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Evil Gemini
09-06-2003, 03:02 AM
September 1990, Australia  |  Men seem to have an affinity for large trucks. What else can explain the actions of a 34-year-old thief who decided to take possession of the engine of an old Bedford tip-truck?

The truck was parked outside a glass recycling company in Alexandria. It generally takes three men to lift an engine block of this size, but our enterprising pilferer decided that the best way to remove the engine was from below, rather than the conventional out-the-top-with-a-crane technique.

He crawled under the cab and began to loosen the bolts.

Suddenly the engine block broke loose and landed on his face, killing him instantly. Police ascertained that he had at least one accomplice, judging by the pool of vomit found under a nearby bush.

An employee discovered his body early the next morning. The manager said that the truck was about to be scrapped. "If he had come and asked me for it, I would have given it to him."

found here http://www.darwinawards.com/

God damnit man!!

Hey how long do you think his head would have lasted the preasure ??

Do you think it would have fallen and crushed his head very quikly or it would have landed on his head and like slowly crushed his head ?? shit i hope it was quik because imagine the pain if it was slow :o

09-06-2003, 03:09 AM

3rd gen noob
09-06-2003, 03:12 AM
the guy must have been a motor mouth or an engine-ear

boom, boom

i'll get my coat :(

09-06-2003, 03:14 AM
600 - 800 pounds dropping about 2 feet.... it's exponential but I don't have the formula handy. No, he didn't blink twice.

lady godiva
09-06-2003, 03:14 AM
*passes 3rd his coat* dont give up the day job hun :lol: