=64488&st=0&#entry472990)

Originally posted by nukemdomis Posted on 6 September 2003 - 03:19
IWhen I started on this forum my first post was in all caps and I got chewed out very harshly by a 5000+ moderator.  It was my first post though!

As I continue to learn on this forum, over and over again I see moderators just going to town on "noobs" for the smallest reasons.

For example a forum user on his 2nd post asked about the PC game Halo and the only thing replied was by the moderators pointing out how stupid he was and how he should have researched his post before hand.

I just want to know why are they so mean? Please understand moderators that not all of us have the time to spend all day on the PC.  I mean come on, instead of answering and helping this dude with his question(His second post ever!!) he was just made to feel like an idiot.

If noobs makes you guys so upset, why don't you have a manual that you have to download and read before posting in the forum?

I'm not talkin about the one that is a post, i mean a "have to version" before they are allowed to post?

09-06-2003, 02:52 AM
ok i think 99.9% of the time its because they ask a question that is in the faq and wonder why they are called n00bs, some times they even say things like "oh do i have to read all that?? can't you just tell me??" wtf

09-06-2003, 03:01 AM
I think noobs need to demonstrate a little patience and learn the forum before jumping in. I know we all want everything for free, and we want it now.

I came from another forum which was set up differently and I started out complaining about this and that.

Somebody told me to learn the system before speaking out.

Well, once I made the initial effort, I figured out that the complaints I had were things I could fix on my own.

Yes, we all get a little short when 100s of people ask the same question simply because they don't care to put forth any effort. This site does not come with a pacifer. Then again, we should not be hostile toward noobs, just tell them to do a little homework.

When I was reprimanded, it taught me to think first and post second.

Edit: It was Nobody1234 and The Great Dude who tag teamed my lazy ass. So technically, Nobody told me to learn the system.

09-06-2003, 03:05 AM
I reviewed his posts briefly, and the only thing I could find was a mod kindly telling him that typing all in caps could be considered rude on a forum. So I'm at a loss as to what he was talking about.

09-06-2003, 03:08 AM
im not lost...i can easily see he is talking out of his ass :)

lady godiva
09-06-2003, 03:12 AM
guess you could call me a noob seeing as im a noob to the net and pcs in general (only had a pc for 6 months) but so far i have manged to teach myself how to fit all hardware myself load any programmes myself how to burn cds including bin and cue files but simply because i try to find the solutions myself, i guess its a pride thing with me tho the fact that i have manged to acheife something with no help apart from that which i look for myself. :)

09-06-2003, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by lady godiva@6 September 2003 - 13:12
guess you could call me a noob seeing as im a noob to the net and pcs in general (only had a pc for 6 months) but so far i have manged to teach myself how to fit all hardware myself load any programmes myself how to burn cds including bin and cue files but simply because i try to find the solutions myself, i guess its a pride thing with me tho the fact that i have manged to acheife something with no help apart from that which i look for myself. :)
well done :)

it would of took me longer than 6 months to figure that stuff out if i just brought a puter...

but yeah im just a music geek...so im not that pc literate...

and well yeah bin and cue files are just well yeah...me hates them *to much effort* :lol:

09-06-2003, 03:15 AM
hell, I don't see where any Mod was rude with this guy, guess I could be the first :P

lady godiva
09-06-2003, 03:19 AM
i didnt buy a pc i was given a crappy 486 which was no use nor ornament to me so i got a 133 then a 266 now have a amd athlon 600mhz which only cost 50 quid cos i had to fit all my hardware in so i got a bargain now planning on going to college to do a comp engineering course or pc techs course cos i looooooooooove comps, finally found something im fairly good at :D

09-06-2003, 03:24 AM
im good at music...cept the market is flooded with talentless twats

oh well theres always prostitution :)

09-06-2003, 03:26 AM
I am truly frightened now!!!!

lady godiva
09-06-2003, 03:26 AM
no ta rather not try the prostitution never paid for it in my life and dont intend to start now :lol: :lol: :lol:

09-06-2003, 04:11 AM
caps is known as shouting init. thts y they told u off

09-06-2003, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by lady godiva@5 September 2003 - 23:12
guess you could call me a noob seeing as im a noob to the net and pcs in general (only had a pc for 6 months) but so far i have manged to teach myself how to fit all hardware myself load any programmes myself how to burn cds including bin and cue files but simply because i try to find the solutions myself, i guess its a pride thing with me tho the fact that i have manged to acheife something with no help apart from that which i look for myself. :)
i got mine 7 month ago, whats up boddy

09-06-2003, 08:14 AM
I do it ALL the TIME. But I am DEAF! :lol:

09-06-2003, 09:33 AM
Given what El-Jefe said this is quite obviously just a trouble maker.

Who's the 5000+ Mod btw