View Full Version : Can i hire someone to fix utorrent + webui?

10-13-2008, 02:47 PM
I have everything runs fine for my seedbox following NAQ guide, then I have someone installed webmin/apache/mySQL for me cause I need to set up my website, then suddenly everything went wrong.

Utorrent no longer run, wine cannot be used, and vnc stop working. I've been trying to look for help, but guess none works.

If anyone have experience in this, can I hire you to fix this, please PM me for price you're asking.


[Vanquiz@ks200745 ~]$ wine utorrent.exe
err:iphlpapi:getNumWithOneHeader Unable to open '/proc/net/route' to count entries!
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable unimplemented!
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 0 0x46ee6c 4
err:iphlpapi:getNumWithOneHeader Unable to open '/proc/net/route' to count entries!
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable unimplemented!
Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
err:ole:apartment_createwindowifneeded CreateWindow failed with error 2
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {304ce942-6e39-40d8-943a-b913c40c9cd4} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {304ce942-6e39-40d8-943a-b913c40c9cd4} could be created for context 0x1
wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\netsh.exe": Module not found
[Vanquiz@ks200745 ~]$ Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
err:ole:apartment_createwindowifneeded CreateWindow failed with error 1114
Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
err:ole:apartment_createwindowifneeded CreateWindow failed with error 1114
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub

[Vanquiz@ks200745 ~]$ nano .vnc/xstartup
[Vanquiz@ks200745 ~]$ vncserver :1

Warning: ks200745.kimsufi.com:1 is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
Remove this file if there is no X server ks200745.kimsufi.com:1
A VNC server is already running as :1
[Vanquiz@ks200745 ~]$

10-13-2008, 04:51 PM
i can help u for but it seems i cant PM u

10-13-2008, 05:17 PM
Hmm, seems like my PM system havent been activated yet.

Please email me at vanquiz at gmail dot com

Thank you

If anyone else also wants to give your offer to help me, please email me at email above. I'd really appreciate it.


Thank you Fibre for helping me to fix my server, you're really my savior, I thank you so much :)

10-14-2008, 02:11 AM
Solved :)

If anyone else needs help with Linux, just send me a PM.